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Broward Health                            H EALTHCARE E DUCATION

              North Awarded

           Certifications for Its           Cover Story: Bridging Worlds
          Disease Specific Care
                                            Continued from page 1
            Programs from the               help teachers articulate concepts to stu-  also exposes FIU scholars to a behind-the-  most leaders’ decision-making within the
                                                                                                                    course of managing in the health care field
                                                                                scenes career view they may not have con-
             Joint Commission               dents.                              sidered beyond the world of hospitals. In  is hard to teach without human interac-
                                              “Any academic theory or solution com-
                                                                                addition to hospitals, this program pre-
                                            municated via a real-world example  pares them for the nuances of health care  According to Barbera, “Knowing the
           In December 2017, Broward Health  enhances a student’s grasp of a pattern of  environments such as ambulatory clinics,  technical aspects of health care manage-
          North (BHN) underwent a rigorous  critical thinking and makes a lasting  long term and senior care, home health  ment is the vital foundation but layering
          on-site review by Joint Commission  impression,” he explained.        care, physician practices and surgi-centers  on the skill sets of understanding cultural
          surveyors. These experts evaluated  Barbera notes, “When I teach, I can  to name a few. They learn the finance,  diversity, family influences and employee
          compliance with national disease-spe-  always share a story from some point in  operations, marketing and quality man-  engagement will help our alumni travel a
          cific care standards for BHN’s    my career to describe how I reacted to a  agement issues in an on-line/on campus  path that will enable them to succeed.”
          Alzheimer’s program, Primary Stroke  situation, some according to the books and  hybrid fashion.            An early leader, FIU originally devel-
          Center and Inpatient Rehabilitation  sometimes not so much. I explain that as a  Barbera leans toward the hybrid path  oped an accredited Master’s program in
          Stroke-Specific programs. After a one-  leader you make decisions, some may be  because in 35 years of health care experi-  2008 with a heavy emphasis on public
          week survey, no deficiencies were  the wrong ones; but like any mistake, you  ence he recognizes the importance that  health policy. In 2016 they pulled it off the
          found in any of the programs.     learn from it and don’t repeat it.” Students  values such as empathy and integrity play  shelf, revitalized it to expose students to an
          Broward Health North was awarded  respond positively to these scenarios, as  in today’s headline grabbing social and eth-  enhanced perspective of health adminis-
          with The Joint Commission’s Gold  posted on ratings surveys.          ical issues.                        tration, and reactivated in Fall, 2016 to
          Seal of Approval® for Advanced      Not only does this style of education  The on-line convenience factor appeals  encompass the current curricula of theo-
          Certification for Primary Stroke  improve the job marketability for graduat-  to working students trying to climb the  ries and issues of managing complex
          Centers, as well as for the Alzheimer’s  ing students but it also incorporates a face-  professional career path ladder. However,  health organizations in both public and
          and Inpatient Rehabilitation Stroke  to-face industry experience for students  the dilemma is to balance the personalized  private settings.
          programs. “Broward Health North is  embarking on the required administrative  expedient stride of the online program  Graduates will be prepared to serve in a
          pleased to receive Disease-Specific  residency with local health care organiza-  with the face-to-face people skills.  variety of administrative roles in the indus-
          Care Certification form The Joint  tions.                             Compassion and empathy gained in facul-  try. Housed under the University’s Nicole
          Commission, the premier health care  During the final semester of this 24-  ty/student exchange are needed to manage  Wertheim College of Nursing and Health
          quality improvement and accrediting  month program, students are required to  complex health organizations. The differ-  Sciences, the first cohort of 20 students
          body in the nation,” added Alice  experience an on-site residency or signifi-  ence between this master’s program and  will graduate this year and the Spring,
          Taylor Chief Executive Officer at  cant Master’s project (if they are already  others which put heavy emphasis on busi-  2018 cohort already has 45 students
          Broward Health North. “These certifi-  employed) in a local health care setting.  ness and regulatory issues is the expansion  enrolled.
          cations provide BHN with the frame-  FIU residency programs provide local hos-  of that focus to include relationship man-
          work to create a culture of excellence  pitals, and other health care providers the  agement, work force motivation, and nav-  For more information, contact Dr. Sal
          for those in our community.”      benefit of a fresh pair of eyes, eager to tack-  igating the individual and family issues of  Barbera at (305) 919-4466 or
                                            le an existing issue and make a positive  health care consumerism and compliance. 
                                            impact on patient care and satisfaction. It  Learning these skills that will be a part of

         34                       February 2018                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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