P. 25
Florida’s Resource for
Medical & Business
Cannabis Developments
Back Cover Story: Cannabis in Sports Conference Come to Orlando Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
PO Box 812708
Phone: (561) 368-6950
Continued from back cover also known as ‘Murderball” highlights a You do not need to be a healthcare
limited to: panel discussion and will provide a per- provider to benefit from the information
• Clinical Applications of Medical spective from athletes and coaches. that will be shared. Parents, coaches,
Cannabis Another special feature will be the teachers, and many others can take away CHARLES FELIX
• Phytocannabinoids, inclusion of Josiah Hesse, author of the nuggets of information and the most cur- CAROL FELIX
Endocannabinoids & Synthetic best-selling book “Runners High: How a rent trends regarding all forms of Publishers
Cannabinoids Research Movement of Cannabis-Fueled Athletes cannabis in the sports world at all ages NANCY LAMMIE
• Dosing Considerations When Using Is Changing the Science of Sport.” and levels. This is something you don’t JMC Graphics
Cannabis Josiah Hesse is an author and journalist want to miss and it is in our own back- Art/Production
• Role of Cannabinoids in the man- from Denver, Colorado, whose work has yard!
agement of pain, anxiety and sleep appeared in Vice, Esquire, Politico, and JUDY GRAMM
• Role of Endocannabinoid Function The Guardian. You can register for this Editorial Manager
in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Conference coordination will also be inaugural conference at CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
• Contraindications & Drug shared by Dr. Jeff G. Konin, Clinical Daniel Casciato
Interactions Professor in the Department of Athletic Barbara Fallon
• Cannabis Education & Provider Training at Florida International Dr. Jeff G. Konin is a Clinical Professor in Vanessa Orr
Approaches University and the Director of the Global the Department of Athletic Training in the Lois Thomson
• Cannabis in Sports Industry Trends Initiative for Cannabinoid Research & Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and SUBSCRIPTIONS
• Drug Testing in Sports Education. As an international consult- Health Sciences at Florida International One Year - $45
The speakers include sports clinicians, ant in the area of cannabis and sports University (FIU) where he directs the Two Years - $70
sports scientists, coaches, lawyers, and performance, Dr. Konin will share his Global Initiative for Cannabinoid Research Three Years - $85
many more! It is a major goal of the experiences in working with athletes, and Education. To learn more about FIU’s To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
event to bring to light the many issues teams, and leagues as policies slowly cannabinoid research and education initia- Or email:
facing sports at all levels surrounding the loosen and social acceptance increases. tive you can visit their website at All rights reserved. Reproduction
cannabis space. How has it impacted What does this mean to performance? Views In whole or part without written
Olympic and Paralympic athletes? James Dr. Konin will share some fascinating represented in this column do not reflect permission is prohibited. Copyright ©2022
Gumbert, the most decorated coach in insights. that of Florida International University and
the history of USA Wheelchair Rugby – This conference should be of interest are solely attributed to Dr. Jeff G. Konin.
to anyone who has any interest in sports!
July 29-31, 2022
Rosen Centre Hotel
Orlando, Florida
The Inaugural
Cannabis in Sports
(CIS 2022)
Presentations for the Use of
Cannabis in Sports.
For more info view this link:
This conference is designed to foster education on
the use of cannabis in sports!
Cannabis News Florida July 2022 25