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                                              Miami-Based Biofeedback Program Offers Hope

                                                         to Brain Injury Patients from Abroad

                  BY SALLIE JAMES                                                                                     brain to the muscle, they can see what
                                                                                                                      that muscle is capable of doing.”
          Laura Gagne balanced on wobbly legs                                                                           Today Arthur Harper is walking better,
        and desperately tried steadying herself as                                                                    he can lift his arm and move his hand.
        yellow and blue lines snaked across a dis-                                                                    His grasp remains weak, but his dexterity
        play screen.                                                                                                  continues to improve.
          Her involuntary shakes and tremors                                                                            “They teach me how to think,”
        were mirrored in squiggles, her body                                                                          explained Arthur, 77. “It’s subconscious.
        connected to a computer by electrodes.                                                                        What you are learning how to do is oper-
          “Blue up, yellow down. That’s it!                                                                           ate a muscle you want to use and relax
        Doing better!” cheered therapist Maria                                                                        the opposition muscle.”
        Varela.                                                                                                         The Brucker method not only works
          Welcome to the biofeedback program                                                                          after neurological injuries but has proved
        at Miami Jewish Health, where, using the  Patient Arthur Harper of Sarasota  Biofeedback therapist Maria Varela  useful for children with cerebral palsy.
        Brucker method, patients learn to retrain  talks with biofeedback therapist  works with brain injury patient Laura  Patients who have never been able to
        their brains using visual cues. The alter-     Patricia Villamarin.                Gagne from France.         walk – and have been told that they
        native therapy has helped many with                                                                           would never walk – have found hope at
        brain and spinal cord injuries and stroke                                                                     Miami Jewish Health.
        damage regain balance, stand and walk.   may be cheaper, American specialists  in a chair without constant shaking due  “Dr. Brucker figured out you could
          Gagne, a brain injury patient from  “are often called upon to treat cases con-  to the ataxia,” Varela said. “Now she can  show the brain actually connecting to
        France, is one of about 200 patients who  sidered difficult or untreatable else-  stand, she walks with moderate assis-  that muscle if you looked at the comput-
        practice “medical tourism,” traveling  where,” Woodman explained.         tance and she doesn’t shake in the chair  er screen and the line was climbing high-
        from France to Miami for the alternative  Marynell Lubinski, vice president of  anymore.”                     er and higher,” Judy Harper explained.
        treatment. She is among an estimated  Physician Services at Miami Jewish   Judy Harper is also a huge believer in  “That showed the patient that the mes-
        300,000 international patients who visit  Health, said the French biofeedback  the Brucker method of biofeedback. Her  sage to that muscle was getting stronger.
        the United States annually seeking spe-  patients return because they get results.  husband Arthur suffered a severe stroke  I call it the greatest 'atta boy’ there is. It’s
        cialty care, according to Josef Woodman,  “Our patients feel the quality of servic-  in 1994 and has regained partial use of  encouragement and the brain feeds on
        author of “Patients Beyond Borders.”   es offered here is higher than other cen-  his left arm and greatly improved his  it.”
          Gagne and her family have traveled to  ters in Europe," Lubinski said.   walking gait through biofeedback thera-  After his stroke, Judy Harper won-
        the United States 19 times over eight  Because patients’ muscles are connect-  py. The couple also travels for the thera-  dered if her husband would ever regain a
        years, flying more than a cumulative  ed to a computer display screen by elec-  py, driving several hours south from  sense of normalcy. The Brucker method
        170,000 miles for the specialty treatment  trodes, they can see if a muscle is firing  Sarasota, FL.          of biofeedback helped him get his life
        in Miami.                            properly, even if they can’t achieve the  Doctors had initially predicted Arthur  back.
          “Brucker has changed her life for the  desired movement instantly. The system  Harper would never walk again.  “He’s the miracle man and it’s all
        better,” said Laura’s mother Isabelle.  creates incredible incentive.      The Harpers met the late Dr. Bernard  because of Dr. Brucker. This biofeedback
        Gagne also receives a variety of other  Gagne was 11 years old when she suf-  Brucker years ago in New York and  stuff makes improvements every single
        supporting therapies in France. Over  fered a severe head injury in a violent car  decided to try biofeedback. It’s a decision  time,” she said.
        time, the 27-year-old has learned to con-  crash. Various therapies in France pro-  they said changed their lives.
        trol her tremors for short periods of time,  duced marginal results but biofeedback  “I think the visual aspect of it is what  For more information about the Brucker
        as well as stand and take steps with assis-  using the Brucker method has given her  really helps the patient. (They can see)  method, contact Maria Varela at
        tance.                               family hope. And that’s why they travel.  the muscles responding,” Varela said.
          Although prices in other countries   “Six years ago Laura couldn’t even sit  “Because of the connection from the

         Cover Story:  A Patient’s Health Care Journey Through                                                            Global Medicine

         Jupiter Medical Center’s Global Medicine Program                                                               at a Glance

         Continued from page 1                                                                                            Jupiter Medical Center’s Global
                                                                                                                        Medicine program provides person-
         Ratchford, the Jupiter Medical Center  they were when I had my endoscopy, and  without a hitch—from admission to doc-  alized assistance for approximately
         global medicine navigator. The hospital’s  would provide the care that I needed.  tor visits to tests and surgery, which was  200 patients annually. The Global
         Global Medicine services—assistance  Based on my initial experience with  performed successfully by Dr. Celigoj. I  Medicine team takes care of all the
         with travel and transportation arrange-  them, it was the obvious choice. They  spent one night in the hospital after sur-  details so patients traveling from
         ments, appointment scheduling, transfer  really did think of everything to make it  gery, and the team at Jupiter Medical  outside the United States can focus
         of all my medical records, insurance ver-  as easy as possible to get the care I need-  Cent saw to it that my wife was even  their energy on getting well. The
         ification and the overall customer care—  ed when I had my first procedure. I  driven to our hotel and back to the hos-  team works closely with each patient
         made it all very easy.              immediately reached out to Marina, my  pital in the morning.               and his or her physician to schedule
           I thought that was a “one and done”  global medicine navigator, and let her  While no one wants to get sick, it gives  diagnostic testing and treatment.
         for me with Jupiter Medical Center, but  know that I would be returning.   me a lot of comfort to know that the tal-  Services include:
         that wasn’t the case. In May of 2017, my  Within two hours of sending that  ented team at Jupiter Medical Center is  • Scheduling appointments, includ-
         wife and I were at lunch at one of our  email on a Friday afternoon, Marina had  there if we ever have a medical need in  ing consultations, tests, and surgeries
         favorite harborside haunts on an 80-  scheduled an appointment for me to see  the future. They are dedicated to provid-  • Verifying insurance benefits
         degree Friday afternoon, and I didn't feel  Dr. Andrew Celigoj, a world-class urolo-  ing the best care possible and getting you  and/or providing self-pay pricing
         well at all. Despite the balmy weather, I  gist at Jupiter Medical Center, the follow-  back to your daily life. For me, that  information
         was freezing, not at all hungry and worst  ing Monday morning. She also scheduled  means enjoying the sun and surf in the  • Making hotel reservations
         of all, I was unable to urinate. At my  diagnostic tests and made tentative  Bahamas!                            • Transportation from hotel to
         wife’s urgings, I saw a doctor who  arrangements for me to have surgery the  All's well that ends well! Thank you,  hospital and hospital to physician's
         informed us that I had a urinary tract  following Friday – one week after my  Jupiter Medical Center, my new medical  office (Jupiter area only)
         infection and that I had to be on antibi-  original email.               comfort zone.                           • Personal escort to all outpatient
         otics for a week. The doctor also     Additionally, she helped us with all our                                 appointments (based on availability)
         informed us that I needed surgery on my  travel arrangements. I rested easy that                                 • Language interpretation services
         enlarged prostate.                  weekend, knowing that Marina had        For more information on Jupiter Medical  • Coordination of medical records
           For a moment, we considered heading  thought of everything and that my health  Center's Global Medicine program, call  with the patient’s personal physician
         back to our doctors in Pennsylvania, but  care would be in good hands once I           (561) 263-5050 or email  to ensure a continuity of care when
         we quickly realized that Jupiter Medical  arrived at Jupiter Medical Center.  the patient returns home
         Center would be there for me, just like  Once I arrived, everything went off

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    July 2018                          19
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