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Why Hearing Loss May Raise Your Risk of Dementia
Cleveland Clinic Geriatric Medicine Specialist Discusses
the Link Between Dementia and Hearing Loss
With age-related hearing loss leading as why frequent social engagement is often people with a high school education or
the third most common chronic condition advised in order to protect brain health better.
in seniors, Cleveland Clinic Geriatric and mitigate the risk of developing demen- “But studies also show that if you can
Medicine Specialist Dr. Ronan Factora tia, especially when considering that aging maintain an eighth-grade level of reading Dr. Ronan Mangcucang
stresses the importance of recognizing the typically triggers a natural decline in cog- or literacy throughout your life, it will help Factora
connection between the auditory system nitive abilities regardless. keep your mind active,” said Dr. Factora. “Evidence suggests that cardiovascular
and the rest of the brain. Older people suffering from hearing loss “You can also engage in hobbies that help exercise is probably the most helpful of all
Recent studies have demonstrated how tend to either ignore the signs or disregard keep you learning or challenged.” types of exercise in maintaining brain
hearing loss increases risk for cognitive the gravity, but Dr. Factora urges people to Any new hobby, like board games, play- health,” said Dr. Factora.
issues like dementia, in which up to 8% of be transparent with their primary care ing cards, or knitting, will suffice because
cases exhibited hearing loss. While these physicians and request an audiology eval- it forces the brain to develop new neural 4. Sticking to a
studies also suggest that hearing loss uation. connections as you learn and develop that Mediterranean diet
impacts brain function and changes in “If you do have hearing loss and your particular skillset, which in turn can be an Perhaps one of the most difficult pieces
structure, they have also addressed the physician offers a solution like hearing asset in bypassing brain damage associa- of advice to follow, Dr. Factora recom-
possibility that because hearing loss ends aids, try them out,” said Dr. Factora. “If tion with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. mends eating right and following a healthy
up demanding so much attention and you wait too long and develop memory diet that regularly incorporates vegetables,
effort to decode the meaning in words and problems, it will be more difficult for you 2. Maintaining a social network fruits, legumes, fish, olive oil, nuts, and
sounds, it takes up the remainder of brain to learn how to use these devices. It’s best Maintaining or creating social connec- seeds because these foods are beneficial for
capacity needed to process the meaning of to get used to them while the mind is still tions with friends and family helps sup- both heart and brain health.
the actual message. sharp so you can improve your quality of port a healthy brain.
“The cause behind this link is unclear. life.” “If you’re constantly engaged in a give- To learn more about dementia,
But one theory is that hearing loss tends to While causation and odds of reversibili- and-take conversation and are around a lot Alzheimer’s, and Cleveland Clinic Florida,
cause some people to withdraw from con- ty are still yet to be determined, Dr. of people, that stimulation will have a pos- visit:
versations and participate less in activi- Factora recommends four ways his itive effect on your brain health,” said Dr. why-hearing-loss-may-raise-
ties,” said Dr. Factora. “As a result, you patients and other seniors can improve Factora. your-risk-of-dementia/
become less social and less engaged.” their brain health and reduce the severity
Isolation, especially self-isolation, is of decline. 3. Exercising regularly Dr. Ronan Mangcucang Factora is Staff at
hard on older adults not only due to lack Especially if choosing cardiovascular the Center for Geriatric Medicine, Medicine
of socialization, but also due to lack of 1. Keeping your mind active exercise, a regular fitness routine of at least Institute; Program Director for the Geriatric
stimulation, which can trigger a decrease A good education is not just important 30 minutes five times a week is a superb Medicine Fellowship, Co-Director of the Aging
in growth of necessary neural pathways for for your social and economic health, but way to protect the brain, although any reg- Brain Clinic; and Associate Professor of
carrying out numerous biological process- for your physical health as well; studies imen, such as strength training, is a good Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
es, memory function, and more. That is have shown a lower risk of dementia in option. Medicine of Case Western Reserve University.
Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades
Pediatric Sedation Center at Golisano Children’s Delray Medical Center Named
Hospital Recognized as a Center of Excellence an Aetna Institute of Quality® for Spine Surgery
The Pediatric Sedation Center at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida has Delray Medical Center is honored for excellence in spine care by earning recogni-
been recognized as a Center of Excellence in Pediatric Sedation by the Society for tion as an Aetna Institute of Quality® Orthopedic Care Facility for Spine Surgery.
Pediatric Sedation. The Pediatric Sedation Center at Golisano Children’s Hospital uses Aetna makes information about the quality and cost of health care services available
sedation and support to make children feel comfortable during certain procedures. to its members to help them make informed decisions about their health care needs.
Because children learn and cope through play, teams at Golisano Children’s Hospital In line with this goal, Aetna recognizes hospitals and facilities in its network that offer
help alleviate fears through evidence-based practices which include developmentally specialized clinical services for certain health conditions. Facilities are selected for
appropriate play, preparation and education, and the use of sensory resources. In the consistently delivering evidence-based, safe care.
pediatric sedation center, child life specialists are trained to prepare children for proce-
dures by educating them about what they can expect to see, hear and feel during their
medical treatment. In addition to developmentally appropriate education, child life spe- Delray Medical Center Achieves Healthgrades
cialists also provide support during procedures and assist children with developing pos- 5-star Rating for Gynecologic Procedures
itive coping strategies to decrease stress and anxiety. With child life support, children are
often able to complete invasive procedures without the use of sedation.
Delray Medical Center is named a 2022 5-Star recipient for Gynecologic
Procedures, as recognized by Healthgrades. This marks the second consecutive year
Palm Beach Health Network Hospitals Achieve that Delray Medical Center has achieved the distinction (2021-2022). This 5-star rat-
ing indicates that Delray Medical Center’s clinical outcomes for Gynecologic
Healthgrades 5-Star Rating for Vaginal Delivery Procedures are significantly better than expected, placing them among the national
Gynecologic Procedures leaders.
and C-Section Delivery
West Boca Medical Center, Good Samaritan Medical Center, and St. Mary’s Medical
Center, all part of the Palm Beach Health Network, are 2022 5-Star recipients for Vaginal E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to
and C-Section Delivery, as recognized by Healthgrades. This marks the 8th consecutive
year these hospitals have achieved the distinction (2015-2022).
22 September 2022 South Florida Hospital News