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Recruiting in an
“Employee” Market When It Comes
to Patient Care,
In real estate you have employee market landscape
either a Sellers or Buyers’ is that employers should
market. In the staffing focus on retaining their top Eliminate
world, we are experiencing talent and creating a work-
an “employee’s” market. ing environment where peo- Distractions
Currently it is difficult to ple want to come to work
recruit and retain staff and and enjoy who they work
COVID has drastically with and what they do daily. I know they are streaming everywhere, and
shifted the workforce Recognizing staff, offering my friends and family have tons of recommen- BY JAY JUFFRE
mindset over the past 2+ mental health days, staying dations, but I simply do not have the time to
years. Healthcare specifi- connected and encouraging watch multiple episodic shows. If I can, I usual-
cally has seen a very large leaders to check in with ly can pick out one series and then try and carve out some time to meander
drop in both frontline BY BETSY JOHNSON teams and ensure your through it. I am more of the History or Discovery Channel type. Teach me
workers and data and employees are thriving is everything I need to know about the moon landing in an hour, and my tele-
technology specialists as the best way to create a pos- vision bug is satisfied. I particularly like the (fill in the noun) That Built
home life demands and work priorities itive work environment and continue America’ series. It’s fascinating to me to learn how frozen food originated or
and responsibilities have shifted. operating at the optimal level for your the Big 3 automakers came to be. No matter the subject, there seems to be a
For healthcare companies in today’s facility or company. common theme that runs through all the episodes. The most successful peo-
age, it is becoming critical to find and Communication between leaders and ple or companies always seem obsessed by one thing, and they became great
retain quality staff. It is of utmost impor- staff is key, never underestimate the at it. They also viewed anything other than their primary focus an unneces-
tance that we encourage our youth to power of a thank you or great job as it sary distraction which needed to be completely ignored. Whenever I speak
pursue careers that serve our communi- goes a long way in creating a healthy to customers, most will tell me that their number one goal is patient care,
ties as a nurse, physician, hospital tech, work environment and employees feel- usually followed by staff engagement, and some of them absolutely mean it.
data management expert or working in ing fulfilled and appreciated. These all align, enable and execute with minimum distractions. They realize
different departments in our hospitals Creating healthy work environments simply taking great care of the patients and their people will naturally drive
nationwide. We already have a shortage with a strong benefit package, work from other key areas like revenues, efficiency, safety, etc. Others talk a good game
of staff and now more than ever the home benefits and/or a flexible schedule and are sincere in their desire to drive certain outcomes, but ultimately their
employee is looking for more than a cer- are the new normal in hiring and retain- teams become distracted. Here is a good test for any organization, large or
tain salary or stability. There are endless ing the top talent in your field. At small. Write down the number one goal on a piece of paper. First ask yourself
options nationwide for people to relocate HIMpros we specialize in recruiting how much time you devote each day to driving it. Think about how much
or change fields and work “behind the before a position becomes available, so time your team devotes. Then if you want to have some fun, ask each mem-
scenes” or try a new position. It is rare you have a strong pipeline of candidates, ber of your team, one, if they even know what the top priority of the organ-
for people to stay in the same position for and you have options of potential staff to ization is and secondly, what they are doing each day to help achieve it. The
most of their career – with the internet hire. Recruiting and retention in this answers could surprise you.
and availability of jobs nationwide peo- challenging environment is of utmost
ple have more choices than ever. importance to maintain and hire for hos- Jay Juffre is Executive Vice President, ImageFIRST. For more information on
Employees are searching for a value- pitals and healthcare specialties nation- ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit
based proposition, they want to feel part wide. Being open to negotiation and lis-
of the team and be heard – not just be an tening to potential new hire’s work/life
employee number. balance requests are a requirement in
Preparing a strong offer including a finding and hiring the best person for the
competitive salary, benefits including job and retaining them over time.
health and wellness, mental health, a Flexibility, retention and resilience as
flexible schedule, work from home days, well as speed to market for offers will
if possible, as well as retention bonuses, facilitate the best results for employers
and listening to your team’s wants and and employees in an “employee’s” mar-
needs will be more enticing in this mar- ket. The bottom line is we are in a HCA Executive Named Chair of
ket than just offering a higher salary. staffing crisis and finding ways to recruit
People are getting multiple offers and and retain top talent in the healthcare Palm Beach County Heart Walk
have the luxury of negotiating on their space has never been more critical.
own behalf, as well as choosing the best Luckily this is our focus at HIMpros!
hiring package that suits their life. As an Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans, and
employer, being aware of this will allow Betsy Johnson is the Founder and CEO of one local CEO is stepping up to the plate to teach the
you to create compensation and benefits HIMpros. For more information, community about prevention through the Nov. 12
packages that are meaningful for the peo- call (813) 798-2133, or Heart Walk. Gina Melby, CEO of HCA Florida JFK
ple you are trying to hire. visit Hospital, has been named Chair of the 2022 Palm
Another important aspect of the Beach County Heart Walk. Melby will work along-
side other executives who are working to improve
physical and mental health, combat burnout in the
workplace and help employees feel connected to
their community.
The 2022 Palm Beach County Heart Walk will
open for attendees at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12 at
Meyer Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, with the walk itself starting at 9 a.m.
W ha s ’ t N t ? Teams can register for the event at Registration is
free, and fundraising is encouraged to contribute to lifesaving scientific research
into heart disease and stroke, and to help fund local community impact proj-
w w b . w d o c . o m h / l a e t l hca e r “We’re walking to save lives,” Melby said. “It’s as simple as that. I hope people
bring a friend, a family member or a colleague to walk this powerful event with
o The Palm Beach County Heart Walk is sponsored by the Palm Beach County
Sheriff’s Office, Cleveland Clinic Florida, HCA Healthcare Florida, HCA
Healthcare Foundation, Tire Kingdom, Florida Power & Light Company and
Mount Sinai New York. Media sponsors are WPTV, Hubbard Radio South
Florida and Florida Weekly.
o c un t n i o
To learn more about engaging your office in Heart Walk, or to join Gina Melby and
other influential executives on the Heart Walk Executive Cabinet,
. ed.
6 September 2022 South Florida Hospital News