P. 19


        Holy Cross Health Adds                                                   Cardiologist Specializing in

        Pulmonologist                                                            Advanced Heart Failure and
                                                                                 T ransplant Cardiology Joins
         Pulmonologist Hector Y. Vazquez Saad, M.D., has joined
        Holy Cross Medical Group.                                                the Palm Beach Health Network
         At Holy Cross Health Dr. Saad specializes in pulmonolo-
        gy and critical care. He has extensive experience with
        Graduate Medical Education. He is a former Program                         Phillip Habib, M.D., a cardiologist specializing in
        Director for Pulmonary and Critical Care, Pulmonary                      advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology, joins the
        Fellowship training program in the state of Florida, over-   Dr. Hector Y. Vazquez   Palm Beach Health Network Physician Group –   Dr. Phillip Habib
        seeing the training of pulmonologists and intensivists.   Saad           Cardiovascular Care network in Delray Beach.
          Prior to joining Holy Cross, he was a staff                              Dr. Habib specializes in cardiac care for advanced heart
        physician/core faculty pulmonary and critical care fellow-               failure, cardiomyopathies and pulmonary arterial hypertension. His expertise
        ship at Aventura Hospital and Medical Center. He was also an assistant professor of   includes a wide variety of cardiology care and treatments including mechanical circu-
        medicine and program director, pulmonary and critical care medicine fellowship, at   latory support, cardio-oncology, cardiomyopathy, cardiogenic shock and cardiac amy-
        Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine.    loidosis. In addition, Dr. Habib specializes in advanced cardiac imaging and echocar-
          Dr. Saad earned his bachelor’s degree in general science from Pontificia Universidad   diography, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and clinical research.
        Catolica in Ponce, Puerto Rico and his medical and surgery degree from Universidad   Dr. Habib completed an Advanced Heart Failure and Transplantation Fellowship at
        Autonoma de GDL in Guadalajara, Mexico. He completed his internal medicine resi-  the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, a Cardiovascular Diseases Fellowship at the
        dency at Damas Hospital in Ponce, P .R. and Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship   University of Florida, Department of Medicine, in Jacksonville, and an
        at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC.              Echocardiography Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Cardiovascular
                                                                                 Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Habib finished his internal medicine residency at The
                                                                                 Ohio State University located in Columbus, OH. He graduated medical school from
        Mount Sinai Medical Center                                               the Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, OH.
        Welcomes New Cancer                                                      Lee Health Welcomes Dr. Zsolt
        Center Director
                                                                                 Kulcsar as the New Medical
          Mount Sinai Medical Center welcomes Steven                             Director of Lee Virtual Health
        Hochwald, M.D., MBA, FACS, as the inaugural director of
        the new Irma and Norman Braman Cancer Center, set to
        be completed in 2025. Dr. Hochwald will also serve as                      Lee Health is pleased to introduce Dr. Zsolt Kulcsar as
        chief of surgical oncology and holds titles at Columbia                  the health system’s new medical director of Lee Virtual
        University in New York, as part of Mount Sinai’s ongoing    Dr. Steven Hochwald   Health. Dr. Kulcsar joins Lee Health with almost 10 years
        affiliation with the Ivy League institution.                             of medical management experience and will lead Lee
          A leading pancreatic and gastrointestinal surgical oncologist, and an avid   Health’s virtual care team.                      Dr. Zsolt Kulcsar
        researcher, Dr. Hochwald was recruited from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer   In his previous position as an associate medical director
        Center in New York, an NCI-designated institution.                       of digital health and strategic ventures at White Plains
          Dr. Hochwald brings over 30 years of clinical experience and research-focused   Hospital Montefiore Health System, Dr. Kulcsar implemented a digital footprint for
        expertise to Mount Sinai’s award-winning cancer program, which holds the only Ivy   medical and surgical practices and expanded the telehealth services across the hospi-
        League affiliation of its kind in South Florida, backed by Columbia University.    tal. He also served as the section chief of rheumatology and was actively managing
          A graduate of New York University School of Medicine, Dr. Hochwald received   rheumatology patients. He was the physician lead of ambulatory quality for a two
        postgraduate training in surgical oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center   hundred physician multispecialty group and worked closely with the Montefiore
        and completed an oncology research fellowship at the Memorial Sloan Kettering   Medical Centers ACO program.
        Cancer Center’s Surgical Metabolism Laboratory. He also earned an MBA at the   Dr. Kulcsar earned his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from the New York College
        University of Buffalo (SUNY) School of Management and an executive degree in man-  of Osteopathic Medicine in Old Westbury, NY, Master of Business Administration
        aging health care delivery at Harvard Business School Executive Education.   from Long Island University in Brooklyn, NY and his Master of Public Health from
                                                                                 The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice in Lebanon, NH.

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                   July 2022                          19
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