Page 44 - March 2017
P. 44


              Mitchell Wolfson Sr. Foundation

         Gives $2.5 Million for Building Miami                                             Reichel Announces Healthcare

         Jewish Health EmpathiCare™ Village                                                       Real Estate Brokerage

                                                                                            and Business Advisory Division
          Miami Jewish Health is the
        recipient of a $2.5 million com-
        mitment from the Mitchell                                                            Led By Former Tenet Florida
        Wolfson Sr. Foundation to
        assist in building the Miami                                                                   Executive Patipa
        Jewish Health EmpathiCare™
        Village, a state-of-the-art resi-                                                Reichel Realty & Investments Inc.
        dential complex for the care of                                                announced a new Healthcare Real Estate
        individuals with Alzheimer’s                                                   Brokerage and Business Advisory Division
        disease and other memory dis-                                                  headed by Benjamin Patipa, M.D., who joined
        orders.                                                                        the firm as vice president. The new division
          “Our family is pleased to                                                    provides services and guidance for healthcare
        carry on the legacy of my                                                      clients in business growth or transition plan-
        grandfather, the late Col.                                                     ning, and a wide range of related real estate
        Mitchell Wolfson, one of the                                                   matters.
        original founders of Miami Jewish Health. This announcement confirms my family’s  Patipa, a physician, business leader and seri-
        life-long dedication to The Home and our Foundation’s promise to support their  al healthcare entrepreneur, brings more than
        efforts. We are proud to stand with Miami Jewish Health on this much-needed    30 years of leadership experience as CEO,
        endeavor,” said Louis Wolfson III, chairman of the Miami Jewish Health Foundation  COO and president of public and private com-
        board of directors.                                                            panies in healthcare, real estate investment,  Dr. Benjamin Patipa
          The gift follows a recent substantial donation of $5 million from Edie Laquer, real  technology, brand development and financial
        estate broker and philanthropist.                                              services. As CEO of Tenet Healthcare Corp.’s Accountable Care Organization
          Designed to improve the quality of life for aging patients with memory disorders,  (ACO) in Florida, he helped lead its healthcare reform initiatives. He also
        the EmpathiCare™ Village is planned for Miami Jewish Health’s 20-acre campus at  served as Assistant President at HearX Ltd., COO at Allianz N.A., CEO at
        5200 NE 2nd Ave. Future residents will enjoy living in a secure, homelike setting with  Bravo! Brands, Inc., and EVP at eHDL/Healthnet Data Link. Earlier in his
        the freedom to move around and participate in social activities. The multi-phased  career, Patipa worked with Sonus USA and led P&F Real Estate Investment
        project designed by C.C. Hodgson Architectural Group is expected to open in 2021.
                                                                                         Patipa also pioneered successful innovative ventures including Weight
                                                                                       For Me, the nation’s first and most recognized Pediatric and Adolescent
                                                                                       Weight Control center, and MedMark Group healthcare marketing and
                                                                                       advertising agency.

                                                                                       New Pediatric Diabetes Center

                                                                                        (l-r) Drew Grossman, CEO of Broward Health Coral Springs; Dr. Risa Wolf,
                                                                                      Lead physician/endrocrinologist at the Broward Health Pediatric Diabetes Center;
                                                                                             Guy V. Zingaro, Chief of Staff at Broward Health Coral Springs.

                                                                                      Broward Health held its grand opening celebration of its Comprehensive
                                                                                    Pediatric Diabetes Center at its Coral Springs location. Lead by pediatric
                                                                                    endocrinologist Dr. Risa Wolf, the outpatient center offers a team approach of
                                                                                    specialist including pediatric endocrinologists, nutritionist, psycologist and
                                                                                    certified diabetes educator. With an additional location in Fort Lauderdale,
                                                                                    both centers are able to serve residents throughout Broward County and South
                                                                                    Palm Beach County.

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