P. 26
Back Cover Story: Happy 710!
Trulieve Celebrates OIL Day
Continued from back cover
brand activations throughout the week,”
says Collins. “We’re also launching a
new Muse product, Terp Sauz, on July
Trulieve will also have drops of Live
Diamonds by Muse™ happening on July
4 and July 10 at its Florida dispensaries.
Live Diamonds are created using a pro-
prietary blend of propane and butane in
Trulieve's hydrocarbon extraction lab via
TruFlower that has been frozen immedi-
ately at the time of harvest. The result of
the "diamond mining" and production
process locks in volatile terpenes and August, we’ll be celebrating the launch of
produces a strain-specific, full-spectrum Khalifa Kush in Florida.”
cannabis concentrate. Collins stresses that Trulieve continues
On Saturday, July 9 and Sunday, July to be an advocate for cannabis reform,
10, they will have doorbusters and great provide top products, and work to edu-
discounts at each of its Florida dispen- cate the communities in which it oper-
saries. Patients who purchase over $175 ates.
will also receive a gift bundle with “This includes creating jobs at our dis-
Trulieve branded swag and dab tools. pensaries with great benefits, to con-
In addition from July 4 through July tributing to and developing partnerships
10, Trulieve is partnering with Puffco for with local organizations in the commu-
a giveaway. For any purchase during this nity,” she says. “Trulieve also grows, har-
timeframe, patients will be entered for a vests and produces cannabis plants in an
chance to win a $710 dispensary credit. eco-friendly environment to reduce car-
The best way to celebrate that day? bon footprint and protect the planet.”
“Stop by one of our dispensaries to cel- In addition:
ebrate with us!” exclaims Collins. “We • Trulieve continues to focus on grow-
will have giveaways, promotions, food ing safe, quality cannabis and continual-
trucks, DJs, games, and more at select ly innovates to provide a wide variety of
stores.” products for medical patients in Florida.
Patients who are interested in celebrat- • Trulieve patients across Florida can
ing with Muse or other concentrate choose from the largest selection of THC
products have a few ways they can par- and CBD products available in a variety
take. Many concentrates are inhaled of consumption methods, including
because heat is necessary to convert the smokable flower, concentrates, edibles,
acidic forms of the phytocannabinoids it capsules, syringes, tinctures, topical
contains into the active form that makes creams, vaporizers and more.
you feel euphoric. They are typically “Our company’s mission to promote
inhaled using an approved concentrate well-being through cannabis allows us to
device like a Trulieve concentrate pen, create profound economic and social
the Puffco Peak Pro, or the Firefly 2+. advancement opportunities within the
Some concentrates do not require heat to communities we serve,” she says.
activate and can be taken orally. “Trulieve looks forward to cultivating
Patients can choose from the largest additional local and national partner-
selection of concentrates in Florida. ships through our growing DEI
Learn more about some of their selection (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) team
here ( and showcasing how cannabis can create
er/blog/trulieve-concentrates-710). consequential, powerful change.”
“Stay tuned to our social media chan-
nels to learn more about upcoming
events,” says Collins. “Coming up in For more information, visit
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26 July 2022 Cannabis News Florida