Page 34 - March 2017
P. 34

Dear Readers:

             South Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report welcomes you to, a new feature of our print
              publication, website, and e-newsletters. Its purpose is to provide pertinent educational information from leading authorities
                 about medical and business developments in the medical cannabis industry. We also intend to provide both national
                           and international information which will affect the medical cannabis business in the State of Florida.

                                                   CBD - The Other Cannabinoid

                                       My prediction is that we will start seeing CBD’s  ment for Parkinsons disease, epilepsy, and even Cancer. Cannabinoids bind to
                                     in vitamins, smoothies, and all types of nutrition-  these receptors and produce the medical benefits of immune system strengthen-
                                     al supplements. We are already starting to see  ing and other pharmacological effects.
                                     CBD’s in dog food as the veterinarians start to
                                     awaken to the presence of Endocannabinoid   The Source
                                     receptors in dogs. Humans also have           The Cannabis plant has over 100 cannabinoids of which we are only just
                                     Endocannabinoid receptors throughout the body  learning the medical benefits. Cannabinoids are the primary compound found
                                     and this was discovered just over 20 years ago. In  in the cannabis plant. The two main cannabinoids are Tetrahydrocannabinol
                                     fact, research has shown that we are significantly  (THC) which has a euphoric/ psychoactive effect and Cannabidiol (CBD) which
                                     deficient in cannabinoids which we used to get in  is non-euphoric. CBD was originally patented by the United States Government
                                     our food source from the fact that animals used to  in 2003 as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant. Over 90% of the Cannabis plant
                                     eat Cannabis/hemp plants as they grazed.    can by used for medical and functional purposes. Although the plant and THC
                                        The human body has receptors for CB1 and  products are considered Schedule I drugs under Federal standards, there is a
                                     CB2. These receptors are located in areas of the  growing legal market for “hemp oils” and “CBD oil.”
                                     body such as the brain, spinal cord, cerebellum,
             BY SCHERIL MURRAY
                                     thalamus, thyroid, liver, adrenals, ovaries, uterus,  Where can you get it?
                POWELL, ESQ.         prostate, eyes, stomach, heart, digestive tract, and  The interesting thing about CBD products is that they are most commonly
                                     others. CBD’s are now being investigated as treat-  found in “vape shops” in Florida. With this considered, it is important to
                                                                                 research and understand the purity and extraction methods used. There are also
                                                                                 content verified brands such as Green Roads World which is based in Florida
                                                                                 and has all of its products made in South Florida under the supervision of a
                                                                                 licensed pharmacist and is produced in an ISO 6 clean room with over 5,000 dis-
                                                                                 tribution points. You can even purchase hemp oil in Whole Foods now. Green
                                                                                 Roads World has a wellness brand of products that is pharmacist formulated and
                                                                                 only available to physicians currently.

                                                                                 Effective Delivery Systems
                                                                                   CBD products are administered in many ways that are similar to THC con-
                                                                                 sumption, except it is not traditionally smoked. CBD extracts are used to make
                                                                                 edibles such as gummies, lollypops, and teas. There are also capsules containing
                                                                                 CBD and drops that are administered sublingually. You will find that the indi-
                                                                                 viduals that sell CBD will not recommend a particular amount or dosage and
                                                                                 will refer the customer back to a physician for specific recommendations.

                                                                                 Extraction Method
                                                                                   In order to extract CBD from the Cannabis plant, a CO2 (Carbon dioxide)
                                                                                 extraction method is typically used where CO2 is contained in a low tempera-
                                                                                 ture and high pressure environment. This process of extraction is highly scien-
                                                                                 tific. With CO2 in a liquid state, it is then possible to extract CO2 and terpenes
                                                                                 from the plant. Terpenes are found in other foods such as apples and chocolate
                                                                                 as well. It is critical that the plants (cannabis flower) used are free from contam-
                                                                                 inants and pesticides, which is why it is best to use a brand that has third party
                                                                                 testing results as well as pharmacist supervision if at all possible.

                                                                                 Determining which patients will benefit
                                                                                   It is recommended that physicians attend seminars and educate themselves on
                                                                                 the endocannabinoid system in the body. There will be more and more patients
                                                                                 initiating the discussion about how CBD or THC can help them with their ail-
                                                                                 ments. There is an upcoming symposium especially for physicians that is taking
                                                                                 place in South Florida on March 11, 2017. For more information, visit website
                                                                        for more information.

                                                                                      Scheril Murray Powell, Associate at Doumar, Allsworth, Laystrom, Voigt, Wachs,
                                                                                                    and Adair LLP, General Counsel at Patience with Patients, and
                                                                                             General Counsel at Minorities 4 Medical Marijuana, can be reached at
                                                                                                      or (561) 929-4678.

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