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Addiction & Mental Health My Psychiatrist Boca
Raton Hosts Community
Consortium for a Healthier Miami-Dade Networking Event
Mental Health Virtual Summit
(l-r) Dr.
The Consortium for a Healthier Miami-Dade will be • “How Urban Design Shapes Our Mental Health” Humberto Caro,
hosting the Mental Health Virtual Summit on Friday, Joanna Lombard, AIA, UMSOA CMO, My
September 16 from 9 am to 12:45 pm. This half-day • “Substance Abuse and Tobacco Use and Its Psychiatrist Boca
event is in part being sponsored by all Consortium for Impacts on Mental Health” Raton; Charles
a Healthier Miami-Dade committees. Dr. Jonathan Foulds, Professor of Public Health Sciences Felix, Publisher,
This year the Consortium for a Healthier Miami- & Psychiatry, Penn State University, College of Medicine
Dade is hosting this event to address the recent com- • “The Influence of Media on Mental Health” South Florida
munity issues related to mental health, stress, and cop- Dr. Elliot Montgomery Sklar, Ph.D., M.S., Associate Hospital News &
ing with the current situations we as a community have Professor, Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Healthcare
experienced together. At this event we will have a Sciences, Nova Southeastern University Report; Dr. Peter
keynote speaker and breakout rooms with subject-mat- • “Suicide Prevention and Awareness to Be Able to Ventre, Founder
ter expert presenters who will present on key topics Recognize the Signs and Symptoms” and Managing
related to mental health supported by all the Rev. Lisa LeSueur, Suicide Prevention Coordinator for Partner, My
Consortium committees. NAMI Miami-Dade Psychiatrist
The keynote speaker for this event will be Kevin C. The event is free and open to the community. For
Andrews, M.A., M.S.W., Executive Vice President, additional information on the event, please contact
Integrated Outpatient Clinical Operations of Banyan (305) 278-0442.
Health Systems. He will be discussing the importance My Psychiatrist Boca Raton partnered with South Florida
of eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health Helpful Mental Health Resources Hospital News & Healthcare Report and hosted a network-
care through healthcare system integration. National Domestic Violence Hotline: Call 1-800- ing event for members of the community.
During this event there will be a total of three concur- 799-7233 or Text LOVEIS to 22522 My Psychiatrist Boca Raton is dedicated to serving all
rent breakout room sessions. The topic sessions with National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273- patients in the community in need of mental health assis-
the subject-matter expert have been included below: TALK (1-800-273-8255) tance. My Psychiatrist’s multi-disciplinary providers are
• “The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences Crisis Text Line: Text SIGNS to 741741 for 24/7, skilled in treating a myriad of mental health issues includ-
(ACES) and Mental Health” anonymous, free crisis counseling ing depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, mood
Dr. Nicole Fava, PhD, MSW, Assistant Professor, Robert Disaster Distress Helpline: Call or Text 1-800-985- disorders, substance abuse, traumatic brain injury, PTSD,
Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work Center 5990 (press 2 for Spanish) autism spectrum disorder, OCD, panic attacks, eating dis-
for Children and Families, Florida International The Trevor Project: Call 1-866-488-7386 or Text orders and schizophrenia. The practice also provides care
University “START” to 678678 in grief counseling, stress management and dementia. “It
• “Social Isolation in Older Adults and Its Impacts Veteran’s Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 is important for our patients to know that we are here for
on Mental Health” CDC Stress and Coping Resources: them, to help with their emotional needs and improve
Dr. Carline Oyadiran, Medicare Medical Director at their quality of life,” said Dr. Humberto Caro, CMO.
Sanitas Medical Centers resources/index.htm
South Florida Hospital News September 2022 13