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ElderCare Update in South Florida...ElderCare Update in South Florida...ElderCare Update in South

               Palliative Care: Uber-communication and Time-Intensive Involvement

          BY BARBARA R. FALLON                            at home, and eventually   chronic illnesses at any age.     change is upon them,” Dr. Romanello
                                                          with plans for an outpa-  Serious or progressive illnesses such as   explained.
          Tracy Romanello, D.O., is a                     tient clinic.           cancer, congestive heart failure, chronic   Palliative care experts follow patients
        unique hybrid of physician.                         “Our ‘customers’ are   obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),   and their families on a trajectory where
        A dual board-certified family                     physicians, patients and   dementia, Parkinson’s, hereditary or age-  choices may be made concerning anything
        practitioner and palliative                       their families. We spend   related diseases are often accompanied by   from side effects of medication to de-esca-
        care physician, she (like most                    time talking to them and   pain, depression, shortness of breath,   lating medical options. Palliative care is
        palliative care providers)                        listening so patients and   fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of   available for all ages, treating congenital
        experienced a loved one’s                         their caregivers under-  appetite, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and   issues in pediatric patients to age related
        journey through a life-threat-                    stand   all  treatment  other symptoms that cause distress. In   physical and behavioral health disorders in
        ening illness. She experi-                        options and choices. We   addition to medical care to lessen or allevi-  adults. Significant due to the aging demo-
        enced loss at a young age and                     explore our patients’ per-  ate the symptoms, palliative experts can   graphics and lifestyles in South Florida,
        was inspired to make a differ-                    sonal goals in order to   provide emotional and spiritual resources   while recognizing the impact on home life
        ence in how healthcare is    Dr. Tracy Romanello  match the most advanta-  to enrich the lives of those receiving care.   in a variety of cultures, patients may live in
        rendered.                                         geous treatment options   The palliative team will monitor medica-  group homes, assisted living or nursing
          Palliative care teams pro-                      and coordinate realistic   tions, therapies, nutrition, and social   homes, alone or in a multi-generational
        vide a much-needed extra                          care plans with all     resources (housing, financial, emotional)   home setting, a palliative care plan takes
        layer of support from a clini-                    involved,” Dr. Romanello   to address symptoms and help patients   the entire environment into consideration.
        cal and psycho-social aspect                      explained.              gain the strength to carry on and improve   Patient-centric support is core to Holy
        when a patient is diagnosed                         According to Roman -  the quality of daily life.          Cross Hospital values. “Because we are
        with a life altering  – but not                   ello, the biggest need is a   Communication and timely interven-  affiliated with Catholic Health Services, we
        necessarily terminal-disease.                     clear understanding of   tion are hallmarks of palliative medicine.   have referral resources to address many
          Dr. Romanello is the                            the differences and over-  “No matter how time-intensive a care   ‘social gaps’ including legal, housing,
        Medical Director of Catholic                      lap between hospice and   plan is, I never look at the clock while talk-  nutritional, financial, transportation and
        Hospice   and    Catholic                         palliative care. Hospice is   ing with my patients,” Dr. Romanello said.   social services in addition to clinical and
        Palliative Care Services.                         a subset of palliative care   “Unfortunately, the luxury of time is not   spiritual care to impact the quality of life,”
        Catholic Palliative Care                          that addresses end-of-life   commonplace in the reality of medicine   Dr. Romanello explained.
        Services is a physician-based                     clinical and emotional   today, but a palliative provider makes the   No doubt, dealing with all aspects of
        practice in partnership with   Dr. Tracy Romanello with   needs. Hospice  patients   time,” she said.         patient care can be taxing, but personal
        Catholic Hospice at Fort     patient June Sragow.  have a life limiting prog-  The objective is to reconcile all involved   and professional fulfillment is sparked on
        Lauderdale’s Holy Cross                           nosis of six months or   with care plan goals to support the patient   a daily basis. “We may help simply by
        Hospital, part of Trinity Health. This group   less. Palliative care is designed to provide   and empower him/her with control over   holding a patient’s hand as they face diffi-
        of 8 physicians in conjunction with a full-  long term advanced planning and expert   their life.             culties or by discharging a patient, feeling
        time team of nurse practitioners, social   symptom management alongside cura-  Early intervention is beneficial to pro-  in control of their future, thanks to a
        workers, care navigators, chaplains and   tive care plans. These care plans promote   vide optimal care and a calming peace of   detailed palliative care plan,” Dr.
        allied care professionals has recently   patients and families being in control in   mind. “As an advocate for the patient we   Romanello said.

        teamed with the hospital’s palliative care   defining their goals and making health-  inquire about plan direction in advance of   For more information, visit
        program to address the clinical and educa-  care decisions. They are ultimately   functional, financial or spiritual status or call
        tional needs of patients who might benefit   designed to prolong and to improve the   changes. We can then have strategies and    (305) 351-7086 for 24/7 referrals.
        from this type of care either in a hospital,   quality of life for patients with severe and   steps in place before the stress of the actual

                                                                                           VA Exercise Program Helps
                       A Note for a Memory
                                                                                               Elderly Veterans Get Fit
            There are few things in our lives that are uni-
          versal; one of them is music. Somewhere or
          somehow, someone around the world is listening                             A new program at the West Palm
          to a song that moves and speaks to them. As                              Beach VA Medical Center is restoring
          many have said before, music is a universal lan-                         the health and wellness of our Nation’s
          guage. Death is also universal; which is difficult                       veterans.
          and heartbreaking, yet it’s a universal affliction                         Motivation to Move (MTM) is an
          everyone will encounter at one point or another.                         exercise program designed to fit the
          In Hospice, music and death are combined                                 needs of military veterans in the med-
          through Music Therapy.                                                   ical center’s Community Living Center
            Music Therapy is an established clinical and                           (CLC) – the VA version of a nursing
          evidence-based health profession in which music                          home. The MTM program was started
          is used therapeutically to address physical, emo-                        in January of this year by Recreation
          tional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals   BY LAURA-MARIA CHAMI   Therapy Assistant Leyna Lloyd and an
          (AMTA, 2019). With hospice in mind, board cer-  MM, MT-BC, NMT           interdisciplinary  workgroup  that
          tified music therapists (MTBC) come to aid in                            includes the facility nursing and physi-  U.S. Air Force veteran Arnold Fliegelman
          decreasing pain, anxiety, increase relaxation and                        cal therapy team members. Lloyd was   (center) credits the program with helping
          engagement, as well as improve cognition and speech. Most importantly, music   tapped to develop the program by West   him to improve his walking ability and trans-
          therapy’s main goal is to improve the quality of life for Hospice patients.    Palm Beach VA Medical Center Director   fer to his bed with little to no assistance.
            Medical professionals tell families that hearing is the last to go, so communica-  Donna Katen-Bahensky in an effort to   Pictured with Fliegelman are Roosevelt
          tion with their loved one is highly encouraged. When a MTBC comes to see a   prevent falls among residents living in   Walker, restorative aid and Leyna Lloyd,
          patient and their family, several things occur. Through patient preferred music,   the CLC. Lloyd, who has been working
          communication is strengthened along with the relationships between the patient   at the medical center for eight years,   recreation therapy assistant.
          and family members because everyone is engaging together through song.    was more than happy to oblige.
            Music is a powerful thing that is so universal, that people forget how much it’s   “The veterans here in the CLC are like my extended family and I’m always looking
          a part of their lives until it’s presented in front of them. The song the MTBC sings   for ways to help improve their quality of life,” she explained. “I’ve seen many of them
          might take someone back to that summer ‘69 with the Beatles, or that time Jim   lose their motivation over the years to stay physically active, so I developed a program
          asked Sue to dance for the first time while “Fly me to the Moon” was playing, or   that could focus on improving their physical as well as their mental health and stabil-
          that time mom sang “You are my sunshine” every night as a lullaby. Music may   ity.”
          help physically; but it heals the heart and soul just as much.             MTM sessions are offered weekly and help veterans focus on improving muscle
                                                                                   strength, definition, flexibility, balance and agility; increase energy and stamina;
                           Laura-Maria Chami is a Music Therapist at Catholic Hospice Inc.   improve mood; and decrease stress, anxiety and depression. The program has been a
                                                                                   hit among CLC residents and has even helped some get out of their wheelchairs and
                                                                                   onto their feet.

         16                        June 2019                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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