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CBD in the Data

          CBD. If Cannabis has                           Yes. Take for example the   session (at 14% of CBD-only sessions)   ical profiles. This suggests that a person’s
        brought you to this article                      FDA’s    approval   of   with CBD-Only products by around    ECS, who has muscle pain and/or
        you have undoubtedly                             Epidiolex, which is an   10,000 more sessions than the next two   inflammation, may have a further inter-
        heard of this three-letter                       almost pure CBD pharma-  symptoms CBD-only products are most   action with other active molecules out-
        acronym. What is CBD                             ceutical grade drug used   used for. Anxiety(11% of CBD-Only ses-  side of CBD which can make products
        though? Does it work and                         for seizures. People are   sions), Joint pain(11% of CBD-Only ses-  more effective for those symptoms.
        what is it working for?                          finding relief both anecdo-  sions), and inflammation(10% of CBD-  There is a large amount of promise for
        CBD      stands     for                          tally and alongside a med-  Only sessions), round out the top four   CBD in psychological symptoms such as
        Cannabadiol,     which                           ical professional for sever-  symptoms that patients are utilizing   anxiety, irritability, and challenge con-
        behind THC (Tetrahydro -                         al other conditions and   CBD-only products for, but this contra-  centrating. These three symptoms have
        cannabinol) is the most                          symptoms.   Pain   and   dicts some of the data showing what it is   been shown to be the most efficacious
        prevalent active molecule                        inflammation are two of   best for.                          with efficacy at 47% for irritability and
        in the Cannabis plant. In                        the symptoms most treat-  Strainprint’s data is collected in the   46% for both anxiety and challenge con-
        order to get to the CBD   BY KASHTON FOLEY       ed with CBD and also two   model of a stage 4 real-world evidence   centrating. Suggesting that more people
        that most people are                             that show some of the    trial and collects an efficacy score for   seeking relief from these symptoms
        using in the U.S. the orig-                      most promise for finding   products against symptoms. This efficacy   should try CBD-only products. CBD
        inal molecule, CBDA “cannabidiolic   relief with CBD. Because of this promise   score shows the percentage of relief or   products are showing promise of relief
        acid”, it must be decarboxylated or heat-  the general public has largely been self-  symptom improvement a product brings   with less side effects than other over the
        ed up which removes the acid. Unlike   medicating with CBD for a range of ail-  a patient by taking a score of 1-10 before   counter drugs, but Strainprint’s data
        THC, CBD does not cause the intoxicat-  ments.                            and after use. Looking into this data   shows that not all symptoms are finding
        ing euphoric effects most commonly     In lieu of clinical research clearing the   muscle pain and inflammation show the   the same level of relief. Patients should
        thought of when talking about the    way for medical doctors to be able to pre-  lowest level of efficacy for the top 4 most   make sure to track their usage with
        Cannabis plant. The lack of euphoric   cisely prescribe CBD products to relieve   treated symptoms at 25% and 22% effica-  Strainprint and consult a medical profes-
        effects has made this molecule widely   specific systems data, more specifically   cy respectively. Both of those efficacy   sional when utilizing CBD products.
        about to the general public, but where is   BIG Data, shows some clear patterns of   scores nearly double where a slight
        all of the data and how does it work?   symptoms that CBD is relieving.   amount of THC and other minor          For more information, visit
          The endocannabinoid system or ECS   Strainprint Technologies Inc. has the   cannabinoids are active in product chem-
        for short is the human body’s physiolog-  largest real-word evidence database in
        ical system that is made up of receptors   the world of patient reported outcomes
        (amongst other biological molecules)   from Cannabis use, with over 350,000
        and where the Cannabis plant’s active   patient reported outcomes that stem
        molecules interact with the human body.   from CBD-Only Products.
        The two most studied receptors,        Over 25% of Strainprint’s overall data-
        CB1(Nervous System receptors) and    base holds efficacy records from CBD-
        CB2(Immune system and Nervous        only products. This large of an observa-
        System receptors), are where CBD inter-  tional study allows both doctors and
        acts with the body. Unlike THC, CBD is   patients to utilize aggregated data to
        able to interact with both CB1 and CB2   understand which products are working
        receptors. This means that as a potential   best for which symptoms and potentially
        medicine CBD has promise as a therapy   what active minor cannabinoids/ ter-
        for not only the nervous system, but also   penes are common in effective products.
        physical conditions and symptoms.    The data is showing that muscle pain is
          Does it work? The simple answer is   the symptom that has the most tracked

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