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                                        July 2022

                                     2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                             Happy 710! Trulieve

                                                             Celebrates OIL Day

                                                    BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                              July 10th is a celebration of cannabis
                                             concentrates. Cannabis concentrates con-
                                             tain much more phytocannabinoids than
                                             cannabis flower, making them a great
                                             option for patients who have developed a
                                             high tolerance for the heady effects of
                                             cannabis.                                                                            Jeff Greene
                     Brianna Bowes
                                              According to Gina Collins, Vice
                Cannabis                     President of Marketing at Trulieve, the                                       Is the Hemp
                                             largest cannabis company in Florida, leg-
                                             end has it that this cannabis holiday
                Spotlight:                   comes from turning the date 7/10 upside-                                   Industry Dying?
                                             down to spell “oil.” Some call it “Dab
        Brianna Bowes                        Day,” a reference to the act of “dabbing” concentrates. You’ll also see it referred to sim-
        Women’s Cannabis                     ply as “7/10.”                                                                     BY JEFF GREENE
                                              “No matter what you call it, July 10th is a day to raise awareness around these
        Chamber of Commerce                  potent products and the difference between their many variants,” says Collins.   Let me start by saying, I watched the
                                              Trulieve patients can celebrate the 7/10 holiday with Muse, the company’s premium   2018 Farm Bill get passed in Congress
        What benefits do you see for          concentrate line. Extracted in its state-of-the-art lab with fresh frozen flower, Muse   and signed by the President. I lobbied
        patients throughout Florida          provides a full-spectrum concentrate that is exceptionally flavorful and typically con-  the Florida legislature to pass their hemp
        within this space?                   tains higher levels of terpenes than other traditional concentrates.     bills. I expected the industry to grow like
          Compared to other adult-use and med-  “We will be highlighting Muse and other concentrate products with promotions and   a hockey stick, but I didn’t account for a
        ical states, I’m happy to see Florida pro-                                                Continued on page 26  pandemic, glass shortage, drivers and
        vide comparatively strict yet clear guide-                                                                    inflation.
        lines for MMTCs from seed to sale to                                                                            A crippling couple of bankruptcies
        ensure consistency and quality for         Cannabis in Sports Conference                                      early in the industry’s development,
        patients.                                                                                                     GenCanna Global and United Cannabis,
          Before recent advancements in the                                                                           caused many farmers to follow into
        medical marijuana space, we saw                        Come to Orlando                                        bankruptcy. Farmers that were promised
        patients forced to wait weeks to months                                                                       $20 -$30 per pound and even got that for
        to receive medication when their condi-           BY CAROL NEWMAN                                             a season or two ended up selling for $.50
        tions were affecting their quality of life in                                                                 to $1.00 per pound and many vowed to
        the now. Other states limit access to   In a recent column we took the time to highlight an                   never grow hemp again.
        routes and potencies which will not only   upcoming local conference: the Cannabis Clinical                     No, the industry is not dying, but it is
        limit the potential benefits of cannabis,   Outcomes Research Conference. At the conference,                  consolidating. Green Roads was bought
        but continue to lead patients down a trail   organizers took note that some participants only                 by Valens and Just CBD was acquired by
        to pharmaceutical drugs that may very   learned of the conference through this column. The                    Flora Grown, both publicly traded com-
        well have negative consequences when   conference was an overwhelming success and deliv-                      panies. Both were necessary for the com-
        compared to cannabis.                ered so much valuable information from local and                         panies to grow and thrive.
          I am also happy to see a shift in respect   national experts surrounding medical marijuana                    Hundreds of hemp companies have
        for this alternative medication within the   research.                                                        gone out of business, but almost as many,
        medical community. I have been and     Since the Summer tends to be “conference season”                       have started. The reality is that the plant
        continue to be concerned with the lack   and many are now getting more comfortable attend-                    is amazing. Now that the FDA is allow-
        of knowledge or understanding medical   ing in-person and live events, perhaps this is a good                 ing research; scientists will soon verify
        professionals may possess or even have   time to highlight another upcoming conference. The                   what the industry has been preaching.
        access to with respect to recommending   inaugural Cannabis in Sports Conference will take    Dr. Jeff G. Konin   That doesn’t stop the FDA from scold-
        cannabis rather than prescribing some-  place in Orlando at the Rosen Hotel from July 29-31, 2022. The conference organizers   ing companies for making those claims
        thing far more addictive and potentially   are Gene and Dana Jones, who have successfully hosted the Florida Industrial Hemp   prematurely. Early in the game, getting a
        harmful in the long run.             Conference and the Florida Medical Cannabis Conference & Exhibition over the past   letter from the FDA was like a badge of
                                             few years.                                                               honor, that you were fighting the big bad
        What motivates you to be a             The Cannabis in Sports Conference has been designed to foster education and net-  government and consumers tended to
        part of the cannabis Industry?       working on the use of cannabis in sports in order to shed light on the proper use of   rally around them. Lately, the opposite is
          Beyond the potential health benefits   cannabinoids as it relates to athletes. Conference-related topics include, but are not   happening, industry long-timers have
        cannabis is said to have, the possibility of                                                                  navigated the waters of compliance and
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