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                                                                                  Back Cover Story: Cannabis Spotlight

                                                                                  Continued from back cover           How did you get started within
                                                                                  What motivates you to be a part     the cannabis industry?
                                                                                  of the cannabis industry?             Interestingly I received a call from a
                                                                                   I enjoy providing the education patients   friend, a retired DEA agent, in 2016. He
                                                                                  need to begin the process of obtaining   said, “If amendment 2 is passed in Florida
                                                                                  their MMJ card and understanding whole   I have an opportunity for you if you are
                                                                                  plant medicine. Being able to see the relief   interested. I know you are a great business
                                                                                  and quality of life breathed back into them   professional, and it would be great to have
                                                                                  is very motivational. I want to continue to   you onboard.” And so, it began. While this
                                                                                  bridge the gap and to rid the stigma that   opportunity did not work out, I had a
                                                                                  still surrounds this amazing plant medi-  vision and it taught me enough to go at it
                                                                                  cine. Education is key and it cannot end.   on my own. I had to educate myself to
                                                                                  Florida was slow to implement what was   believe in what I would be doing. I spent
                                                                                  passed by 71.6% of voters. So, the last 5   hours, nights and weekends doing so. I
                                                                                  years has been a journey. We are getting   was a General Manager in retail and
                                                                                  there, but we need to put the patient first   worked a very demanding schedule. I was
                                                                                  in all that we do.                  literally working 7 days a week, setting up
                                                                                                                      my life to ensure that I could leave my ‘day
                                                                                  What field are you in within the    job.’ I was able to do so in 2019 and have
                                                                                  cannabis space?                     never looked back. My quality of life has
                                                                                   I am the Founder of MMCare of Florida   improved tremendously. I have built
                                                                                  (Medical Marijuana Care of Florida), in   strong relationships with the industry pio-
                                                                                  Brooksville, FL. I incorporated in 2017   neers and others getting started just like
                                                                                  and have not stopped evolving. MMCare is   me. I obviously had some great help along
                                                                                  more than just a Cannabis Clinic. I also   the way that has led to the success of
                                                                                  serve as a Physician Consultant to assist   MMCare, and I remain grateful.
                                                                                  physicians who want to get into the
                                                                                  Cannabis Space. We offer internships with   Are you personally a MJ card
                                                                                  our physician and start-up consulting.    holder?
                                                                                                                        Yes. When I left my corporate job, I
                                                                                  How can people in Florida           obtained my card.
                                                                                  benefit from the company you
                                                                                  represent?                          Do you see Florida moving
                                                                                   Floridians can feel comfortable that   forward with recreational
                                                                                  MMCare of Florida puts patients above   Marijuana/cannabis and how
                                                                                  profits. We offer in-depth education and   will that affect your business?
                                                                                  are always available for assistance. We care   I believe that Florida will move forward
                                                                                  about patient results and, if necessary, will   with recreational, and I absolutely support
                                                                                  do a plan reset. We are not a ‘one and done’   and believe it is the best for our patients.
                                                                                  clinic. Our current Physician is a retired   Patients will still need the education to get
                                                                                  General Surgeon whose passion for edu-  started and continued guidance if it is for
                                                                                  cating and ensuring patients understand   relief of medical conditions. Having a
                                                                                  how to begin is unparalleled in the indus-  medical card also means the patient will
                                                                                  try. He gets to know his patients and they   not be required to pay taxes that all recre-
                                                                                  walk away with a new understanding of   ational states impose on our medicine.
                                                                                  their bodies and why Cannabis works. We   Children will always need a recommend-
                                                                                  are comfortable evaluating pediatrics as   ing physician so there will still be a need
                                                                                  well. Children deserve access to natural   for Medical Cannabis. Again, patient first
                                                                                  medicine and parents deserve the right to   and all else will fall into place. Being
                                                                                  afford natural health care. Veterans are a   deemed essential during the COVID-19
                                                                                  priority as well. They can benefit with dis-  pandemic only furthered our cause. The
                                                                                  counts given to them through our clinic.   science is there. The movement is strong.

                                                                                     Florida’s Resource for Medical & Business
                                                                                            Cannabis Developments

                                                                                              PO Box 812708
                                                                                          Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
                                                                                            Phone: (561) 368-6950                                   TM

                                                                                    CHARLES FELIX, CAROL FELIX         SUBSCRIPTIONS
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                                                                                    NANCY LAMMIE                       Two Years - $70
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                                                                                    Editorial Manager                  All rights reserved. Reproduction

                                                                                    CONTRIBUTING WRITERS               In whole or part without written
                                                                                    Daniel Casciato, Barbara Fallon    permission is prohibited. Copyright ©2022
                                                                                    Vanessa Orr, Lois Thomson

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