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SPOTLIGHT:                                             FLORIDA HEMP
                                                                   Gene Jones                                             COUNCIL
                                                                   Can-Ed, Inc.                                           Misinformation
                                                                                                                          Still the Biggest
                                                                                                                          Obstacle for Hemp

                                                                                 page 36                                                 page 37

                                         January 2020

                                         2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                  PurWell Launches New Product

                                                                for the New Year:

                                                 PurWell Unflavored Full Spectrum

                                                    Hemp Oil Tincture at 2000mg

                                              Consumers can take their cannabidiol (CBD) use to
                                             the next level in the new year with PurWell’s new prod-                             Dee Heffernan
                    Michael Liss             uct at its highest potency. PurWell has launched its Full
                                             Spectrum Hemp Oil Tincture in unflavored 2000mg.
                                             The product is also available in 1,000mg.                                 More Than Just a
             Change After                     CBD tinctures are the most popular type of hemp
                                             CBD products, due to their fast absorption and high                         Roll of the Dice
             the Inevitable                  bioavailability. PurWell’s pharmacist-formulated tinc-
                                             tures include cannabinoid-rich, whole plant hemp oil,
                                             organic MCT oil and organic essential oils for flavoring.
               BY MICHAEL LISS, ESQ.         PurWell tinctures are vegan, sugar free, gluten free and                         BY BARBARA FALLON
                                             alcohol free and they do not contain any artificial colors
          The inevitability of Florida adopting   or flavors. CBD tinctures can be added to beverages                   “For over 35 years, Royal Labs has pro-
        adult-use and the inevitability of the fed-  including coffee or water. They also can be used sublin-         vided custom formulation and contract
        eral government rescheduling and/or de-  gually, by dropping the tincture under the tongue – this             manufacturing services for many of the
        scheduling cannabis (neither imminent,   is the fastest route of absorption.                Jon Fedele        world’s largest and most trusted brands –
        yet each inevitable) make apparent that   PurWell, an award-winning company, provides pure, natural hemp oil products that   and it is with great pride that we bring
        such legalization will impact each of our   promote general health and wellness. The company’s products are organically grown and   our unmatched expertise, innovation,
        lives, the economy and our roles within   harvested in Colorado using sustainable and responsible farming methods. They are   and reliability to the CBD market,”
        the economy. Few professions will be   made using advanced extraction techniques from both the flower and leaves of the hemp   announced Dee Heffernan, VP Sales &
        impacted more than the legal profession.   plants.                                                            Marketing, and daughter to Royal Labs
        The life of a lawyer and the practice of law                                                                  founders Paul and Peggy Lieber.
        will be fundamentally and positively                                                      Continued on page 42  It’s no surprise that in a market as nas-
        transformed. Let us explore how another                                                                       cent, promising, and unregulated as
        industry (restaurant) will be impacted by                                                                     CBD, an abundance of smoke, mirrors
        legalization of cannabis.                 Trulieve: Relief You Can Rely On                                    and half-truths leave brand owners
          Until now, most restaurants could only                                                                      scratching their heads, wondering: is
        stay profitable by selling alcohol. What                                                                      there anyone I can trust? With more than
        the restaurant world has always feared           BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                           three and a half decades of formulary and
        about cannabis legalization is a world of                                                                     manufacturing expertise in natural skin
        carryout and delivery orders, and people   When Florida began offering marijuana licenses to                  and body care, Royal Labs is filling the
        who cook, eat and entertain at home   multi-generational nurseries in 2014, three major                       void and raising the standard – once
        instead of having cocktails and a meal at a   family nurseries on the Panhandle came together to              again.
        restaurant. This perpetual industry fear is   improve their odds of obtaining a license. Those                  As the largest of its kind in the United
        ever-more present in the age of Millennials   farmers, along with Jason Pernell and Kim Rivers,               States, Royal Labs Natural Cosmetics for-
        and Delivery Dudes. It’s already happen-  founded Trulieve with the core values of providing                  mulates products for more than 500
        ing. How will restaurants adapt to legal-  optimal customer experiences and maintaining oper-                 companies worldwide, most of which are
        ized cannabis?                       ational and financial discipline. Rivers is now CEO                      name brands you know and use every
          Many restauranteurs will become prof-  and Pernell is CIO. Since then, the company has                      day. If it’s a natural or organic product in
        itable by adapting and adopting cannabis.   been able to meet the needs of loyal customers and                your cosmetics case, Royal Labs probably
        Expect restaurants with large kitchens and   provide quality offerings to its stores in Florida and           made it on Johns Island, South Carolina.
        limited seating due to the decreasing   beyond.                                                                 Peggy Lieber grew up in a remote part
        number of sit-in diners, and increasing   “Trulieve continues to maintain our market lead in   Kim Rivers     of Ecuador where natural remedies were
        numbers of carryout and delivery orders.   Florida and we plan to leverage our experience as a                part of everyday wellness. “It’s easy for
        The state Department of Health will regu-  vertically integrated cannabis company in the other states we operate in today, and   me to create from nature,” Peggy
        late restaurants which will offer cannabis-  as we move into new states,” says Rivers.                        explains. “Growing up, I saw and experi-
        infused foods and beverages. One can   While most businesses have its obstacles to overcome, the main challenges facing   enced first-hand the healing power of
        envision changes in the zoning of these   Trulieve are external factors, such as the time lag around federal legislation, includ-  plants, herbs, and flowers.” When Peggy
        establishments; perhaps from restaurant   ing the SAFE Act and STATES Act.                                    was 13, her family moved to
        to “entertainment venue”, which might   “We always say that the industry moves in dog years,” says Rivers. “As the indus-  Connecticut. In their town, Paul’s family
        impact the areas in any city in which such   try continues to grow in the coming years and as we build on our national expansion   owned a health food store. One day, their
        food establishments are open to the pub-  plans, we hope to call on our loyal patient community of Trulievers to continue to   hands brushed over two pounds of
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