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Publisher’s Note
                                                                                         Publisher’s Note

                                                                                                 Cannabis News Florida

                                                                                                Turns Over A New Leaf
                     Specializing in Medically

                            Complex Patients                                         Cannabis is a rapidly evolv-
                                                                                    ing space, and regulations
                                Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred              change daily. Laws are differ-
                              Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term     ent at the federal and state
                              Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's).                       level, and new legislation is
                                                                                    introduced almost every ses-
                                Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality    sion that affects everyone in
                              care for acutely ill patients. For more than a decade,    the cannabis arena, including
                              we have fine-tuned the art of medically complex care.
                                                                                    growers, manufacturers, dis-
                                Our services range from complex catastrophic        pensaries, legal and banking
                             illnesses that require intensive care, post-surgical medical    entities and more. Keeping
           rehabilitation to patients suffering from chronic diseases requiring respiratory and    pace with growing industry
           rehabilitative therapies. Kindred Hospitals provide outcome-oriented     demand is challenging
           cost effective care for patients with a wide spectrum of                 enough, let alone maintaining
           medical conditions.                                                      professional expansion goals.
                                                                                     To stay on top of these
                  Admissions to Kindred Hospitals may be                            rapid changes and the ever-
           recommended by physicians, acute-care hospitals,                         evolving market, Cannabis
           rehabilitation hospitals, managed care providers, case                   News Florida is making a change this October—the newspaper will be going
           management companies or by the patient’s family.                         completely online as a way to offer our readers breaking news, the most up-to-
           In all cases family tours are encouraged.                                date coverage and more interactive features.
                                                                                     Instead of the static flipbook you’ve been used to, our new, interactive flip-
                                                                                    book will enable you to simply run a cursor over an ad that’s caught your
                                                                                    attention to link to that advertiser’s website. We’ll also be providing extra digi-
             Kindred Hospital                  Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital   tal information—including videos—at the end of some stories to offer expand-
               Fort Lauderdale                      Hollywood                     Coral Gables               The Palm Beaches   ed content.
             1516 East Las Olas Blvd.                         1859 Van Buren St.                 5190 Southwest Eighth St.          5555 West Blue Heron Blvd
             Ft. Lauderdale FL 33301                       Hollywood, FL 33020                 Coral Gables, FL 33134               Riviera Beach, FL 33418   We’re making these changes in response to reader input; we asked what you
          954-764-8900, ext. 5136                    954-920-9000                       305-448-1585                       561-904-8451   wanted in an online survey as well as through a survey of conference attendees,
   and you requested a more immediate, interactive publication for the cannabis
                                                                                    industry—and now you have it! But even as we move to a digital platform, the
                                                                                    quality of our stories—and how state and national news specifically affects
                                                                                    Florida’s cannabis industry—will still be the focus of our coverage.
                                                                                     Readers of South Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report will continue to
                                                                                    access SFHN&HR in both print and online, and the print edition will carry a
                                                                                    scannable QR code in every issue to link to the latest edition of Cannabis News
                                                                                     As we kick off this new (digital) chapter in our cannabis industry coverage,
                                                                                    please let us know what you think of the new format and feel free to offer any
                                                                                    suggestions to make it even better. We love to hear from our readers and adver-
                                                                                    tisers, and your input will help us continue to provide you with the most time-
                                                                                    ly, useful information available.
                                                                                     Scan the QR code above to register and don’t miss a single
                                                                                    digital issue of Cannabis News Florida!

                                                                                                                                Charles Felix

                   +RZ              KDUG                 ZLOO   \RXU PHG PDO FDUULHU ãJKW IRU \RX"  You can reach Charles Felix at




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           M ed M al • W ork ers’ C ’ omp • C yb er • EPLI • M edic al ir ec t orship • D&O
         2                         September 2022                                                                                                                    South Florida Hospital News
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