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Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades

        South Broward Hospital District                                         Three Broward Health Hospitals

        Commissioner Laura Raybin                                               Receive National Recognition
        Miller Earns National Association                                       for Excellence in Stroke Care

        Of Corporate Directors                                                    Broward Health North (BHN), Broward Health Imperial Point (BHIP) and Broward
        Fellowship                                                              Health Medical Center (BHMC) announced that they have earned two prestigious awards
                                                                                for excellence in stroke care: The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® and the
                                                                                American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Heart-Check mark for
          Laura Raybin Miller, a commissioner of the South                      Advanced Certification for Primary Stroke Centers. The Gold Seal of Approval® and the
        Broward Hospital District, recently earned the prestigious              Heart-Check mark represent symbols of quality from their respective organizations The
        status of “fellow” from the National Association of  Laura Raybin Miller  three Broward Health hospitals underwent a rigorous on-site review in December.
        Corporate Directors (NACD). Miller completed the
        NACD Fellowship – The Gold Standard Director Credential® – demonstrating a com-
        mitment to the highest standard of boardroom excellence. This represents not only a sin- Nicklaus Children’s Pediatric Care Center
        gular accomplishment, but also an advantage for the board and management teams to
        have someone with Miller’s credentials.  One of the many advantages, and of greatest Receives NCQA Patient-Centered
        importance to Miller and the Board, was the implementation of the best governance prac-
        tices for the District. In the last 20 years, Commissioner Laura Raybin Miller has been Medical Home Recognition
        involved in public and community affairs in South Florida, making a positive impact in
        the lives of many residents through her leadership and participation in civic, and health-  The Pediatric Care Center at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has been awarded recogni-
        care organizations. Throughout her career, she also has garnered a series of political  tion by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Patient-Centered
        appointments that has allowed her to make significant changes and improvements in  Medical Home Program. The Pediatric Care Center provides outpatient pediatric services
        governance, implementing best practices in the boards she has served.   for more than 4,000 children annually, including many with special medical needs. The
                                                                                NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home standards emphasize the use of systematic,
                                                                                patient-centered, coordinated care that supports access, communication and patient
        Broward Health Imperial Point                                           involvement.
        (BHIP) Awards OR Nurse with
        DAISY Award                                                             Broward Health Medical Center Awarded
                                                                                Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Certification
          BHIP is pleased to announce Lauren Alexander, Surgical
        RN, as its newest recipient of the DAISY award for provid-              from The Joint Commission
        ing extraordinary care to a patient who recently had a hys-
        terectomy in Laura’s operating room. The patient had an                   Broward Health Medical Center (BHMC) announced that is has earned The Joint
        allergy to acrylic and Lauren calmed her patient’s anxiety              Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for its hip and knee joint replacement program.
        by carefully reviewing all the surgical equipment for any               The Gold Seal of Approval® is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commit-
        acrylic ingredients. When she found that there was, she  Lauren Alexander  ment to providing safe and effective patient care. BHMC underwent a rigorous on-site
        informed the surgeon who changed out to another prod-                   review in December 2017. Joint Commission experts evaluated compliance with national
        uct. Later on, the same patient complained her IV treatment was leaving a burning sen-  disease-specific care standards as well as with BHMC’s hip and knee joint replacement-
        sation. Lauren slowed down the infusion treatment and held her patient’s hand assuring  specific requirements. Clinical practice guidelines and performance measures also were
        her that it was a common reaction. Upon thanking her, Lauren squeezed the patient’s  assessed.
        hand tighter, saying “I treat all my patients as if they were my family.”

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