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2022... A LOOK AHEAD ... 2022... A LOOK AHEAD ... 2022... A LOOK AHEAD ...
BCMA President’s Message public health. He was a former
Executive with the Florida
Medical Association. Beyond
I am really proud to be a part of the and unity in the medical community as a treating patients. More that, he was an excellent histori-
Broward County Medical Association, whole. recently, we organized a an, with a particular interest in
where I have found a group of like-mind- The Mission of the Broward County press release under the the history of medicine in
ed, passionate, caring and dedicated physi- Medical Association is "to promote the leadership of Dr. Berens, Florida.
cians who have inspired me, encouraged integrity of patient care and public health where a large group of From then on, I became very
me and motivated me to do more for the and to enhance the professional interests our physicians in white close with Russ and Sharon and
medical community. Don’t get me wrong, I of physicians in Broward County.” Our coats gathered to educate we had many dinners together
love what I do every day at my office and Association unites allopathic and osteo- our community on the each time I went up to Green
at the surgery center. I also love teaching pathic physicians, of all specialties in order importance of vaccina- Cove Springs. I learned a great
medical students, residents, patients and to secure access to health care of the high- tions against COVID-19. BY VANIA E. deal about the medical history
staff. I feel privileged to have such a est quality for the residents of Broward He was featured on NBC FERNANDEZ, MD of Florida from Russ. Russ and
meaningful career that allows me to County, to maintain the integrity of med- 6 and I was featured in Sharon had no children and
make a difference in people’s lives one on ical practice and care delivery for the citi- Spanish television on Telemundo. began to view me as their daughter. I only
one. However, as of late, I have felt that zens of Broward and to advocate for the Following this, Dr. Berens continued to worked there for two months, but I con-
was not enough. There are so many fac- interests of the patients of Broward educate the public through various addi- tinued to drive up and visit with them
tors threatening the physician-patient County, and for the interests of practicing tional television interviews concerning even after I established my practice in
relationship that I am compelled to make physicians in caring for their patients. prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Broward.
every effort to preserve that central piece In 2020, our immediate past president, Abby warmly welcomed me during the Unfortunately, Sharon was diagnosed
of the practice of medicine. Dr. Shahnaz Fatteh, creatively overcame first event I attended with the BCMA. with Pancreatic Cancer and passed away a
I am convinced that the best way to do the unexpected challenges of leading us Later, we attended the Physician few months later. Russ and I stayed in
this is to all act together as a team. And by during a pandemic. She quickly adapted Leadership Academy together along with touch and he introduced me to Cynthia
ALL I mean you and me. You is a collec- by setting aside her prior plans and instead Dr. Fatteh and then went on to serve on Peterson, CEO of the BCMA, when I
tive, including physicians, nurses, support established virtual meetings, kept every- the BCMA Board of Directors. Since then, began to work in Broward County. He
staff, hospital administrators, pharmacists, one informed about the latest develop- he has set an example for me as both a encouraged me to become involved in my
pharmaceutical companies, government ments in the spread and treatment of patient and physician advocate. I thank county association and stressed the impor-
legislators, medical device companies, aca- COVID-19, addressed the media and him for paving the way for me in 2021. tance of participating in organized medi-
demic institutions, professors, lawyers, the organized efforts to support local health- I would like to take a moment to share cine. Sadly, Russ passed away this year. In
media and most importantly, the patients. care heroes. Then, on a night like this in with you what led to my involvement in appreciation of Russ, I wanted to offer you
This is not an exhaustive list of the multi- late 2020, she offered her home for a small the BCMA. It started one evening in 2012 a copy of one of his articles.
tude of players in this game we call health- socially distanced installation of our cur- when I was looking for a place to have din- The work is entitled “A Friend to All
care in America. If you do not find yourself rent president and one of my first friends ner on my first night in a small town in Humanity” and it was written about Dr.
in any of the groups I mentioned, it’s at the BCMA, Dr. Abby Berens. Northern Florida called Green Cove James Jackson, the namesake for the insti-
because I failed to mention everyone Vaccines against COVID-19 were only Springs. I had driven up there for part-time tution where I completed my training in
involved. Consider yourself included. If being offered to hospital workers at the work after leaving the University of Miami Miami, Florida: Jackson Memorial
WE don’t learn to work together and time. Physicians in the community and and before establishing my current prac- Hospital.
understand our respective points of view, their staff without hospital affiliation, had tice in Hollywood. I am honored to be installed as the 95th
no one wins the game. no access to the vaccines. We then created As I waited for my table at a Pizza Hut, I President of the Broward County Medical
My personal mission is to cultivate a joint effort with the Department of was befriended by an older couple, who Association. I look forward to 2022 with
unity: unity among our medical societies, Health in Broward County to offer vac- then asked me to join them for dinner. excitement and I am ready to take on the
unity among physician specialties, unity cines to community physicians and their That couple was Russell and Sharon challenges that face my colleagues and our
among all levels of healthcare practitioners staff, so they could also be protected while Jackson. Russ had dedicated his life to patients in Broward County.
8 January 2022 South Florida Hospital News