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               Metaverse, Medicine, and the

                Future of Healthcare Design

          Those of us who listen to                     reality can stimulate and
        conversations about the                         enhance any physical thera-
        Metaverse and how people                        py session by curating
        are buying houses, art, or                      unique and interesting envi-
        John Lennon’s guitar in the                     ronments for people to
        virtual world often think                       experience while in therapy.
        “what in the world are peo-                     Instead of a skilled nursing
        ple doing to waste their time                   hallway, a patient using VR
        on this?” Beyond the quirki-                    goggles will be walking a
        ness, this is an example of                     city street or a path in the
        the transformational change                     Amazon. Occupational ther-
        where we will interact                          apy will create the appropri-
        through virtual reality. And   BY CHARLES A.    ate environment without the
        no doubt, some of the most   MICHELSON, AIA,    need to “physically” con-        Pediatric Specia
        groundbreaking  changes      ACHA, LEED AP      struct the space.
        will occur in medicine.                           Mental health and virtual
          You are certainly familiar                    reality is another incredible            Close to Hom
        with telemedicine. But telemedicine is   medical opportunity to enhance treat-
        checkers compared to 3-dimensional   ment. Many virtual opportunities exist.
        chess when comparing telemedicine to the   What if anxiety and fear-related disorders   Whether you’re in Naples, Miami or W est Palm

                                                                                                                                   m Beach —
        metaverse. The metaverse applied to med-  could be treated more effectively by plac-

                                                                                                                                     hi i

        icine is a simulated digital environment   ing the patient and therapist in the virtual   or somewhere in between — KIDZ Medical physicians
        that uses augmented reality along with   world to allow patients to regain control   are nearby  We
                                                                                                  y.. W
                                                                                                      e are a physician-owned pediaatric multi-
        blockchain technology and concepts from   over the stressful situations through safe
        social media to create an environment for   reengagement?                        specialty practice offering state-of-the-art caare throughout
        user interaction mimicking the ideal   Bringing the conversation back to archi-  South Florida.

        world.                               tecture, by virtue of this technology, how
          The technological requirements of digi-  do we reimagine our medical facilities
        tal information transfer can be discussed   design in the next decade, and where? We
        in another forum. However, from a med-  are speaking about decentralized health-
        ical perspective, everything from mental   care anywhere and at any time; from pri-
        health, chronic pain, dentistry, personal-  mary care to significantly chronic treat-
        ized health, physical therapy, oncology,   ments. Separate from what will be occur-
        etc., will eventually be treated in augment-  ring in healthcare facilities, there will be
        ed reality, remotely. The use of wearable   many medical options where using virtual
        technology, sensors, artificial intelligence   reality will enable a patient to remain at
        (AI), and biometric feedback will become   home.
        the norm in the not-too-distant future for   In addition, community medical build-
        medical treatment. It can be a win-win for   ings will eventually include virtual reality
        healthcare systems and the public.   spaces — open rooms where patients wear
        Technology and artificial intelligence can   goggles and move around, not much dif-
        allow healthcare systems to do more with   ferent from a gaming facility.
        less, less budget and healthcare workers.   The ability to bring quality healthcare to
        Virtual reality will expand access, interac-  a patient and provide the appropriate
        tion and patient engagement. The treat-  healthcare to rural and underserved com-
        ments provided can be more accurate and   munities through technology is an excit-
        personalized while eventually lowering   ing medical future just on the horizon.
        overhead costs and improve ROI’s.
          Virtual reality will allow surgeons to see   Charles Michelson is President of Saltz
        inside a patient and practice a procedure   Michelson Architects. For more information,
        before even touching that patient. Virtual       visit
                                                                                             K K K K K      I I I I I              Z Z Z Z Z
                                                                                           Providing care to infants, c                 d l i h  e re r  n
                                                                                                    and moms since 1988
                                                                                        Boca Raton  • W est Palm Beach  •  Port St. Lucie  •  Hollywood
                                                                                       Miramar  •  Doral  •  Miami  •  South Miami  •  Kendall  •  Homestead
                                                                                                         Naples  •  Bonita Springs

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