Page 37 - SFHN0120FINALUF.qxp_SFHN 0608 Friday 5.0
P. 37

                                                                                                                               BY JEFF GREENE


                                                                                              Still the Biggest

                                                                                         Obstacle for Hemp

           While misinformation seems like the   for processing, manufacturing, distribut-  of .3% total THC by equation    ment.
         new normal in this country, I had hoped   ing, and retailing.              2. Male plants   For those growing   The tortoises may be late to the game,
         with a strong state acceptance and strong   Feed Rule has been filed for adoption.   CBD-heavy, male plants are a loss   but they will be more deliberate. They will
         trade association, we could quell the bad   Hemp Extract in animal feed incorpo-  3. Mixed genetics   Depending on   make sure that the above risk and the
         data that permeates this industry.   rated into existing AES programs.   where you buy your seeds, clean genetics   unknown risks are mitigated to a degree
           Alas, this week, FDACS, the Florida   Effective January 1, 2020.       is the biggest risk; we have seen as many   for which the rabbits are uncomfortable
         Department of Agriculture and Consumer   Available 1/2/2020 (1/1/2020 is a holi-  as five different strains in 10 plants that   waiting.
         Services, the state agency that will oversee   day): Permitting, testing, and enforcement   were claimed to be the same genetics.   The game will be   can the rabbits afford
         enforcement of the State of Florida rules,   for processing, manufacturing, distribut-  4. No infrastructure for fiber or in   the mistakes; can the tortoises wait too
         released this statement:             ing, and retailing.                 some cases, CBD extraction   For fiber   long and miss the race?
           “Good afternoon,                                                       farmers, the degumming and decortica-  Regardless of the participants, we look
           In the last week FDACS has received   Seed Rule will be filed for      tion plants are not even on the radar (as   forward to the race, and we hope that both
         many calls and emails from Hemp inter-  adoption in January 2020.        far I know.) For CBD extraction, millions   the rabbits and the tortoises join The
         ested parties about program details. Many   Cultivation Rule should be filed for   of dollars are on the sideline waiting on   Florida Hemp Council.
         of the rumors and information out there is   adoption January 2020. Please note that   state and local support for that invest-   (
         just not accurate. Please use the “trust but   this rule is slightly delayed due to a need
         verify” approach. FDACS is the best   to align the Florida cultivation rule with
         source to get information on the program.   the USDA final interim rules which were
                                              released on 10/31/19. FDACS still expects
         Clarifications:                      cultivation to happen in the first quarter of
           Permits are not limited in any part of the   2020.
         process.                              We will be updating the website next
           The Program is horizontal integration.   week.  Please  visit  the  website
         This means you can do any part of the
         process you want. You can do one part, a   CBD-in-Florida.”
         few, or all. This will be a business choice   The Florida Hemp Council continues to
         you make.                            gather information from the state, aca-
           Certified Seeds per SB 1020 are seeds   demic researchers and industry leaders to
         certified by AOSCA.                  give our members the most up-to-date

              information and the best hypothesis of the
                                              future, based on the data we receive.
         Time Line on Rules:                   The industry will be made up of tortois-
           Food Safety Rule has been filed for   es and hares. There will be those rabbits

         adoption.                            out there that buy seeds, regardless of
           Hemp Extract (CBD intended for inges-  genetics or traceability and plant, whenev-
         tion) incorporated into existing FS pro-  er they can. They will race to be first to
         grams. Effective January 1, 2020.    have plants in the ground. The risks they
           Available 1/2/2020 (1/1/2020 is a holi-  have are:
         day): Permitting, testing, and enforcement   1. Hot plants   Plants that test in excess

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