Page 9 - SFHN JAN 2022
P. 9

Omicron: What We Know About
                      Malpractice Insurance

                                 EXPERT ADVICE                                             the Newest COVID Variant

                                                                                   Omicron is the newest                           assessing Omicron, so it’s
                   Social Inflation Influencing                                   COVID-19 variant dominat-                        too early to make defini-
                                                                                  ing the headlines. While this                    tive statements about this
                  Lawsuits, Verdict Amounts                                       new strain of the virus is rais-                 variant and so it’s impor-
                                                                                                                                   tant that the public follow
                                                                                  ing questions, we continue to
                                                                                  learn more information about                     safety measures. As we
                                                                                  Omicron every day. As the                        learned with the Delta
                 BY VANESSA ORR
                                                                                  Centers for Disease Control                      variant,  vaccines  are
          As the legal saying goes, there are three                               and Prevention (CDC) and                         expected to be effective in
        sides to every story: the plaintiff’s side,                               other public healthcare part-                    reducing the risk of severe
        the defense’s side, and the truth, which is                               ners continue to monitor                         illness,  hospitalization
        somewhere in the middle. And while                                        Omicron, here’s what we                          and death.
        courts and juries used to be able to come                                 know about the variant so far:   BY JOSHUA LENCHUS,   While some treatments

        to a conclusion based on the facts, in                                    Why Is This                DO, RPH, FACP, SFHM   may not be as effective
        these days of social inflation, perception                                Happening?                                       against Omicron, mono-
        is often just as important as reality.                                                                        clonal antibody treatments may help the
          “Social inflation is causing much high-                                  The virus that causes COVID-19 is con-  immune system recognize and respond
        er jury awards and increased insurance                                    stantly changing, which produces new   more effectively to the virus.

        losses—not only in medical malpractice                                    variants of the virus. While some variants   What You Can Do
        cases, but in all areas of litigation,”                                   persist, others disappear. Public health
        explained Tom Murphy, producer,                                           experts, such as the CDC and the World   As we continue to fight this global pan-
        National Health Care Practice Danna-             Tom Murphy               Health Organization, are monitoring   demic, getting vaccinated and receiving
        Gracey, a Division of Risk Strategies.    were 73 court approved class-action settle-  Omicron and other variants to assess   the recommended booster shot is your
          Social inflation is a term used to   ments totaling $2.1 billion. In 2020, there   transmissibility, severity of infection and   most powerful defense against COVID-19.
        describe the rising costs of insurance   were 77 court approved class-action settle-  symptoms, as well as the effectiveness of   Wearing a mask indoors is also effective
        claims resulting from things like increas-  ments that totaled $4.2 billion.   vaccines, diagnostic testing and treat-  in reducing the spread of the virus, espe-
        ing litigation, broader definitions of lia-  “In one year, the settlements dou-  ments.                       cially if you’re unvaccinated. Continue

        bility, more plaintiff-friendly legal deci-  bled—that’s a staggering statistic,” said   What We Know         washing your hands and practicing physi-
        sions, and massive jury awards, some-  Murphy, adding that the average settle-                                cal distancing when necessary.
        times known as nuclear verdicts.     ment in 2020 per class action suit was   This newest variant was first identified   If you’re experiencing any cold or flu-
          For example, a study by Verdict Search   $54.5 million, a 15 percent increase year   in South Africa and has subsequently   like symptoms, please stay home, distance
        showed that between 2019-2020, there   over year for the past 10 years.   spread to the U.S. Based on the limited   yourself from others and consult your
        was a more than 300 percent increase in   Other factors that contribute to social   number of cases, it appears this variant   physicians if symptoms persist. Seek emer-
        the frequency of verdicts of $20 million   inflation are the sophistication of the   spreads more quickly than its predeces-  gency medical care if needed.
        or more from a previous study that cov-  plaintiff bar, in which tactics include the   sors, but the severity of symptoms may be
        ered verdicts between 2001-2010.     use of jury consultants and psychologists   milder.                           Dr. Joshua Lenchus is Broward Health’s
          “A $2 million verdict 15 to 20 years   specializing in group dynamics with the   Again, public health experts are still   interim chief medical officer.
        ago would be $30 or $40 million now,”   goal of influencing the size of jury
        said Murphy.                         awards, and private equity firms becom-
          Murphy says that part of the reason for   ing involved in litigation funding.
        these verdicts is an almost generation-long   “Millennials and Gen Z age groups
        decay of public trust in corporations,   have a different world view than older    What Video Can Do For You
        spurred by social media and the changing   groups, and they are now serving on
        demographics of the younger generations.   juries,” said Murphy. “They prefer to be   Healthcare is its own               gering hospital work
          “When you see a corporation do some-  part of a consensus, which impacts the   particular category and                  schedules.
        thing that is not in the public interest, or   outcome of verdicts. At the beginning of   doesn't necessarily con-          Video content can
        getting bad PR even if they did not neces-  a case, the plaintiff bar looks for the jury   form to standard market-       solve all those problems.
        sarily do something wrong, Gen Z and the   foreman or leaders and tries to influence   ing practices. Marketing           It's a simple solution to a
        younger generations start texting and talk-  them by using psychological tactics to   budgets aren't first on the         complicated situation.
        ing about it, and it catches on like wild-  try to get the rest of jury to agree to ver-  depth chart when allocat-       Through the power of
        fire,” he said.                      dicts that have values that far exceed   ing a hospital or health-                   video, you can dissemi-
          He adds that ‘a culture of fault,’ in which   what a normal jury would find.   care system's annual                     nate any message with
        people automatically blame others when   “Private equity firms give law firms the   budget.                               sight, sound, motion,
        something bad happens to them, also con-  funding needed to take on cases that in   However, ever since we                and emotion. Need to
        tributes to increased litigation and higher   the past they may have been hesitant to   entered the new normal            discuss a new hospital
        jury verdicts.                       pursue,” he added. “They are spending   of life in a COVID envi-  BY CHAD TINGLE     policy? Produce a video
          “It’s an interesting dynamic; in the past   billions to get involved in litigation with   ronment, the importance       and post it on your pri-
        year or so with COVID, people were more   the goal of taking a percentage of the   of marketing cannot and                vate network with a
        willing to support hospitals because they   award if the firm wins the case.”   should not be overlooked. The impor-  link. Need to keep morale up? Create
        were trying to help people and save lives,”   Murphy adds that while social infla-  tance of telling a story in today's   a video showing all the good work
        said Murphy. “And while that has helped a   tion trends are hard to predict, he doesn’t   video-obsessed culture is no longer the   your hospital is doing. Need to hire
        little, we’re still seeing individuals looking   see it going away any time soon.   exception but the rule.    more staff? Create a video on the ben-
        to blame someone and looking for money.   “Everything goes in cycles in terms of   Hospitals are their only little city   efits of working in healthcare.
        This culture of fault is very dangerous to   lawsuits and litigation, but this is differ-  comprised of many different depart-  The possibilities are endless, and the
        medical practices and to all businesses.    ent,” he said. “Information is now out   ments all committed to achieving the   process is not as complicated as you
          “Not only does the average person have   there in the flash of an eye, and no one is   goal of providing excellent healthcare.   think when working with the right
        a skewed perception of the economic dis-  vetting it; and it’s having a huge impact   Each department has its challenges   production company. Crown Street
        parity between corporations and regular   on court cases and awards.”       and needs. Marketing must maintain a   Films has the experience necessary to
        individuals, but they also have a different                                 brand and image and get patients; after   help hospitals and healthcare systems
        perception of the value of an injury, result-  For more information, call Tom Murphy   all, a hospital is also a business.   alike stand out with creative, informa-
        ing in higher claims values and judge-  or Matt Gracey at (800) 966-2120 or visit   Human Resources needs to retain staff.   tive, and professionally produced con-
        ments,” he added.                             The insurance department must han-  tent.
          For example, in 2019 in the U.S., there                                   dle a tremendous amount of red tape.    Please give us a call, and we'll show
                                                                                      Perhaps most importantly and often   you how helpful, practical, and com-
                                                                                    overlooked is the training, communi-  pelling video can be for you.
                                                                                    cation, and continuing education
                               E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to                 required for public safety. It can be   For more information, contact Chad
                                    challenging to ensure everyone gets           Tingle at (305) 794-7201
                                                                                    the same message because of the stag-     or

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