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                                                   Migraine Headaches? Consider                              New BASILICA Technique

                                             Aspirin for Treatment and Prevention                          Created by the NIH Recently
                  South Florida's

                     Monthly                   There are effective prescription medications available to treat   Performed By Interventional
                                             acute migraine headaches as well as to prevent recurrent
              Healthcare Newspaper                                                                        Cardiologists in South Florida

                                             attacks. Nonetheless, in the United States many patients are not
                    PO Box 812708            adequately treated for reasons that include limited access to
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708     health care providers and lack of health insurance or high co-  Miguel Diaz, M.D., FACC, FSCAI,
                Phone: (561) 368-6950        pays, which make expensive medications of proven benefit   an experienced and expert clinical
                                             unaffordable. The rates of uninsured or underinsured individu-  and interventional cardiologist and
                                             als have been estimated to be 8.5 percent nationwide and 13   Marquand Patton Jr., D.O., FACC,
                      Website:               percent in Florida. Furthermore, for all patients, the prescrip-  FSCAI, FSVM, FASE, FASNC, RPVI, a
    tion drugs may be poorly tolerated or contraindicated.    highly-skilled and expert interven-

                                               Researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt   tional cardiologist specializing in
                    CHARLES FELIX            College of Medicine have proposed aspirin as a possible option   structural, coronary and peripheral
                     CAROL FELIX             for consideration by primary care providers who treat the   interventions, both with Tenet
                      Publishers             majority of patients with migraine. Their review includes evi-  Florida Physician Services (TFPS)
                                             dence from 13 randomized trials of the treatment of migraine   and on-staff at Palmetto General   Dr. Miguel Diaz
                   NANCY LAMMIE              in 4,222 patients and  tens of thousands of patients in preven-  Hospital in Hialeah, have recently
                       Editor                tion of recurrent attacks.                             completed one of the first BASILICA
                                               Their findings, published in the  American Journal of   procedures ever in the State of
                    JUDY GRAMM               Medicine, suggest that high-dose aspirin, in doses from 900 to   Florida. The BASILICA procedure is
              Editorial Manager & Webmaster   1,300 milligrams given at the onset of symptoms, is an effective   performed when there is high-risk for
                                             and safe treatment option for acute migraine headaches. In   coronary artery occlusion during
                    JMC GRAPHICS             addition, some but not all randomized trials suggest the possi-  transcatheter aortic valve replace-
                    Art/Production           bility that daily aspirin in doses from 81 to 325 milligrams may   ment (TAVR). While a BASILICA
                be an effective and safe treatment option for the prevention of   procedure is rarely needed, it can be
                     412-877-5321            recurrent migraine headaches.                          a life-saving measure in rare cases

               CONTRIBUTING WRITERS            “Our review supports the use of high dose aspirin to treat   when the implanted TAVR leaflet
                    Daniel Casciato          acute migraine as well as low dose daily aspirin to prevent   occludes the coronary artery. The
                                             recurrent attacks,” said Charles H. Hennekens, M.D., Dr.PH,   BASILICA technique involves using a
                    Barbara Fallon                                                                                                    Dr. Marquand Patton
                                             corresponding author, first Sir Richard Doll Professor and sen-  catheter to direct an electrified
                     Vanessa Orr             ior academic advisor in FAU’s Schmidt College of Medicine.   guidewire through the base of the left   Jr.
                    Lois Thomson
                                             “Moreover, the relatively favorable side effect profile of aspirin   coronary cusp leaflet into a snare in the left ventricular outflow
                                             and extremely low costs compared with other prescription drug   tract (LVOT). Then, according to the National Institutes of
                                             therapies may provide additional clinical options for primary   Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH), the
               LOOK FOR OUR                  health care providers treating acute as well as recurrent   guidewire is used to split the leaflet so that it cannot block the
                                             migraine headaches.”                                   coronary artery once it has been pushed aside by the tran-
                 NEXT ISSUE                                                                         scatheter heart valve.
                                                                                                      The NIH-developed BASILICA technique prevents obstruc-
                 IN FEBRUARY                                                                        tion in heart valve replacement cases. Furthermore, according
                                                    Cleveland Clinic Indian River                   to the NIH, the BASILICA procedure has shown successful
                  TO REACH US                                                                       results for certain high-risk patients. The NIH adds that this
                       FOR                      Hospital First to Offer Lung Valve                  novel technique has proven successful in preventing coronary
                                                                                                    artery obstruction during transcatheter aortic valve replace-
                  ADVERTISING                     Treatment for COPD Patients                       ment (TAVR), a rare but often fatal complication. Called the
                 OR EDITORIAL                                                                       Bioprosthetic Aortic Scallop Intentional Laceration to prevent
                 Call (561) 368-6950                     on the Treasure Coast                      Iatrogenic Coronary Artery obstruction (BASILICA), the tech-
                                                                                                    nique will increase treatment options for high-risk patients
                      or e-mail
                                               Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital announced hat is now   who need heart valve procedures and might not otherwise be
                                             offering a new procedure designed to help patients with COPD   treated. The findings by researchers at the National Institutes of
                                             or advanced emphysema breathe easier. The procedure, which   Health have been published in the Journal of the American
                                                                                                    College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Interventions (June
                                             involves placing endobronchial valves in patients’ lungs, was

                SUBSCRIPTIONS                recently FDA-approved. Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital   2019).

                                             is the first hospital on the Treasure Coast to offer this new treat-

                   One Year $40              ment option for patients with advanced respiratory conditions.
                                               The treatment is performed during a bronchoscopy, a proce-   West Palm Beach VA Starts
                   Two Years $60             dure that allows a doctor to examine the inside of the lungs,
                  Three Years $75            including the bronchi, which are the main airways into the       New Research Program
                                             lungs. Depending on the severity of the case, an average of one

                                             to four tiny valves are placed in the airways to block off the dis-  The West Palm Beach VA Medical Center (WPBVAMC) is one
                    To subscribe,            eased parts of the lungs. The valves reduce hyperinflation by   step closer to fulfilling the second goal of its Strategic Plan – to
                call (561) 368-6950          preventing air from being trapped in the diseased area of the   Become A Center For Research And Learning. Effective
                or subscribe online at       lung and allowing healthier parts of the lung to take in more air,   November 15, 2019, the Office for Human Research Protections
                                             lifting pressure off the diaphragm.                    (OHRP) granted the WPBVAMC’s Research & Education
        “This advanced lung treatment offers patients living with   Service approval to re-open its research program. Partnering
                    ____________             COPD an opportunity to significantly improve their overall   with Nova Southeastern University, the WPBVAMC expects to

                                             quality of life,” said Diego Maldonado, M.D., Pulmonologist at   begin conducting research studies in the first part of 2020.

                All rights reserved. Reproduction    CCIRH. “We are excited to be the first hospital in our area to   “Re-opening our research program after 13 years is the cul-
                in whole or part without written    provide this new treatment at our Pulmonary Medicine   mination of extensive efforts by our team over the last couple
             permission prohibited. Copyright © 2019.
                                             Department. This is a perfect example of Cleveland Clinic   of years,” said Associate Chief of Staff for Education and
                                             Indian River Hospital striving to provide patients with the latest   Research Dr. Ramon Cuevas. “Key partnerships with academic
                                             innovation and services.”                              and trusted institutions will allow us to make a strong impact
                                                                                                    in the field of research that we expect will benefit Veterans for
               Don’t forget to include                                                              years to come.”
                                                                                                      In addition to its partnership with Nova Southeastern, the
           South Florida Hospital News                                                              WPBVAMC has also partnered with the South Florida Veterans
               & Healthcare Report                                                                  Affairs Foundation for Research and Education, a non-profit
              in your Marketing Plans                                                               research and education foundation. The partnership, Cuevas
                                                                                                    states, will further allow the medical center to manage educa-
          Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit                                              tional and research grants to fuel scholarly activity.

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