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Back Cover Story: Trulieve: Relief You Can Rely On

         Continued from Back Page            front of all we do, and we want to offer   cannabis improves the daily lives of   customers which has been its main goal,
         support us.”                        them the  best product possible. As a   patients.                        both in the short and long term.
          By controlling its entire supply chain   result, we’ve been rewarded with a very   “We want to fulfill their medical needs   "Trulieve’s success in building our
         from seed to sale, Trulieve has been able   loyal community of Trulievers for each of   and improve their symptoms, and ulti-  wonderful, loyal patient community,
         to offer a wide range of high-quality   our stores.”                    mately, help them lead a happier life,”   showcases that we continue to meet this
         products to serve its customers. With the   This commitment to customer satisfac-  she says.                 goal month after month, adds Rivers.
         approval of smokable flower in March   tion also means offering the highest quali-  Beyond that, she says it is their hope   Trulieve’s long-term vision for its
         2019, it saw an immediate increase in   ty product. That’s why the company offers   that they are able to showcase the   future includes expansion in our focus
         patients entering the medical marijuana   full returns on its entire product line to   incredibly positive impact that this   markets, including Massachusetts,
         program.                            ensure complete satisfaction.       industry can have on the daily lives of   California, and Connecticut, as well into
          “Flower accounts for approximately   “In 2019 we were proud to introduce   patients to the larger United States pop-  new markets.
         50 percent of our product mix while   the California-based Blue River Extracts &   ulation, particularly in regard to the   “Our rapid growth and profitability is
         concentrates, tinctures and CBD contin-  Terpenes to our Florida stores,” says   politicians that most influence cannabis   unusual in the current cannabis market,”
         ue to be products that we’re proud to   Rivers. “Blue River’s award-winning ter-  legislation.               Rivers notes. “We pride ourselves in being
         offer our patients,” explains Rivers. “We   pene extracts have since been a long-time   “We help make this vision a reality   a financially disciplined company and rec-
         look forward to the approval of the   favorite of our patients. Additionally, to   through community outreach events –   ognize that capital markets can change
         Department of Health guidelines for the   ensure patients are able to access the high-  for example, in early January we will be   and should not be relied upon to sustain
         labeling of edibles and anticipate edibles   quality products with the safety that they   hosting another one of our “Silver Tour”   operations long-term. As a result of our
         will be well received by our patients.”   deserve, we offer a 24/7 report search fea-  sessions, a traveling educational series   financial strength, we have been able to
          What distinguishes Trulieve from the   ture for third-party safety reports on all of   that focuses on dispelling old myths and   raise nonconvertible debt, which is a large
         competition, according to Rivers is its   our products.”                educating community members and      point of differentiation from our competi-
         customer service.                     Since they are embedded in the    politicians about the benefits of medical   tors in the cannabis market.”
          “From product conception to sale, we   cannabis industry, Rivers says that her   marijuana,” she says,
         focus on the customer,” she says.   company is able to see, through its incred-  Since its launch, Trulieve has been      For more information, visit
         “Ultimately, our patients are at the fore-  ible customer base of Trulievers, that   providing access and quality product to

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