P. 27


         Back Cover Story: Is the Hemp Industry Dying?

         Continued from back cover           with different political parties in office,   I have always stated that there are people   slowly the industry will mature into the
         seeing the new players making the same   the uncertainty will return, and lobbyists   who want to get high and there are peo-  multi-billion-dollar industry everyone
         mistakes is now looked at as ignorant.    and powerful consultants will push for   ple who want to get well. First respon-  predicted.
          I work in Florida; our trade associa-  more.                           ders, truck drivers, pilots and the mili-  Scaling a company is expensive and
         tion has shrunk in the last year and is   I wouldn’t call the current environ-  tary are all getting tobacco and opioids   finding investors that you can trust with
         only recently starting to rebound.   ment phoenix-like, the industry never   pushed on them because even the small-  your vision is not always easy. There are
         Nationally, the Hemp Roundtable,    burned to ashes. But I do see a bit of a   est sampling of THC and they will be   plenty of products and plenty of oppor-
         National Hemp Association, National   rebirth in the industry. Education is still   fired.                   tunity left in the industry. The rush to
         Industrial Hemp Council and Hemp    necessary, and we still have to explain   Those pioneers who started this indus-  get state licenses for medical marijuana
         Industries Association are all fighting for   the difference between marijuana and   try are getting tired and the new busi-  has not proven to be the boon that every-
         power, and many are trying to separate   hemp way too often. Cannabis has not   nesses that are coming in have to contin-  one believed - verticality is not all it’s
         the plant into flower and fiber. There   replaced those two words yet, but I hope   ue to educate. Whether for building   cracked up to be. Hemp has shown that
         will come a time when one or two    it does someday.                    products or consumption or clothing or   horizontal development can work better
         remain and the industry will do just fine.   The fear of THC is the real obstacle to   cars, the industry will have to overcome   if properly regulated. Now we just have
         The egos and power that are accumulat-  overcome. It takes a decent amount of   systemic legacy barriers. Those barriers   to get past the pandemic and show the
         ed at each organization certainly have   THC to get psychotropically affected,   were built to keep out competition and   real promise that this plant offers.
         the staying power but at some point, the   products with less than 0.3% THC will   they take time to overcome.
         war will be over, and the industry will   become more widely accepted eventual-  Building products are getting their cer-  Jeff Greene, Founder and Business
         adapt.                              ly. Drug tests are currently set to report   tifications, research is starting regarding   Development Director, The Florida Hemp
          As long as the Farm bill gets updated   any more than 50 nanograms of THC as   the cannabinoids, entrepreneurs are try-  Council, can be reached at
         every five years or so, there will always   a positive test. This is believed to be too   ing out hemp as a battery, fiberglass, or
         be something of a fight. As long as state   low and caused many hemp users to be   steel, fiber, paper and drug replacement.    (954) 304-0791 or visit
         hemp programs are subject to change   lumped into the current violation range.   Other uses will come to market and

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