Page 42 - March 2017
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The Rise of Freestanding Cancer Centers
According to statistics which can be very over-
from the National Cancer whelming. The space
Institute, it was estimated remains clutter-free to help
that 1,685,210 new cases of alleviate stress.
cancer would be diagnosed In North Florida, Cancer
in the United States in 2016 Specialists of North Florida
alone. As the number of (CSNF) has provided qual-
people impacted by cancer ity cancer care to the
continues to grow, more Jacksonville community,
hospitals, health systems including medical oncolo-
and physician groups are gy, radiation oncology,
seeking ways to best meet gynecologic oncology,
the needs of these patients hematology and diagnostic
and their families. Many BY LUIS J. CANO, AIA imaging, for more than 30
are moving cancer centers years. With 30 specialists
from within the hospital and eleven clinic locations,
setting to freestanding outpatient facilities CSNF is the largest, private, physician- South Miami’s 61,500 square-foot, four story Center for Innovative Medicine offers
that support the delivery of specialized owned group in northeast Florida. GS&P patients a positive, healing environment, along with state-of-the-art cancer care.
care through advanced treatment and worked with CSNF to design a new outpa-
technology in an environment that sup- tient cancer treatment facility prototype
ports the specific needs of cancer patients that serves as the group’s new brand stan-
and their families. dard and improves operational efficiency.
South Miami’s Innovative Cancer Design elements contribute to the envi-
Institute (ICI) is leading the way in pro- ronment being both comfortable and cut-
viding cutting-edge treatment in radiation ting-edge and provide CSNF with two
oncology to patients from the South footprint options.
Florida region as well as internationally. The 12,100-square-foot A.C. Skinner
Their facility was designed to accommo- treatment facility is among the first to be
date the growing demand for cancer-care implemented. The facility includes a linear
and incorporate the latest technologies, accelerator (with the ability to add a sec-
with a keen focus on offering patients a ond vault), a CT simulator, exam rooms, a The large, well-lit infusion area at CSNF’s AC Skinner facility is designed so that patients
positive, healing environment. procedure room, a laboratory, a modular can interact with others while receiving chemotherapy treatments. An exterior butterfly
The approximately 60,000-square-foot pharmacy, infusion therapy and staff garden was designed to provide positive distraction and support patient healing.
building includes a clinical area, offices, support spaces. The facility was designed
open-air parking garage with 80 spaces, with future expansion in mind to accom- during the first year.
lush garden views, and some of the most modate radiation oncology, medical They have averaged
sophisticated cancer treatment planning oncology and diagnostic imaging servic- more radiation
and delivery equipment in the world. ICI es. oncology and med-
is one of the very first freestanding cancer An efficient layout with a sub-wait area ical oncology
treatment centers in the U.S. to offer the adjacent to the lobby and shared exams patients per day
Varian Edge™ radiosurgery system, which rooms close to radiation and medical than any of their
quickly and easily targets tumors with pin- oncology improves the turnaround time other treatment cen-
point accuracy while protecting the sur- for exam rooms and enhances flow and ter. The client is
rounding healthy tissue. operational efficiency while reducing now investigating
GS&P’s design is meant to reflect an square footage. A large, well-lit additional expan-
inspired and modern facility that is high- chemotherapy infusion area lets patients sion opportunities
tech and streamlined. Creating the best interact during treatment if desired, and and has incorporat-
possible patient experience was a key driv- a private room is also available. The ed GS&P’s sub-wait
er in the interior design. Interior features adjoining modular pharmacy enhances design concept into
such as art collections and views to lush transparency and empowers patients by existing facilities to
gardens generate interest and help ease allowing them to watch pharmacy tech- improve operational ICI is one of the very first freestanding cancer treatment centers
anxiety for patients. Neutral, contempo- nicians prepare their chemotherapy and efficiencies. in the U.S. to offer the Varian Edge™ radiosurgery system, which
rary offices and clinical areas also con- other treatments in a glass-walled space With the increase quickly and easily targets tumors with pinpoint accuracy while
tribute to a calming aesthetic. Exam rooms with a high-tech, modern look. Natural in patient volumes, protecting the surrounding healthy tissue.
are designed so equipment like stetho- light and garden views create a comfort- outpatient cancer
scopes, blood pressure cuffs and other ing environment that reduces stress and centers will continue to prove to be an
machines are concealed inside a panel supports the healing process. effective solution to increase market Luis J. Cano, AIA, is a senior vice president
behind a beautiful wooden headwall. The Patient volumes at the A.C. Skinner share and enhance the patient and family at Gresham, Smith and Partners. He can be
patient never has to see that equipment, treatment center exceeded expectations experience. reached at
Hialeah Hospital Opens Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit
Hialeah Hospital celebrates the opening of its new Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit. The Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit at Hialeah Hospital offers comprehensive
psychiatric inpatient services for adults and specializes in the treatment of individuals with emotional disturbances, including depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety.
The unit admits patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has 12 beds.
“Patients heal better in a compassionate and comfortable environment,” said Ben A. Rodriguez, Chief Executive Officer at Hialeah Hospital. “We have taken the proper
measures to ensure that our Behavioral Health Unit provides a welcoming atmosphere for individuals seeking high quality mental health services.”
Hialeah Hospital offers a wide variety of therapies. Some patients may benefit from "talking therapies" such as anger and stress management, coping skills, goal setting
and grief resolution, while others may benefit from non-verbal music therapy, arts and crafts therapy, recreational therapy and occupational therapy. Hialeah Hospital's
adjunctive therapists are trained to offer individual counseling or group therapy. Patients may participate in these as part of their treatment plan.
A multidisciplinary team led by a psychiatrist discusses various treatment options with patients based on their diagnosis. Evaluation and treatment can be a positive
first step toward a healthier and more productive life. Hialeah Hospital strives to provide the best and most personalized service to patients and their family members
during and after their hospital. Each patient will have a comprehensive discharge planning session with the behavioral health team prior to discharge.
42 March 2017 South Florida Hospital News