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What’s New... What’s New...What’s New...

               South Florida Institute on Aging and Intuition                           University of Miami Scientific Co-Chairs Host

           Robotics to Introduce Digital Companion, Elliq®,                         16th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children

                    Into Local Homes Of Older Adults                               Cochlear implants are changing the lives of chil-
                                                                                  dren like Kennedy Patlan. Born in Dallas and raised
          The South Florida Institute on Aging                                    in Miami, Patlan received a cochlear implant more
        (SoFIA) has announced it is seeking local                                 than 20 years ago, and became the first deaf student
        seniors as volunteers to pair with a proac-                               to receive a Posse scholarship to attend Syracuse
        tive social companion robot for older                                     University.  “I can’t thank the clinicians and
        adults, called ElliQ®.                                                    researchers enough,” said Patlan, who is now work-
          At its recent Aging in South Florida                                    ing in social cause advertising in Washington, DC.
        Symposium, SoFIA announced it is part-                                    “Together, we are making great progress, one sound
        nering with ElliQ® creator Intuition                                      at a time.”
        Robotics, a provider of digital companion                                  Patlan received a rousing ovation from more than
        technologies backed by investors includ-                                  1,200 attendees at the 16th Symposium on Cochlear
        ing Toyota Research Institute, AI                                         Implants in Children – Treating the Whole Child,
        Ventures, Samsung NEXT, and iRobot.                                       held July 10-13 at the Diplomat Beach Resort in
        This initiative extends the roll-out of                                   Hollywood, Florida. Two University of Miami Miller   Dr. Fred Telischi
        Intuition Robotics’ Insiders Program, sourcing volunteers to pilot ElliQ® amongst its   School of Medicine leaders served as scientific co-
        target audience.                                                          chairs for the conference, which was organized by the American Cochlear Implant
          ElliQ® encourages a connected, active and engaged lifestyle for older adults while   (ACI) Alliance and supported by the UHealth Ear Institute and other academic and
        making technology accessible and intuitive to use. Providing a friendly, intelligent and   private sector organizations.
        inquisitive presence, ElliQ supports users with tips and advice, responds to questions,   “Cochlear implants are opening doors by restoring hearing in patients like Kennedy
        surprises with suggestions, and becomes a solid companion through this stage of life.   Patlan,” said co-chair Fred Telischi, M.D., chair of otolaryngology, professor of oto-
          “Researchers have found that loneliness can be as damaging to your health as smok-  laryngology, neurological surgery, and biomedical engineering, and the James R.
        ing 15 cigarettes per day,” said Peter Kaldes, President and CEO of the South Florida   Chandler Chair in Otolaryngology. “But we have to reach them early in life – ideally
        Institute on Aging. “ElliQ® has the potential to make a real difference in maintaining   before the age of one.”
        the physical and mental health of older adults who are living alone. South Florida is   Referring to the conference’s Spanish and Chinese language tracks, Dr. Telischi
        a preview of the country’s aging demographics and we are excited to work with   added that more cochlear implant patients will be growing up in multilingual fami-
        Intuition Robotics to facilitate this focus group.”                       lies. “The evidence clearly supports maintaining two languages for children with hear-
          Seniors participating in the Insiders Program will have the opportunity to engage   ing loss,” he said.
        with ElliQ®, enabling such factors as installation, feature performance, and customer   Co-chair Ivette Cejas, Ph.D., associate professor of otolaryngology and psychology,
        support to be assessed in real-life setting.                              and director of Family Support Services at the UHealth Children’s Hearing Program,
          Candidates for the program will be older adults who are tech-forward in their out-  emphasized the multidisciplinary aspects of the conference. “We need to look beyond
        look, live alone and who are healthy but socially isolated. Those who wish to partic-  the technology and consider the importance of speech therapy, psychological support,
        ipate in the Insider’s Program should contact SoFIA at (954) 484-7117 or info@the-  education and family engagement,” she said.  “I encourage every attendee to push for more information.                                           beyond your comfort zone and take advantage of the cross-training opportunities at
                                                                                  this symposium.”

            Boca Raton Regional Hospital and Baptist Health                         Treasure Coast Opioid Taskforce Marks August 15
                    South Florida Announce Partnership                                           As Overdose Awareness Day

          Baptist Health South Florida announced the completion of its partnership with               BY DEBORAH DREHER, RN, DNP
        Boca Raton Regional Hospital. With this, Boca Raton Regional Hospital is now oper-
        ating as part of Baptist Health South Florida.                             The Treasure Coast Opioid Taskforce is conducting a campaign to promote
          The new partnership ensures both not-for-profit organizations will continue to   Overdose Awareness Day on August 15, from noon to 2 pm, at New Horizons of the
        meet their mutual missions and commitments to elevate healthcare within the com-  Treasure Coast conference room, 4500 W. Midway Road, Fort Pierce.
        munities they serve in an area that reaches across four South Florida counties.   Held in August every year, the aim of Overdose Awareness Day is to raise awareness,
          “Our organizations share the same calling to improve the health and well-being of   reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths, remember those who have died or suffered
        individuals and to deliver compassionate healthcare to our patients at the highest   permanent injury because of drug overdose, and stimulate discussion about overdose
        standards of excellence and safety. We foresee an exciting future at Boca Raton   prevention and drug policy.
        Regional Hospital that will cement its title as the preeminent healthcare provider in   Convened by the Australian charity, Penington Institute, International Overdose
        the community,” said Brian E. Keeley, president and CEO of Baptist Health.   Awareness Day is held on August 31 and provides an opportunity to hold rallies,
          In May, Boca Raton Regional Hospital announced the appointment of Lincoln S.   memorial services, candlelight vigils, as well as education and training campaigns in
        Mendez as its new chief executive officer to succeed Jerry Fedele when he retires in   towns and cities across the world.
        August. Mendez formerly was CEO at Baptist Health’s South Miami Hospital in   “If people want to help raise awareness and fight the stigma surrounding overdose
        Miami-Dade County.                                                        they can attend our event at New Horizons on August 15,  where we will provide edu-
          In 2017, Baptist Health merged with Bethesda Hospital East and Bethesda Hospital   cational materials and refreshments,” says Dr. Agnieszka Marshall, a psychologist at
        West in Boynton Beach. With the addition of Boca Raton Regional Hospital, it brings   Tykes and Teens and an opioid taskforce member.
        the number of Baptist Health hospitals to 11.                              “People on the Treasure Coast can also wear a purple ribbon to support
          In December, Baptist Health and Boca Raton Regional Hospital announced they had   International Overdose Awareness Day which will be provided at the August 15th
        signed a letter of intent to form a partnership. Boca Raton Regional Hospital first   event. They can also show their support and use the hashtags #OverdoseAware and
        announced its intent to seek a strategic partner in 2017. Boca Regional narrowed its   #EndOverdose on social media to boost awareness.”
        list of suitors, including some of the nation’s foremost healthcare systems, to five in   Overdose Awareness Day is also an opportunity to consider whether current over-
        the spring of 2018 and selected Baptist Health as its preferred partner.   dose and substance use strategies are working.
          “Establishing our partnership with Baptist Health represents an important mile-  “Have a conversation with your friends and family and spread the message that
        stone in the history of Boca Regional,” said Jerry Fedele, president and CEO of Boca   overdose is a problem affecting every community, including the Treasure Coast. No
        Raton Regional Hospital. “It is one that continues the positive momentum and trajec-  community is immune to overdose, it is time to change the way we look at drug-relat-
        tory of Boca Regional as the premier healthcare provider in South Florida.”   ed deaths in our community.” says Deborah Dreher, Chief Clinical Officer for New
                                                                                   “We need to treat drug-related harm as a health issue and invest in proven practices
                                                                                  that can save lives; no community including the Treasure Coast should be left

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