Page 37 - March 2017
P. 37

Snapshots                                                                                                          Opens New
                                                                                                                                   Z Urology

                                                                                                                              Pompano Beach
                  NASCAR® Driver Ryan Reed Visited                                                                                   Office
                      Broward Health Coral Springs

            NASCAR® driver
           Ryan Reed visited
           Broward Health Coral
           Springs (BHCS) and                                                        Z Urology is proud to announce the
           shared how he man-                                                      opening of its new office at 990 North
           ages  his  diabetes                                                     Federal Highway in Pompano Beach.
           while pursuing his
           racing career. This
           came in an effort for
           the Broward Health’s                                                      Broward Health
           Pediatric  Diabetes
           Center to bring some-                                                         Children’s
           one to the platform
           who can inspire kids                                                           Hospital
           within the community affected with diabetes. Reed understands the daily chal-
           lenges that come with diabetes, and he helps motivate people to take control of  Renamed the
           their disease so that they can continue to live well.
            In effort to continue to empower people to live well with diabetes, Lilly Diabetes  Salah Foundation
           supports Reed and the American Diabetes Association® on the Drive to Stop
           Diabetes  campaign. As part of the campaign, Reed connects with fans while trav-  Children’s
           eling for races, encouraging those with diabetes to actively manage the disease by  Hospital at
           talking frequently with their doctor and reaching out to family and friends for
           encouragement and support.                                                Broward Health
             Pictured (l-r) Dr. Ernesto Blanco, Medical Director of Camp Coral Kids; Dr. Risa
           Wolf, Lead Endocrinologist at the Pediatric Diabetes Center; NASCAR® driver  Broward Health Coral Springs is pleased to announce that Broward Health
           Ryan Reed ; Dr. Lital Reitblat, pediatric endocrinologist at Pediatric Diabetes  Children’s Hospital has been renamed the Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital at
           Center; Shelly Nicholls, RN.
                                                                                   Broward Health. A formal unveiling ceremony took place and signage throughout
                                                                                   the hospital reflects the name change in our pediatric areas. The name change is
                                                                                   in honor of the Salah Foundation’s generous $10 million, dollar-for-dollar, all-or-
                      Radiology Open House Held at                                 nothing challenge grant where the Broward Health Foundation successfully raised
                                                                                   another $12 million from the community to match this extraordinary gift. The
                       Broward Health Coral Springs                                ambitious, capital campaign raised more than $22 million toward the $52 million
                                                                                   renovation and expansion of our children’s hospital at Broward Health Medical
                                                                                   Center. Other major contributors to the campaign include Mrs. Lorraine Thomas,
            Broward    Health                                                      Pediatrix Medical Group and EmCare. Pictured is Noreen Salah Burpee of the
           Coral Springs invest-                                                   Salah Foundation.
           ed nearly $6 million
           in   state-of-the-art
           radiology equipment -                                                         Broward Health Coral
           all to benefit patient
           care and allow physi-                                                    Springs Congratulates the
           cians to make more
           definitive diagnosis.                                                     3rd Quarter Shining Star
           To inaugurate this
           great   accomplish-                                                         Winner Molly Petersen,
           ment, the radiology department recently opened its doors with an open house to  Physical Therapist Assistant
           showcase the new equipment.
            Pictured are (l-r) Scott Bracci, Radiology Regional Manager, Dr. Ken Morrison,  – BHCS Rehab Services
           Radiologist, Dr. Carl Raboi Radiology Medical Director, Dr. Shawn Fibkins Gough,
           Radiologist, Drew Grossman, CEO.

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