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Trulieve Partners With Khalifa Kush
BY DANIEL CASCIATO working with the community and creat-
ing an amazing customer experience
Trulieve Cannabis Corp., a leading and perfectly lines up with our brand val-
top-performing cannabis company in ues, making them a great fit for our first
Florida, announced earlier this year a expansion to the East Coast."
partnership with multi-platinum-selling, The KK team focuses on quality and
GRAMMY® Award and Golden Globe® growing exclusive genetics with the
Award-nominated recording artist Wiz best growers, he notes. “Even though
Khalifa's brand, Khalifa Kush. we are working on a much larger scale,
Through the agreement, Trulieve we still grow in smaller rooms and give
becomes the producer, processor and the plants the love they need.”
retailer of Khalifa Kush branded prod- Trulieve proudly expanded the part- Wiz Khalifa KhalifaKush
ucts in Florida and other northeast mar- nership with Khalifa Kush in Arizona
kets. earlier this year due to the premium
The Khalifa Kush (KK) strain was brand’s quality and exclusive genetics. KK products were first commercialized As the state's leading medical cannabis
developed for Wiz back in the early Maryland and Pennsylvania launches are in the U.S. in 2015 by Khalifa. The com- provider, Trulieve's retail employees are
2010's, tailored specifically for his per- planned for later this year. KK’s next pany has achieved continued growth and trained to provide personalized patient
sonal tastes and held closely within his strain, Khalifa Mints, will be available success by focusing on high quality and care and support individuals at every
private stashes in Los Angeles. After early next year. highly sought-after products in legalized stage of their cannabis journeys. Trulieve
years of keeping KK to himself, he chose “Trulieve continually seeks partner- cannabis markets. The KK brand offers a dispensaries throughout Florida offer on-
to share this strain with the world in ships with respected and diverse brands growing lineup of flower, pre-rolls, site consultations to help patients obtain
2014. A two year long journey led to the to better serve our patient and con- vapes, edibles, and concentrates, pow- appropriate medical products and
first Khalifa Kush flower sales in 2016. sumers' needs. Khalifa Kush is known as ered by proprietary genetics. There are dosages to ensure optimal cannabis expe-
“Ten or twelve years ago, I found the a coveted brand, and we look forward to several key benefits to the brand, accord- riences.
one—not the two, and that's KK, Khalifa offering Khalifa Kush products in our ing to its founder. Trulieve patients across Florida can
Kush,” says Khalifa. “We’re excited to Florida dispensaries,” adds Kristin “KK really just makes you feel relaxed choose from the largest selection of THC
partner with the undisputed leader in the Robertson, Trulieve’s Executive Director and doesn't give you paranoia and those and CBD products available in a variety
Florida market. Trulieve’s dedication to of Marketing in Florida. things, or the tiredness that some strains of consumption methods, including
give you,” says Khalifa. smokable flower, concentrates, edibles,
Trulieve will celebrate the launch of capsules, syringes, tinctures, topical
KK at select locations throughout Florida creams, vaporizers, and more.
on Friday, September 30. Stay tuned to
their social channels for information on For more information, please
when and where these celebrations will visit and
take place.
Back Cover Story: How Cannabis Helped
'Survivor' Winner, Survive Cancer
Continued from back cover menting and sharing his holistic cannabis
wellness journey and how he incorporates
“I wanted to be able to help others out
there and share my experience because cannabis into his daily routine. The part-
cannabis helped me,” he says. “It helped nership includes local and national educa-
me fall asleep at night and it helped me eat tional outreach, keynote speaking, philan-
better. It also eased my pain and helped thropic opportunities and social media
with my nausea. While I couldn't elimi- collaborations. The former professional
nate all the synthetic pills by any means, it soccer player will also wear Momenta
did help me reduce the frequency and apparel during his future athletic endeav-
dosage.” ors.
When Zohn ran the Boston Marathon One piece of advice that Zohn has for
this past spring, he used Momenta, a line others who may be trying cannabis for the
of cannabis wellness products from first time is to go “low and slow.”
Trulieve, a cannabis company that he is “There also are many online resources
now a partner with. Through this partner- that can help you,” he says. “I found a
ship, Zohn is the official ambassador of cannabis concierge who helped guide me
Momenta. and gave me an education on pretty much
“As a brand ambassador, I’m excited everything. No matter which state you are
because I get to share my story and help in, there are also many people experienced
educate others on cannabis use,” he says. in cannabis who can talk to you.”
“It’s all about erasing stigma and little
mini-increments of changing the percep- For more information, visit
tion on cannabis.” and
Zohn, a new resident of Florida, where
Trulieve is headquartered, will be docu-
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26 September 2022 Cannabis News Florida