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Cover Story: Medicare Advantage: The Future Model of Care

        Continued from page 1                                                     accomplish. For example, the government  VC implications
          The new budget bill, signed on Feb. 9,  Medicare Advantage              is prohibited from negotiating drug prices,  Historically, VC-backed startups that
        2018, after a several-hour government   plans can now include             but a private insurer is not.       make tools needed to improve care qual-
        shutdown, includes new policies that fur-                                  We can imagine a world where, over  ity have sold their products to self-
        ther support Medicare Advantage plans:  social support or non-            time, the private sector is charged with  insured employers or directly to com-
          1. Medicare Advantage plans can now  medical services in their          lowering care costs—with Medicare   mercial insurers. The traditional
        include social support or non-medical                                     Advantage being a key way of doing so.   Medicare patient population has
        services in their benefits packages, such as  benefits packages, such                                         remained largely untapped.
        home-delivered meals or transportation to  as home-delivered meals        Impact for hospitals                  Now, though, Medicare Advantage
        the doctor’s office.                                                       As the Medicare Advantage patient pop-  presents tremendous opportunity for
          2. The new budget includes the       or transportation to the           ulation grows, hospitals will face lower  VC-backed startups that have the tools to
        Chronic Care Act, which allows               doctor’s office.             reimbursements if they’re unable to  predict when people need care and what
        Medicare Advantage plans to tailor their                                  demonstrate the value of their care. They’ll  type of care, before they even show
        coverage for patients and expand tele-                                    have to emphasize clinical quality to  symptoms. As the government pushes
        health services.                     more transparency into their care and has  remain financially viable.    more people to Medicare Advantage,
                                             pushed insurers to improve the quality of  Hospitals will remain under pressure to  health-tech startups that can offer the
        Why the growing support for          their services to compete.           redesign delivery and invest in innovation  tools needed to provide more effective
        Medicare Advantage?                    CMS has already shown support for MA  and digital technology with value-based  care will be extremely valuable both to
          Ultimately, the government’s move to  plans by offering insurers under the plans  payment. Despite incorporating value-  insurers and providers.
        expand the purview of Medicare       flexibility. Insurers like Anthem, Humana  based payment models over time, tradi-  Medicare Advantage is the way for-
        Advantage is driven by the three founda-  and WellCare have shown plans to expand  tional Medicare for the most part contin-  ward, and health-tech startups—and
        tional shifts that have taken place under  their MA businesses through M&A activi-  ues to reimburse hospitals for each service  their investors—can lead that way.
        the new administration:              ty—most recently, Humana through its  the patient has (fee for service model). If a  We previewed this in the inaugural
          1. Movement from an insurer market-  deal with Walmart.                 patient goes to the ER and incurs a $1,500  edition of BDO’s Healthcare Rx
        place governed by mandates to a system  Now that the government has put this  bill, Medicare will likely just pay it. The  Newsletter. Read those insights at
        centered on choice                   kind of support behind MA plans, we’re  more services a patient undergoes, the
          2. Movement from a marketplace char-  only going to see activity increase in vol-  more money Medicare will reimburse.  pril-2018/future-of-healthcare-lies-in-
        acterized by regulation to a marketplace  ume.                            However, if a patient in Medicare   the-data.
        guided by competition when it comes to                                    Advantage receives treatment at a hospital,
        coverage and pricing                 The future of healthcare             the insurer first determines the service was  BDO South Florida healthcare leaders are
          3. Movement from payments provided   In 2016, Medicare spending alone was  clinically appropriate or medically neces-  ready to address your complex and unique
        through subsidies to greater actuarial  15 percent of the total federal budget.  sary, and, if so, that it was priced appropri-  needs:
        soundness.                           Moving more heavily to the Medicare  ately.                                Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner
          Medicare Advantage plans have set a  Advantage model is the fastest way the  The new Medicare Advantage world will  (305) 420-8006/
        good example for the healthcare industry  government can reduce this large portion  indeed accelerate the move to value-based  Angelo Pirozzi, Partner
        by providing greater transparency and  of federal spending. If more of the control  care.                       (646) 520-2870 /
        accountability—and moving toward out-  over Medicare patient care is shifted to the
        comes-based payments. The star-ratings  private sector, costs can be condensed in
        system for plans has given consumers  ways that the public sector currently can’t

                                                                                 Cover Story: Pompano Beach Native Serves

                                                                                 with the U.S. Navy Half a World Away

                                                                                 Continued from page 1
                                                                                   “I think being forward deployed is very beneficial because it supports the mission
                                                                                 of the overall Navy,” said Williams.
                                                                                   Williams is also proud of receiving the Junior Sailor of the Quarter award and Sailor
                                                                                 in the Spotlight for the hospital.
                                                                                   As a member of one of the U.S. Navy’s most relied-upon assets, Williams and other
                                                                                 sailors know they are part of a legacy that will last beyond their lifetimes providing
                                                                                 the Navy the nation needs.
                                                                                   "Serving in the Navy has presented me with opportunity to be more humble and
                                                                                 more accepting of different people and personalities,” said Williams. “Serving in the
                                                                                 Navy allows me to give back and help a bigger population, in turn providing more
                                                                                 assistance to not only myself, but to my country. It’s not just a job, it’s more of a serv-
                                                                                 ice of dedication.”

         16                        May 2018                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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