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Dear Readers:

                                                                South Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report welcomes you to
                                                               Cannabis News Florida, a feature of our print publication, website and
                                                           e-newsletters. Its purpose is to provide pertinent educational information from
                                                       leading authorities about medical and business developments in the medical cannabis
                                                           industry. We also intend to provide both national and international information
                                                                which will affect the medical cannabis business in the State of Florida.

                                    Florida’s Source for Medical & Business Cannabis Developments

                   EVIO Labs: Providing Comprehensive Cannabis Testing in Florida

               BY DANIEL CASCIATO           Each MMTC can open as many as 25 dis-                                   years of experience. These chemists use
                                            pensaries per license.                                                  validated methods to test cannabis prod-
          Last fall, Christopher Martinez, Co-  “Our goal is patient safety first. We                               ucts, according to Martinez. Every test
        Founder and President of EVIO Labs  want to ensure clean and safe cannabis to                               report is checked by a lab director to
        Florida, set out with a vision to bring  patients of Florida,” Martinez says. “For                          ensure all results are valid and certified.
        clean and safe cannabis to the patients of  efficacy and patient safety, physicians                           In addition, in Florida, an applicant for
        Florida. EVIO Labs Florida is the first  and their patients want to know what’s                             licensure renewal must also include a
        medical cannabis testing laboratory with  inside the products and what they can                             record of contracts for services with a
        ISO 17025 accreditation. Its parent com-  expect.”                                                          veteran business enterprise like EVIO
        pany, EVIO, Inc. (OTCQB:EVIO) is a life  Here’s how the process works:                                      Labs which is registered with the Florida
        sciences company focused on analyzing  When processing marijuana, a medical                                 Office of Supplier Diversity.
        cannabis as a means for improving qual-  marijuana treatment center must test the                             Martinez says that EVIO has some of
        ity of life. The company provides analyt-  processed marijuana using an independ-                           the most advanced technology in the
        ical testing services, advisory services  ent 3rd party medical marijuana testing                           industry which allows them to turn
        and performs product research in its  laboratory before it is dispensed.                                    around results in a short amount of
        accredited laboratory testing facilities.  The medical marijuana treatment cen-  Christopher Martinez       time—sometimes as fast as 24 hours.
          EVIO Labs Florida provides state-of-  ter must contract with a marijuana test-                              Martinez and his team opened the
        the-art testing services for licensed  ing laboratory such as EVIO Labs, to per-  fungicides, plant growth regulators, and  6,000-sq.ft, $3 million cannabis labora-
        cannabis producers and distributors to  form audits on the medical marijuana  other compounds. Using LCMS technol-  tory in Davie in September and currently
        help them stay compliant with state reg-  treatment center’s standard operating  ogy (Liquid Chromatography Mass  are building a new 3,000-sq.ft lab in
        ulations. Their lab in Davie, FL is pow-  procedures, testing records, and samples  Spectrometry) with new ion focusing  Gainesville set to open by March 2018.
        ered by Shimadzu with $1.3 million of  and provide the results to the department  technology ensuring the maximum num-  To further help physicians and
        the most advanced technologies available  to confirm that the marijuana or low-  ber of pesticides (over 600) are detected  patients, Martinez and a partner also cre-
        for testing cannabis. EVIO provides com-  THC cannabis meets the requirements of  and positively identified.  ated an app, MJ buddy which helps
        prehensive cannabis testing for cannabi-  this section and that the marijuana or  If a grower’s soil or water is contami-  patients determine what kinds of medical
        noid and terpene profiles, microbiologi-  low-THC cannabis is safe for human  nated with heavy metals, these toxic ele-  marijuana are right for their medical con-
        cal and pesticides contamination, resid-  consumption.                  ments will be passed into the plant and  dition. Physicians can also use the app as
        ual solvent, heavy metals, mycotoxins,  The lab utilizes two cannabis analyzer  on to the consumer. EVIO Labs testing  well.
        water activity and moisture content.   for potency, using High Performance  protocols provide MMTC's the opportu-  MJ Buddy takes data from thousands
          “The Florida DOH, Office of Medical  Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to  nity to learn if their medicine is contam-  of patients and presents the information
        Marijuana Use mandates that medical  quantitate cannabinoid profiles for 12  inated with toxic heavy metals. EVIO  to doctors and research facilities.
        cannabis must be tested by an independ-  cannabinoids including THC, CBD,  Labs uses Inductively Coupled Plasma  Physicians can take that data and adjust
        ent 3rd party lab in order to validate  Delta-8 and Delta-9.            Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS) to screen  dosage, method of delivery, and strain
        these medications are safe for human  It also tests for pesticides which are  samples for metals such as lead (Pb),  recommendation to the patients to best
        consumption,” says Martinez.        commonly used in cannabis cultivation.  arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and mercu-  suit the medical condition, age, weight,
          Currently, there are 13 licensed  This is potentially dangerous and pose  ry (Hg). This extremely sensitive tech-  symptoms, and metabolism of each
        Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers  health risks—the greatest danger occur-  nique allows cultivators, patients and  patient.
        (MMTC) across the state. Four MMTC’s  ring with chronic exposure to pesticide  physicians to assure that the levels pres-
        have brick and mortar locations, 3  residue which is toxic at high levels and  ent in the product is at safe levels.     For more information, visit
        MMTC’s are dispensing via delivery only  harmful at lower doses. As a result, EVIO  EVIO Labs uses an experienced and
        with five others authorized to cultivate.  Labs will test products for insecticides,  skilled team of chemists with over 20

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