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Can Florida Restaurants, Coffee Shops, and Other Non-Packaged

                                Food Suppliers Legally Sell CBD Under Florida Law?

           With the tremendous growth in CBD demand, my phone has been                      So, under Florida Statute Section 581.217, it appears that food establish-
         ringing non-stop with calls from different business-owners looking               ments are not allowed to sell non-packaged cbd-infused food products.
         to cash in while also remaining compliant with the law. But there is             When I called FDACS several weeks ago, I was surprised to hear that I am
         one group of businesses in particular that do not have clear legal               pretty much the only individual asking for guidance regarding this issue.
         guidance on how to legally sell CBD products in Florida: non-pack-               This leads me to believe that restaurants, coffee shops, and other non-pack-
         aged food suppliers.                                                             aged food suppliers are simply unaware or ignoring the Florida Statute (not
           Florida Statute Section 581.217, effective June 2019, delegates                to mention being out of compliance with FDA law). Through my numerous
         authority to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer                  calls with FDACS, FDACS has confirmed that coffee shops planning to sell
         Services (“FDACS”) to create a framework for legally growing, pro-               non-packaged cbd-infused coffee and restaurants planning to sell non-pack-
         cessing, and selling hemp-derived products. Pursuant to that                     aged cbd-infused meals will need to take the appropriate steps to remain
         authority, FDACS has taken a position in the Proposed Hemp Rules                 compliant. My correspondence with the Florida Department of Business and
         that is contrary to federal law by allowing food establishments to               Professional Regulation (“DBPR”), the agency responsible for regulating
         sell CBD- infused foods. While FDACS has broad authority with   BY DUSTIN        restaurants and temporary events, also confirmed that restaurants planning
         respect to the hemp program, there are certain provisions in Florida   ROBINSON, ESQ. CPA   to sell cbd-infused food and temporary events planning to sell cbd- infused
         Statute Section 581.217 that put certain limitations on FDACS’s                  food will need to take the appropriate steps to remain compliant.
         authority. The provision that has received the most attention is the requirement in   To assist with a compliant footprint for non-packaged cbd-infused food suppliers, I
         Florida Statute Section 581.217 that a grower “only use hemp seeds and cultivars cer-  have partnered with my client Regulated Solutions, which is a company that special-
         tified by a certifying agency or a university conducting an industrial hemp pilot proj-  izes in throwing events with legal on- site cannabis consumption in states that allow
         ect.” FDACS has openly expressed its frustration with not being able to draft a hemp   it. With Regulated Solutions’ long history of throwing huge events where legal
         seed program that does not require certified seed from a certifying agency; with only   cannabis consumption was taking place and with my knowledge of the cannabis law,
         10 companies in the country selling certified seed, this legislative overreach will   we are creating some creative SOP’s and strategies that non-packaged food suppliers
         undoubtedly be a huge obstacle for the Florida hemp industry.            can implement to remain as compliant as possible with state law.
           However, an issue that has received much less attention is the requirement in   Unfortunately, these SOP’s and strategies are not bullet-proof; and the only way a
         Florida Statute Section 581.217 that any hemp extract sold in Florida be “distributed   non-packaged cbd-infused supplier can be 100% confident that they are compliant
         or sold in packaging” (emphasis added). Florida Administrative Rule 5k-4 explicitly   with state law is through an amendment to Florida Statute Section 581.217 in the next
         adopts the Federal Code relating to Food and Drugs. The Federal Code defines “pack-  legislative session. For all of you non-packaged food suppliers, I implore you to let
         aged” as follows:                                                        your voice be heard at the next legislative session so that we can have clear guidance
           “(1) ‘Packaged’ means bottled, canned, cartoned, bagged, or wrapped, whether   to keep you compliant. While the packaging requirement may not be as important as
         PACKAGED in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT or a FOOD PROCESSING PLANT.             the certified seed requirement, both issues are extremely ripe for a legislative revision!
           (2) ‘Packaged’ does not include wrapped or placed in a carry-out container to pro-
         tect the FOOD during service or delivery to the CONSUMER, by a FOOD EMPLOY-     Dustin Robinson, Esq. CPA, Founding Partner, Mr. Cannabis Law, can be reached at
         EE, upon CONSUMER request.”                                          or (954) 258-6084 or visit

        Back Cover Story:   Quality Analytical Cannabis Testing: A Family Legacy

         Continued from Back Page            and FDA audit compliance, assures con-  utilize state-of-the-art technology and   “We have partnered with scientific
                                             sistent, precise and accurate methods to   equipment to certify potency, safety,   agencies within the industry and validat-
        lytical testing to cultivators, dispen-
        saries, inhalable formulators, nutritional   detect cannabinoid levels, pesticides, and   purity and cleanliness of the regulated   ed our methods with peers presenting
        and herbal supplement manufacturers.   other contaminants, and a rigorous qual-  cannabis product and insure homogene-  white papers and webinars to help stan-
          Americanna partnered with Agilent   ity management system.             ity and efficacy of product dosage. The   dardize methods within the industry,”
        Technologies, a global leader in instru-  “Our COA delivers clients a premiere   result is a certified end-product free of   Steven Perez noted.
        mentation for life sciences, diagnostics   testing investment in their brand reputa-  contaminants, including pesticides,   As for the future, the Perez family sees
        and applied chemical markets using   tion,” David Perez commented, “and an   microbiological agents, chemicals and   that cultivators will demand real time
        patented instrumentation and trusted   assurance of quality product for the end   heavy metals. Proficient, skilled and   access to their product results which may
        collaboration to give clients the highest   user.”                       accurate professionals are at the core of   entail mobile laboratories to monitor and
        confidence in test results.            Additionally, they also participate in   earning accreditation.        report THC levels and contaminants on a
          “Americanna, a DEA registered lab, is   The Emerald Test™ an Inter-Laboratory   In 2018, Florida elected a new   weekly basis.
        dedicated to using the right instrumenta-  Comparison and Proficiency Test   Commissioner of Agriculture who    “The consequences of a contaminated
        tion to get the job done, on time and effi-  (ILC/PT) program for cannabis testing   recently announced the creation of a   product could lead to serious health
        ciently.  Accordingly,  in   2019,   facilities. It brings to the cannabis indus-  Director of Cannabis position to share   implications to an immune-compro-
        Americanna     achieved    ISO/IEC   try a well-established standard for testing   knowledge, highlight issues and partici-  mised patient or a consumer using hemp
        17025:2017 accreditation, the world’s   found in the environmental, food, phar-  pate in solutions to insure a safe market.   and CBD final products; thus, early
        highest level of quality standards and the   maceutical, water, and petrochemical   Americanna Laboratories founders fore-  immediate access to results will be
        foundation of good science in testing lab-  testing industries. Through the participa-  see a role as a strong patient advocate in   demanded by cultivators and manufac-
        oratories,” Steven Perez stated.     tion of labs around the world, the ILC/PT   the testing section of the supply chain.   turers of all cannabis products and we
          “We provide comprehensive cannabis   helps establish an industry benchmark   Because Americanna has a global client   will pursue all avenues for research and
        testing for potency, homogeneity, micro-  for cannabis testing.          base they maintain a continually updated   delivery of information to our clients,”
        bial contamination, heavy metals, myco-  Accreditation also requires personnel   knowledge base of rules and regulations   he noted.
        toxins, residual solvents, and pesticides   to be deemed competent to perform all   which vary from state to state and coun-
        on all forms of cannabis from flowers to   testing on the scope of accreditation in   try to country. As a pharma-grade labora-
        oils and tinctures to edibles,” he   compliance with differing state and fed-  tory with review and approvals from a           For more information,
        explained.                           eral regulations. With a global client   full range of agencies, clients are assured   visit
           Earning accreditation, along with EPA   base, Americanna Labs employs knowl-  that quality systems are in place at the     or call (904) 549-5948.
                                             edgeable chemists and technicians who   highest levels.

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