P. 24
Back Cover Story: Cannabis Spotlight
Planet 13
Continued from back cover women within the industry, as the Do you see Florida moving
making an impact in this industry with Executive Director for the National forward with recreational Announces Third
respect to social equity is attractive in Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Marijuana/cannabis and how Florida Dispensary
itself. We are an incredibly resilient Commerce. will that affect your business?
group of people who have fought end- I see Florida moving forward with Located in Ocala
lessly to see legalization beyond state lev- How can people in Florida recreational cannabis within the next 2-3
els. To be living in a time in history benefit from the company you years if federal legalization doesn’t arrive
where change is happening at an expo- represent? beforehand. As the professionalization Planet 13 Holdings Inc. announced
nential rate, it would be selfish to leave There are plenty of ways patients and and legalization of the cannabis industry the third location of its planned
this as a task for anyone else simply advocates alike can benefit from what I has both positive and negative conse- Florida dispensary network located
because it’s difficult or requires creative have started and assist with in this space. quences across different sectors, the key in the city of Ocala.
strategies alongside self-motivation and From medical marijuana certifications, for anyone is to continuously be well- “We are thoughtfully and deliber-
discipline. affordable and consistently dosed edi- versed and up to date with regulations ately executing our Florida roadmap
bles, as well as access to business devel- and compliance. to bring the famous Planet 13 brand
What field are you in within the opment strategies or capital introduc- No one will be able to keep up without to Florida. This is the third dispensa-
cannabis space? tions - I am here for the community. evolving. For smaller businesses such as ry location of our initial six neighbor-
I am in the retail, hospitality, and dis- mine that don’t quite measure up with hood dispensaries targeted towards
tribution sectors within the industry. For How did you get started in the larger MSOs, it’s imperative we support major Florida population centers
more than 7 years I have been actively cannabis industry? each other and promote growth from with underserved local residents,”
involved, using my extensive profession- After running multi-location opera- within. Alongside this, I see the benefits said Bob Groesbeck, Co-CEO of
al background to my advantage. I own tions for another group, I purchased my when utilizing all resources of a business Planet 13. “We look forward to serv-
medical cannabis clinics throughout first location on South Beach; turning a to their furthest extent; essentially ing patients in Florida and showing
South Florida, national cannabis infused clinic that grossed 15k monthly into an throwing 100 things at a wall to see one them why our products are among
edible brands such as Sunbaked Goods, average of 45k monthly within 30 days. I stick. I have first-hand experience seeing the most popular in Nevada and why
and will be introducing our consumption then adjusted this model and expanded something I originally didn’t plan to see our in-store experiences at both the
lounge concept in Q4 of 2022. Beyond our service and retail offerings over the impressive results from, take off. SuperStore and smaller neighborhood
my passions in business, I extend my past 3 years. dispensaries are some of the highest
reach across the global network of rated.”
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24 July 2022 Cannabis News Florida