Page 25 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 25

Around the Region… Around                                               Cover Story: Broward Health Continues
                                                                                   to Persevere Through the Pandemic
        FAU Nursing Advisory Board

        Welcomes Danny Ducello                                                    Continued from page 1               Lenchus. “And, we have consistently
                                                                                    Future outbreaks will be addressed in   underscored the importance of vaccina-
          Florida Atlantic University’s Christine E. Lynn College                 the same methodical fashion with which   tion, from setting up numerous sites for
        of Nursing welcomes Danny Ducello, assistant chief nurs-                  they have met previous waves, he notes.   our employees, their families, and the
        ing officer at JFK Medical Center, to its advisory board.                   "We developed task forces that focus   community through our messaging to
          Ducello holds a Master of Science in Nursing from                       on different operational aspects, which   the public at-large.”
        Walden University and is pursuing a Doctor of Business                    meet and inform the executive leader-  Although he expects COVID-19 is
        Administration degree with a concentration in health care                 ship team,” says Dr. Lenchus. “Changes   likely to be with us for some time, Dr.
        management, also from Walden University. Prior to his                     in operations are deliberated and then   Lenchus is increasingly hopeful that we
        career in healthcare, he worked in television production   Danny Ducello   communicated prior to implementation.   are gaining the upper hand with each
        in Los Angeles. He was inspired to become a nurse after                   We incorporate the latest evidence-  wave encountered, especially as we learn
        an incident that required him to have brain surgery and a year-long rehabilitation.   based and scientific interventions to pro-  more about disease prevention and treat-
                                                                                  vide the best treatments available to our   ment tools for the virus.
                                                                                  patients and community. Lessons       He offers some practical advice to the
        HCA East Florida Names Natalie                                            learned really have provided us a fresh   general public.
                                                                                  view of our incredible workforce – folks   “Broward Health is here to serve the
        Ransom as New Division Chief                                              who have performed heroically in the   community, as it has been for more than
                                                                                  face of a constantly shifting landscape   80 years,” he says. “Do not postpone
        Nursing Executive                                                         that has taken an enormous emotional   medical care. Regularly see your doctor.
                                                                                  and physical toll on them. Wellness has   Maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet.
          HCA East Florida is proud to announce that Natalie                      never before been more important or   Wear your mask. Wash your hands with
        Ransom has assumed the position of Division Chief                         integral to keeping them healthy.”   soap and water or use an alcohol-based
        Nursing Executive.  Ransom has been with HCA                                From the beginning, Broward Health   hand sanitizer. Physically distance your-
        Healthcare for 24 years where she has held a variety of                   followed the guidance from the Federal   self from others, especially if they are or
        leadership roles. Most recently, Ransom served as the                     and State governments to help ensure   may be sick. Vaccinate yourself and
        Chief Nursing Officer for North Florida Regional Medical                  the safety and welfare of the employees.   encourage those around you to follow
        Center. Prior to North Florida Regional Medical Center,   Natalie Ransom    “We continue to advocate mask usage,   these protective measures. Working
        Ransom held roles as Chief Nursing Officer and Associate                  hand hygiene, and physical distancing.   together, we can get COVID-19 under
        Chief Nursing Officer at MountainView Hospital, Chief Nursing Officer at Southern   Broward Health was an early adopter of   control.”
        Hills Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Director of Medical and Surgical Services   different medications used to treat those
        at North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville, FL.Ransom earned her   infected with COVID-19, including           For more information, visit
        Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA, a   monoclonal antibodies,” says Dr.    
        Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Phoenix in Phoenix, AZ, and a
        Doctor of Nursing Practice from Capella University in Minneapolis, MN.  She is also
        Certified in Executive Nursing (CENP) and Nurse Executive, Advanced (NEA-BC).         E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to

        Rishi Singh, MD, Named President

        of Cleveland Clinic Martin North
        and South Hospitals

          Rishi Singh, M.D., has been appointed President of
        Cleveland Clinic Martin North and South hospitals, effec-
        tive Jan. 1, 2022. Most recently, Dr. Singh worked at
        Cleveland Clinic’s main campus in Ohio, where he has
        served as a staff physician at the Cole Eye Institute and
        professor of Ophthalmology at the Cleveland Clinic      Dr. Rishi Singh
        Lerner College of Medicine. He currently serves on the
        Board of Governors for Cleveland Clinic and as the exec-
        utive physician champion for documentation excellence for Ohio. After earning his
        medical degree from the Boston University School of Medicine, Dr. Singh completed
        an internship at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, followed by his residency in ophthal-
        mology from Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, and a vitreoretinal fellowship at
        Cleveland Clinic.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                           November 2021                         25
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