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Solutions for Successful Hospital
and Medical Center Parking
If you build it, they will imperative part of any hospi-
park. Visitors want to get tal system and building a
to their destination quickly structure that relies on the
and easily, without confu- newest technologies to guide
sion, particularly in a hos- visitors to parking spaces
pital setting. All too often, with ease is advisable. Park -
erecting a parking garage ing guidance systems and
can become a costly after- sensors that can track and
thought. The right plan- indicate the number of
ning and design expertise spaces available ensure driv-
from the beginning is key ers will be parked safely and
in constructing an aesthet- conveniently. Additional
ically attractive, highly BY DANIEL L. tech nology requirements
functional, cost-effective HELMICK, PE might also include access
parking garage. control, security, revenue
Here's what to consider collection, charging stations
when planning a parking garage for a hos- and photovoltaic panels. Implementing
pital or medical facility: these technologies can generate addi-
Choose a fully integrated design-build tional revenue for the venue and create a
company: A vertically integrated company better user experience.
that offers in-house design, manufacturing Design with flexibility for the future:
and construction services can lower over- With the increase in demand for more
all construction costs while ensuring that flexible and personalized commercial
the parking garage is both functional and and institutional spaces, the need for
aesthetic. Companies who routinely multi-use facilities has risen across the
design and build parking garages under- country. Designing a well-planned sys-
stand the process and often have years of tem with flexibility is critical. This
experience allowing them to identify process will help identify elements such
what works and what doesnít to ensure a as acceptable walking distances, handi-
durable, low maintenance structure with cap accessibility, the willingness to use
reduced lifecycle costs. At FINFROCK, rideshare hubs and access to off-site
the largest design design-builder of park- parking, and the need for enhanced
ing garages, we have erected more than wayfinding in parking garage systems.
300 precast parking structures across the Experienced design-build companies
country, and we have a team that intri- have a vast range of capabilities to create
cately understands how to create a cost- structures that seamlessly blend with the
effective hospital parking structure that surrounding buildings, integrate mixed-
offers the best function for the available uses and meet architectural requirements
space and budget. to disguise the parking elements of the
Select an expert that works well with structure.
other contractors: Companies that have Think about sustainability: Parking
a strong expertise in building parking facilities that include sustainable and
garages know how to work well with on- green options promote cost-savings and
site general contractors and architects. long-term value. For example, in some
Hiring a company to focus solely on the projects we worked with, we installed
parking allows other design and con- solar roof panels to provide power to the
struction teams to focus on the main building and offset energy costs. As cor-
construction event, such as building a porations pay more attention to their car-
hospital. bon footprint, there is greater demand
Get a guaranteed price up front: In for designs to produce better air flow, use
working with a company that specializes LED lighting and add electric vehicle
in delivering functional and economical charging stations. In addition, the type of
hospital parking structures, pricing is material chosen for a parking garage is
often guaranteed before the completion crucial to the lifecycle and maintenance
of the design documents, which means costs of the building. Precast/prestressed
construction schedules can be accurately concrete building systems offer a
predicted, costly change orders are resilient solution that results in added
avoided and the need for time consum- value and longevity.
ing redesign periods are eliminated. Effective integration of parking into
Plan for minimal disruption of your long-term hospital and medical facility
customers: Experienced contractors planning creates an environment that
should work to create a logistics plan provides for superior customer service
that minimizes road closures and inter- and satisfaction.
ference with customer and employee Choosing a design-build partner with
access while keeping their team on the the qualifications and experience to deliv-
least traveled and least critical streets to er what building clients want without
the project. Choosing a precast system interference in daily operations is the first
for a parking project also requires a step on the road to success.
smaller footprint. Structural components
are manufactured off-site and delivered
in time to be erected, allowing for mini- Daniel L. Helmick, PE, Executive Vice
mized onsite construction. President, Project Development at
Consider technology for efficiency FINFROCK, can be reached at
and security: Efficient parking is an
14 September 2022 South Florida Hospital News