Page 30 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                           FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY                                                        COLOWELL AMERICA

                                                                                                Dr. Johanna Alvarez Ortiz
        Charlotte D. Barry, PhD
                                                                                                  When you visit ColoWell America in
          Dr. Charlotte Barry, professor, has made sustained and outstanding                    Tampa, FL you are greeted by a profes-
        contributions to nursing as a result of her expertise in community                      sional and experienced team. ColoWell
        nursing practice, education and research. She has been on the leading                   America proudly introduces Dr.
        edge of developing community-based programs that focus on over-                         Johanna Alvarez Ortiz: a distinguished
        coming barriers in the delivery of quality care to children and families                bilingual medical graduate from
        in the U.S. and globally. In Haiti, Dr. Barry is collaborating with other               Venezuela, who is currently studying
        scholars in developing community-based, culturally sensitive mental                     for her USMLE board exams.
        health services; in Thailand, she is participating in the development of                  She is the Nurse and Office Manager
        multidisciplinary participation programs for caring for patients with                   for this specialty colorectal and med-
        diabetes mellitus; and in Uganda, she is helping promote policies that                  ical marijuana practice. While handling
        focus on preventing the transmission of the ebola virus to nurses. The                  her roles, she has helped the clinic
        positive outcomes of Dr. Barry’s community-based scholarship are                        grow from the ground up, bringing
        transforming nursing practice through curricula change, community immersion and policy devel-  sunshine to all of its patients with her
        opment.                                                                                 uplifting and smiling personality. Contact Dr. Johanna for ques-
                                                                                                tions and appointments at ColoWell America - where hemorrhoid
                                                                                                treatment, anorectal and colorectal surgical procedures, as well as
        Susan Bulfin, DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC                                                         routine colonoscopies and endoscopies are performed.
                                                                                                  Dr. Johanna also helps with medical marijuana recommendation
          Dr. Susan Bulfin has been a Family Nurse Practitioner for over 37                     inquiries and certification. ColoWell America patients love coming
        years with recent positions as Director of the DNP Programs at Florida                  to see Dr. Johanna. She makes compassionate care simple and
        Atlantic University and Mercer University. She actively explores com-                   accessible.
        pelling issues around nurse practitioner education and has worked
        with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and National
        Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties in planning programs to
        promote excellence in didactic and clinical education. She attended
        the National Human Genome Research Institute Genomics Short
        Course and served as a guest lecturer on genomics for nurse practi-
        tioners in Georgia. Through her work with the CDC and the Institute
        for Health Care Improvement, she has advanced improvement science
        as a guiding framework for nurse practitioners to enhance health outcomes. Her currently HRSA
        funded programs are aimed at preparing nurse practitioners for employment in underserved set-

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              No ma    t t  er y o u r r e ilor  n h e  h t l a  c  e r a  , y ou i  p a a c c                                t
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                  CE L LE B BR A AT I IN
                  N ati o o i  n a l Nur  e  k  - M a y  6 -121
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                      Celebrating M    h   80 Years of
                                 M eeoor Than

         30                       May 2019                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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