Page 8 - Cannabis News Florida July 2022
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Cover Story:  Ask These Questions Before You Pursue an M&A Transaction

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                                             model for the combined company (e.g.,   measure it?                       Do you have any operational imperatives
          • Does your strategy for the transaction   degree of integration)? Are you prepared   • Do you have a clear sense of your com-  for the buyer (e.g., do you want a soft land-
        align with your overall corporate strategy?   to provide your integration teams a   pany’s value?              ing for your employees, how will you max-
          • How much risk are you willing to take   roadmap to facilitate integration planning?   • Is the potential buyer the right fit?   imize customer retention during the trans-
        on?                                    • Have you defined an integration man-  • What is the expected impact on share-  action, what is the buyer’s corporate cul-
          • Have you been realistic about your   agement structure to support the integra-  holders, employees and patients?   ture, etc.)?
        ability to do the transaction in terms of   tion and synergy capture planning and   • How will the transaction impact the   • Are there any strategic, revenue
        access to resources?                 execution process?                   company’s reputation: positively or nega-  enhancing and cost reduction initiatives
                                               • Do you have a good understanding of   tively?                         that have been identified or are already in-
          Due Diligence                      the concerns that your stakeholders (e.g.,   • When and how will the deal be   process that could increase the company’s
          • What is the reputation of the company   employees, customers, partners, etc.) may   announced?             valuation at exit? What is the status of
        you’d like to acquire?               have about the transaction? Have you                                      those initiatives? Should you continue in-
          • Have you completed diligence related   developed a communications and reten-  Due Diligence                process initiatives?
        to:                                  tion strategy to address your stakeholder   • Is your organization prepared to go   • If you are divesting a business that will
          - Synergies – Deal value drivers   concerns?                            through a robust due diligence process   need to be carved out, how entangled is
          - People – Compensation strategy, cul-  • What will it take to integrate the   that encompasses legal, financial, opera-  the business with the rest of your opera-
        ture                                 acquisition into your company’s culture?   tional and compliance concerns?   tions? Have you developed carve-out
          - Technology – IT systems, 3rd-party   Are the cultures aligned, and are they a   • Who can management tap to support   financials and defined the standalone costs
        solutions                            good fit?                            the due diligence process?           for the business? Have you determined
          - Finances – Quality of Earnings (QOE)   • How will employee roles and responsi-  • How resilient are processes and sys-  what transition services you are willing to
        analyses                             bilities change with the deal? Have you   tems throughout your organization? Is any   provide the buyer? What will it take to
          - Operations – SG&A, supply chain   taken steps to ensure the right people will   infrastructure single-person-dependent?   operationally carve-out the business by
          - Regulatory Compliance            be in the right roles?                 • Have you completed a sell-side QOE   transaction close?
          - Go to Market Strategy              • Are your technology systems compati-  report?                          • What will it take to integrate with the
          - Do the results of your due diligence   ble? What support will be needed to inte-  • Have you had an independent party do   buyer’s operations?
        investigations match with the information   grate the technology systems, and what is   diligence on your company? Have you
        you were provided?                   the timeline for doing so?           proactively addressed issues they identi-  Alexander Binelo, Partner, The BDO Center
          • Are there any outstanding issues with   • What cyber and patient data privacy   fied?                       for Healthcare Excellence & Innovation, can
        the company that you need to be aware of?   risks will come with the integration                                        be reached at
        If so, what steps has the company taken to   process? Do you have a plan to address   Operations                                  or (786) 477-5418.
        address them?                        and mitigate them?                     • Has the transaction perimeter or
                                                                                  “what’s in and what’s out” been defined?   Contact:
          Integration                          Strategy                           Which executives, key employees, cus-  Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner
          • Have you defined the integration goals   • Why are you selling your company?   tomers and assets will be part of the trans-  (305) 420-8006 /
        and priorities? Are they aligned with your   • What are you looking to achieve from   action?
        transaction rationale and deal value driv-  the transaction? Have you clearly defined   • What are your criteria for a buyer?   Angelo Pirozzi, Partner
        ers?                                 what success looks like and how you will   Would you prefer a strategic or PE buyer?   (646) 520-2870 /
          • Have you defined the target operating

         Cover Story: ImageFIRST Partners with Clients

        Continued from page 1                customers and to each other in delivering   ognize how patients, visitors, and staff   More Than a Vendor …
         about how their ‘bedside manner’ impacts   on our pledge to exceed client expecta-  experience each aspect of a medical facil-  A Partner
         their success in connecting and establish-  tions,” Juffre said.         ity, their programs are designed to solve   Finally, Juffre tips his hat to the for-
         ing trust with patients, ImageFIRST steps   “One of the notable changes post pan-  common challenges, such as attrition   ward thinking of ImageFIRST even in
         in to help staff have that time to connect   demic is that hospitals have begun to con-  and product loss, fluctuating patient cen-  the midst of the crisis. “We looked
         with patients instead of looking for an iso-  tact us, so we can support their linen   sus, managing multiple contacts, and   beyond the immediate crisis and set up
         lation gown, traipsing to the hospital laun-  needs within the four walls of the hospital   more.            nimble staffing and inventory procedures
         dry to find clean scrubs, dealing with a   to help them deliver inpatient care,” he   “In fact, during the COVID crisis we   to accommodate the next stage of when
         patient’s discomfort due to an uncomfort-  said, “prompting us to double-down on   increased our associate head count by   we predicted that providers would expe-
         able or dirty gown, or worrying if the   standard operating procedures.”   approximately 25%; expanded our foot-  rience a tidal wave of delayed, yet vital,
         gowns or linens are sanitary.         For example, ImageFIRST has increased   print, acquiring several other companies   elective procedures to schedule for their
          Juffre outlined their 5-point product   their management of safety and hygiene   and processing facilities nationwide; and   patients. We anticipated a future of high
         quality metric. “Our clients receive a   best practice programs, including cubicle   accelerated our manufacturing of new   demand for continuing worry-free assur-
         ‘Clean You Can Count On’ quality assur-  curtain laundering schedules. They are   products to combat supply chain   ance of quality linens and staff and
         ance process, ensuring that they get premi-  also professionally monitoring scrub pro-  delays,” Juffre summarized.   patient apparel delivery, with the ulti-
         um products, tested for quality and dura-  grams, restocked on-site with UHF-RFID   In marketing terms, the ImageFIRST   mate focus being in maintaining safety
         bility; the highest sanitizing standards,   chip technology to track inventory and   brand represents quality products and   and cleaning procedures supporting
         meeting company’s bright white standard;   account for who, when, and for how long   services which, in turn, is rewarded with a   recovery,” Juffre asserted.
         hand inspected, plastic-wrapped linens   scrubs, mops, towels and linens are in use.   year-after-year earned customer loyalty of   When safety measures allowed, clients
         and gowns and uniforms that are fresh and   Customer Advocates can also more effi-  97.5% retention level. Their performance   started to experience new demands to
         clean. And, all our cleaning processes   ciently handle and monitor needs through   excellence is achieved as a result of an   not only schedule expanded capacity for
         must pass strict independent laboratory   the innovative ScrubVAULT® System,   increased focus on improving the human   increased census, but also to attract and
         testing,” he explained.             which utilizes chip technology for   experience within the customers’ facilities   persuade the public that cleanliness,
          Additionally, they manage client inven-  enhanced trackability.         – from the patients, to staff, and visitors.    safety, and comfort awaited them for
         tory according to hospital needs on an on-   Sanitized scrubs and lab coats are   In addition to keeping abreast of state-  their hospital experience.
         going basis by assessing both peak census   always on hand – with a quick QR access   of-the-art technology and operations, he   “We are here to double-down on a
         and slower time frames. Clients have a   code –  and customers can get automated   credits the importance of ImageFIRST   course of action to partner with our
         dedicated Customer Advocate who pro-  tracking for accurate reporting, thanks to   culture for brand loyalty.    clients in planning and implementation
         vides on-site inventory management,   the RFID chips in scrubs, curtains,   “We made our plants safe; we ensure   of operations which enhances the human
         delivers and organizes clean linen and uni-  microfiber and other products.   our associates are not only safe but also   experience in their practices, heightens
         forms, and picks up soiled products.                                     feel safe, so they come to work in spite of   patient and staff satisfaction and sup-
          A linen and laundry Customer Advocate   Quality Brand Yields            weather, environmental or other outside   ports positive patient outcomes,” Juffre
         can’t perform surgery, but ImageFIRST   Customer Loyalty                 influences because they recognize the   concluded.
         staff can monitor and help sanitize and   ImageFIRST specializes in the health-  individual value they add to our cus-
         eliminate 99.999% of pathogens on tex-  care industry, giving them a unique under-  tomers,” he explained.                 For more information, visit
         tiles that could contribute to a negative   standing of their clients’ requirements,   “Our culture was tested during the past
         outcome. “Our team is dedicated to their   needs, and challenges. Because they rec-  two years … and we passed,” Juffre said.   or call (800) 368-3676.

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