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Delray Medical Center Unveils
Its New EP and Cardiac Suite Expansion and Renovation
Delray Medical Center’s new EP and
Cardiac Suite is now open and will be
able to conduct minimally invasive pro-
cedures using the Azurion image guided
therapy system to treat arrythmias
including atrial fibrillation. These
catheter-based procedures reduce the
risks and recovery time found in tradi-
tional surgical approaches. The benefits
of catheter-based interventions include
shorter hospital stays, reduced recovery
time without the pain of a large incision,
and less visible surgical scarring. The
Azurion, with its ergonomic design, opti-
mizes workflow enabling physicians and
clinicians to perform both routine and catheterization patients who have had
complex procedures. The system is their procedure performed through a
designed to help clinicians work effi- catheter inserted into their radial artery,
ciently by reducing preparation and pro- also known as the transradial catheteri-
cedure time, enabling more patients to be zation. Transradial procedures use mini-
diagnosed and treated. Azurion provides mal sedation and patients are alert and
high quality imaging, with excellent visi- oriented, and only remain in recovery for
bility at low x-ray dose levels for patients 4 to 6 hours. This new lounge, combined
of all sizes. The new lab also features the with the new state of the art technology
in the EP and Cardiac Suite, are yet Cover Story: Boca Raton Regional
Indiglo UV disinfection lighting system,
to further enhance patient safety and another example of Delray Medical
reduce complications. Center prioritizing the needs of our Hospital Plans Major Construction
Radial lounges are specifically patients and our community and invest-
designed to meet the needs of cardiac ing into the future of healthcare. and Renovation Projects
Continued from page 1 construction of the Schmidt Family
plete, we will focus on the renovation of Parking Facility was completed. That was
the existing facility.” an important step because we're going to
All new surgical suites and all private be tying up some of the surface parking
patient rooms will exceed the latest safety with these various projects.”
standards for patient care, notes Mendez. The Schmidt Family Parking Facility
We’re building The new tower will feature the Louis B. will be connected to the Marcus
and Anne W. Green Lobby with plans for
Neuroscience Institute once the new
retail, dining, meeting space, a sanctuary, tower construction is complete. A new
something great. outdoor courtyards and other conven- 39,700-square-foot Central Energy Plant
iences for visitors. that will reduce costs and improve effi-
We’re building to make a difference. From budgets and timelines to The patient tower will add 1.08 million ciencies is also in the works. This will
communities and relationships, we pursue big ideas while concentrating square feet and double the current educa- allow Boca Regional to become self-suffi-
on the smallest details. tion space at Boca’s hospital campus. cient, with enough fuel to last several
Robins & Morton will oversee the con- weeks.
struction, while HKS Architects and “The plant will contain four generators
Urban Design Studio of South Florida are that will be able to provide electricity to
working together on the project’s design. the whole medical campus,” says
But the health system is not stopping Mendez. “This is an important piece of
there. Other projects are in the works the overall puzzle.
such as the conversion of all existing 400 All of these projects are made possible
rooms in the current hospital building to by commitments from Baptist Health
private, as well as comprehensive renova- South Florida and funds raised by Boca
tions to all patient units including mater- Raton Regional Hospital Foundation’s
nity, oncology and orthopedics. $250 million “Keeping the Promise” cap-
An expansion of Marcus Neuroscience ital campaign.
Institute is currently underway as well as “We're keeping the promise to the
the Toby & Leon Cooperman Medical community to make sure that we provide
Arts Pavilion with outpatient surgery the highest quality of care to our commu-
center, endoscopy suites, physician nity,” notes Mendez. “We've seen a
offices and the adjacent Eleanor Baldwin tremendous amount of growth here in
Parking Garage. the community as more people move into
“Right now, we are in the midst of a Boca Raton. These projects are going to
significant master facility plan that will be able to help us keep up with the serv-
transform Boca Raton Regional Hospital ices they will need for decades to come.”
and enhance the landscape of healthcare
throughout this area,” says Mendez. “It For more information, visit
really started in February of 2020 when
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16 September 2022 South Florida Hospital News