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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                C.L. BRUMBACK PRIMARY CARE CLINICS,                                     UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT, HEALTH CARE
           HEALTH CARE DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY                                         DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY

        Maria Chamberlin, RN, BSN                                                 Eileen Perry, RN

          As a Nurse Manager at the C. L. Brumback Primary                          Eileen Perry, RN, is Director of Utilization
        Care Clinics, Maria Chamberlin, RN, BSN, supervises                       Management at the Health Care District of Palm Beach
        clinic staff, provides staff training and education, and                  County where she has dedicated the past nine years to
        ensures patients receive high-quality care. After four                    providing quality care to the county’s underserved. In
        years of working as a nurse at the University of Miami                    her role, she provides leadership in the specialty areas of
        Hospital, Maria joined the Health Care District as a                      utilization review, case management, and Healthcare
        nurse in 2014. She was promoted to Senior Clinical                        Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) quality
        Nurse three years later with the additional responsibility                review. With over 20 years of experience as an RN,
        of training the clinical team. Maria graduated with a                     Eileen is certified in medical coding and auditing and
        degree in nursing and a BSN from the University of                        has practiced in the areas of Case Management, Practice
        Miami. She is a Mexican immigrant who sought medical                      Operations, ICU, OR, and PACU. She is a member of the
        care at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) sim-                   National Association for Healthcare Quality and the National Health Care for the
        ilar to the Brumback Clinics shortly after moving to the U.S. Maria feels strongly   Homeless Coalition. Eileen serves as a volunteer member of the Palm Beach County
        about the Health Care District’s safety net mission and the patients she serves.    HIV Care Council Advisory Board.

        Calalisa Olivier, LPN                                                     Samantha Nedd, RN, BSN

          Calalisa Olivier, LPN, has worked as a MAT                                Samantha Nedd, RN, BSN, has been the Care
        (Medication Assisted Treatment) Nurse at the C. L.                        Coordinator with the Utilization Management
        Brumback Primary Care Clinic in Lantana since 2017                        Department of the Health Care District of Palm Beach
        when the MAT pilot program was launched. The main-                        County for one year. She joined the Health Care District
        tenance therapy program for patients with substance                       in 2015 as a Nurse Reviewer where she reviewed author-
        abuse disorders combines the administration of FDA-                       izations and inpatient stays. In her current role,
        approved medication along with behavioral health serv-                    Samantha trains new nurses in the department and
        ices, peer counseling and other social support services                   reviews Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information
        to help restore patients’ overall health and lives. Calalisa              Set (HEDIS) measures for the C. L. Brumback Primary
        is currently pursuing her RN degree at Palm Beach State                   Care Clinics to help patients receive high-quality med-
        College while working full-time and has worked in the                     ical and dental care. She received her BSN in nursing
        field of substance use disorder treatment for the past                    from the City University of New York Lehman College
        decade. She has a passion for the behavioral health field and thrives on helping   and has over 28 years of nursing experience in the ER,
        patients with mental health or addiction issues.                          home health, psychiatry and pediatrics. Samantha is committed to her profession of
                                                                                  delivering quality, compassionate care and to her work family at the Health Care
               LAKESIDE MEDICAL CENTER, HEALTH CARE                                             SCHOOL NURSES, HEALTH CARE
                                                                                              DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY

        Claudia Fuentes, RN                                                       Donna Williams, RN, BSN

          Claudia Fuentes, RN, has been an ER Nurse at
        Lakeside Medical Center since 2012. Claudia immigrat-                       Donna Williams, RN, BSN, has been a registered nurse
        ed from Mexico when she was 12 years old and was                          for the School Health Program at the Health Care
        guided to nursing by a personal experience. Her second                    District of Palm Beach County since 1999. She has over
        son was born prematurely and died a week after birth.                     20 years of experience in the nursing field in areas such
        This opened her eyes to the medical field and the nurs-                   as pediatrics, med-surgical medicine and geriatrics and
        ing profession. Claudia received her nursing degree from                  has also worked with individuals with catastrophic
        Keiser University in Fort Lauderdale and her bachelor’s                   injuries, long-term care, rehab and hospice care. Donna
        degree from Chamberlain University in Illinois. After                     obtained her Associates Degree in Nursing from
        two years on the surgical floors at the former Columbia                   Concordia College/Mount Vernon School of Nursing in
        Hospital in West Palm Beach, she was recruited as an ER                   New York and her BSN from Florida Atlantic University.
        Nurse at Lakeside Medical Center. For the past seven                      In 2009, she also expanded her entrepreneurial endeav-
        years, Claudia has loved being a part of the ER team. For Claudia, nursing is her call-  ors and helped open her family’s first Assisted Living Home. Previously, Donna
        ing and being an ER nurse is a privilege. Claudia is passionate about nursing and   worked as a nurse/house supervisor for the Health Care District’s skilled nursing
        being a mother to her son and daughter.                                   facility, the Edward J. Healey Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, and at the former
                                                                                  Columbia Hospital on the Medical Surgical floor. She enjoys living life to the fullest
                                                                                  with her three children.
        Georgia Burke, RN, RRT, BSN
                                                                                  Oramari McCarthy, RN, BSN
          Georgia Burke, RN, RRT, BSN, earned her degree in
        nursing from Excelsior College in New York and her
        BSN from South University in Georgia, where she grad-                       Oramari McCarthy, RN, BSN, received her nursing
        uated with the prestigious honor of Summa Cum Laude.                      degree from Broward Community College and her BSN
        Georgia’s passion for health care has afforded her the                    from Florida Atlantic University. In 1994, Oramari began
        privilege of working in various hospital specialties                      her nursing career with Boca Raton Community Hospital
        including ICU, CVICU, PCU, PACU, ER and dialysis at                       in their School Nurse Pilot Program at Boca Raton
        Davita Broward Health North Unit, Fresenius West Palm                     Community High School. In 2008, she joined the Health
        Beach and Westside Regional Hospital. Since 2015,                         Care District of Palm Beach County as a school nurse,
        Georgia has been working in the dialysis unit at                          remaining at the same high school in Boca Raton.
        Lakeside Medical Center where she educates patients on                    Oramari is motivated by her commitment to the good
        how to improve their quality of life and manage their                     health and well-being of her students. She provides edu-
        medical needs. Outside of work, she likes to volunteer at her daughter’s elementary   cation on a daily basis and feels it is necessary for high
        school. Her heart for service is guided by her strong religious principles and faith.  school students to be informed about the importance of
                                                                                  living a healthy lifestyle, learning to be independent and taking charge of their health

         16                        April 2016                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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