Page 13 - Cannabis News Florida July 2022
P. 13

Coming                                       ADVANCES IN TELEMEDICINE

             next month in
            South Florida                                             Baptist Hospital First in South Florida

           Hospital News                                           with Radiation-Saving Endoscopy

          and Healthcare
                 Report...                                                 Technology from Omega

                                                                BY DAN ALRED
                 • Profiles in

                 Leadership                    Baptist Hospital recently became the first facility in South
             & Administration                Florida with an advanced endoscopy suite centered around the
                                             Omega E-View.AI and its industry-leading radiation reduction

          • Education Update –                 For over 60 years, Baptist Hospital – the flagship facility of
             New Programs in                 the Baptist Health South Florida system – has been one of the
          Healthcare Education               most respected medical centers in South Florida. Baptist
                                             Health’s endoscopy centers provide state-of-the-art facilities

                                             offering diagnostic and therapeutic gastrointestinal procedures
                • Healthcare                 to their patients.
                Professionals                  Baptist Health embraces advancements in medical technolo-
                Associations                 gy. For Baptist Hospital, that commitment manifests itself with
                                             a new dedicated interventional endoscopy lab featuring the E-

                                             View.AI. Omega systems provide leading-edge technology that
          • Outsourcing Update               dramatically reduces radiation exposure to patients and staff
                                             during endoscopic procedures.
                                               “We are excited to be the first to bring this technology to
             •  Revenue Cycle
                                             patients in South Florida,” said Andres Gelrud, M.D., MMSc.
             Software Trends                 “The goal of our program is to always bring the best care to our
                                                                                                      • Innovative technology that reduces radiation exposure to
                                             patients. Superior image quality and true radiation protection   patients and staff by up to ~84%
             For more information            help us deliver that promise.”                           With Omega, Baptist Hospital is equipped with the latest
                                               The Omega E-View.AI provides several advantages that con-
               on advertising and            ventional fluoro systems cannot:                       technology and sets the standard for endoscopy care and radia-
           editorial opportunities, call       • AI that automatically detects the physician’s ROI – allowing   tion safety in South Florida.

             (561) 368-6950 today!           for hands-free operation                                                  For more information, contact Dan Alred at
                                               • Advanced image processing that maintains the full field of or (407) 323-9400.
                                             view (FOV) while delivering the highest level of image quality
                                             for the region of interest (ROI)

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