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Back Cover Story:

        Change After the Inevitable

        Continued from Back Page
                                             extractors and then the product will move
        lic. Expect more bans after legalization   on to a retailer, a distributor or directly to
        than exist now with a small medical   customers. Jobs generated at every turn
        cannabis program.                    and taxes generated at every turn.
           In Florida, where outdoor leisure is   Not only will restaurants find new ways
        year-round, laws will be enacted which   to survive and thrive with cannabis, many
        will allow for smoking and vaping at food   businesses which service restaurants will
        establishments. Restaurants will pay a pre-  find ways to profit and pay taxes by
        mium for every square inch of patio and   adding cannabis to their businesses.
        outdoor bar where patrons can smoke and   Imagine Amazon Prime delivering your
        vape while they converse and have cock-  favorite strain the next day, with no deliv-
        tails, edibles and other bites. Anticipating   ery charge. We may well see competition
        more and better testing for impairment,   with Amazon for this reason alone, per-
        and given the trend away from automobile   haps Cann-azon for all things cannabis.
        ownership by Gen Z and Millennials, one   And for restaurants, a food distribution
        can envision many competing rideshare   company will deliver heirloom strains,
        offerings and other alternatives to person-  concentrates for infusion and everything
        al car use, which transport patrons to and   else needed for a restaurant in the
        from the venue. Venues might provide the   cannabis economy.
        transportation each way.              As we march toward the inevitable
          Once there exists a completely legal   legalization of cannabis on all levels,
        market which is horizontal, profit and   enthusiasts who are also entrepreneurs are
        taxes will be generated at every turn.   considering where to “plant their flag”
        Envision this scenario: A company owns a   once legalization on all levels is a reality. It
        farm. It leases plots to a number of grow-  is hoped that the reader can ponder ways
        ers, each of which cultivates cannabis. The   to adapt their business profitably in the
        growers hire employees to tend to the   changing landscape by reading about
        growing product and then harvest the   changes which may transpire in the
        cannabis. The growers will contract with   restaurant industry. Hopefully the reader
        purchasers ahead of the harvest or will   can envision how legalization will impact
        bring product to market. The purchaser   their industry or place in the economy as
        may be a market-maker or wholesaler   it buds through the economy. Everyone
        which warehouses product. The purchaser   has good reasons to look forward to that
        may be an extractor (either for its own   inevitable day.
        products or to sell to a manufacturer). The
        purchaser may be a retailer which process-  Michael Liss, Esq. can be reached at
        es and packages its own products.       
        Whether the product is stored or immedi-                or (561) 981-2507,
        ately processed, other economic players               located in Boca Raton.
        enter the chain of commerce. Packaging
        companies will receive deliveries from

              Cannabis News Florida

                         Hummer Wrap

                                 COURTESY OF

        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                            January 2020                         39
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