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                 St. Mary’s Medical Center Hospital

                  Administrator Honored by City                                 Kendall Regional Medical Center Committed
                 of West Palm Beach for Donation                                         to Improving Patient Care Areas

                           of Pet Oxygen Masks
                                                                               Kendall Regional Medical Center is increasing care capabilities with a $120 million
             St. Mary’s Medical Center Administrator Don Chester and his wife Sally   investment in the community. This will include a new Trauma/ICU floor, Women and
            were recently honored by the City of West Palm Beach with the Life Saver   Children’s floor, two-story addition with 77 private rooms and a new parking garage.
            Award for their donation of 10 pet oxygen masks to West Palm Fire   The hospital had previously announced its expansion project, but has now broken
            Rescue. The masks are used to save pets that suffer smoke inhalation dur-  ground on its nine-story parking garage. The garage is expected to offer hospital
            ing a fire. The Chester’s are the proud owners themselves of four dogs.   patients, visitors and staff 765 additional parking spaces.
             Pictured (l-r) West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James, Diana Matty, West   Kendall Regional Medical Center’s parking garage and two-floor expansion is expect-
            Palm Fire Rescue, Sally Chester, Don Chester, Associate Administrator St.   ed to be completed in April 2020. The hospital is also expected to open a Medical Office
            Mary’s Medical Center                                            Building in Doral to accompany its Doral Emergency Room in 2021.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               August 2019                         29
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