Page 20 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 20


                                             Cover Story:  Create a Culture of Compassion

                                             to Inspire Exceptional Care

                                              Continued from page 1
                                               Successful, supportive healthcare work   • Compassion: a promise to provide   foster a thriving workplace:
                                             environments must start at the top if they   heartfelt care by listening actively and   • Make everyday healthcare purposeful
                                             are to inspire and sustain compassion and   carefully to others’ needs, honoring the   by tying it to the organization’s mission,
                                             commitment among employees. At      meaningful moments that our patients   values, and community
                                             VITAS, our executive leaders instill a   and their families invite us to share, treat-  • Communicate values and expecta-
                                             strong sense of purpose that enables our   ing everyone with empathy and respect,   tions clearly, regularly, and openly with all
                                             teams to turn their passion for healthcare   and making difficult situations better   staff – just as we ask employees to do with
                                             into something palpable and satisfying as   • Can-Do Attitude: a mindset of going   our patients and their families
                                             they focus on quality of life near the end   above and beyond to provide excellent   • Demonstrate authentic buy-in from
                                             of life for patients and families.    care, consistently showing up with a pos-  the top and find opportunities to cultivate
                                               Culture-building starts with leaders   itive attitude and collaborative spirit, and   ambassadors from within
                                             who are present, accessible, and    inspiring others to do the same       • Create calls to action – fun ways to
         • News Tips                         approachable with an authentic desire to   To embed sincere employee apprecia-  get employees engaged, connected, and
                                             listen to and learn from their staff.   tion into everyday activities, we launched   encouraged to translate the organization’s
         • Letters To the Editor               Culture itself must be intentional, sus-  a recognition program in 2021 that spans   values and beliefs into everyday behaviors
                                             tained, and proactive. At VITAS, we devel-  the nation. We’ve been blown away by the   • Provide people with the resources and
         • Announce New Hires                oped the VITAS Difference: an engage-  response and responses. In the initiative’s   professional opportunities they need to
                                             ment and culture-building program that   first three days, employees submitted   stay motivated and feel appreciated and
             and Promotions                  demonstrates and celebrates each team   1,500 anecdotes and words of praise to   recognized
                                             member’s contributions by living and   recognize fellow employees for their   Behind every hospice patient success
         • Promote Your Event                breathing the behaviors and ethos that   extraordinary work and real-life examples   story is a team of compassionate and
                                             improve the lives of our patients and their   of putting Commitment, Compassion,   committed healthcare employees and
         • Announce Business-Related Awards   families. The program’s three pillars uplift   and Can-do Attitude into action. This   professionals with a can-do spirit and a
                                             every employee, celebrate everyday excel-  peer-driven recognition raises up our peo-  deeply held desire to make a meaningful
         • Tout Your Success                 lence, and drive every aspect of patient-  ple and doubles down on our culture.   difference.
                                             centered hospice care:                Attracting and retaining staff is a
                                               • Commitment: a vow to build trust   healthcare priority. A supportive culture   Diane Psaras is executive vice president
                                             and maintain a servant attitude to all,   allows team members to turn their pur-  and chief human resources officer for VITAS
              E-mail your submissions to     manifest by employees who show up on   pose into something tangible, pursue   Healthcare. The nation’s leading provider of
                                                                                                                             end-of-life care is hiring passionate
                     editorial@              time for shifts and patient appointments   their passions, and explore exciting new   healthcare professionals. Apply for a
                                                                                 career possibilities. To every employee
       and who communicate consistently with   across the organization, we embrace and   fulfilling career at
                                             patients and family members before, dur-
                                             ing, and after visits               stand by the VITAS Employee Promise to

         20                       November 2021                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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