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                           Regarding FAU's College Of Business                                                        Cleveland Clinic

          From my first interac-                        educational backgrounds.  broad exposure and specialized capabili-
        tion with the Florida                              Collegiality and sup-  ties. Accountability, as an attribute of the
        Atlantic University (FAU)                       porting one another is the  faculty and staff, is consistently demon-  Designated a
        College of Business, I am                       norm. The ready availabil-  strated on a daily basis. Students observe
        continuously impressed                          ity of the staff to guide and  and learn the value of interdependence,  Statutory
        with the caliber, quality,                      assist students is indu-  bonding, and trust as applicable to their
        and connection it pro-                          bitably a hallmark of the  cohorts and the industry.
        motes for students, alum-                       College and further repre-  The FAU MHA curriculum transcends        Teaching
        ni, faculty, and members of                     sents its forthrightness in  textbooks and didactics and provides a
        the industry and beyond.                        carrying out its mission of  real-world approach to succeeding in the  Hospital by
        My experience started                           fostering growth for each  healthcare realm. I am persuaded that
        when I was asked to be a                        student.                FAU’s College of Business has raised and
        guest speaker in 2016 for                         Given that these stu-  set the bar for the tone and mark of edu-     AHCA
        undergraduate and gradu-  BY SAMUEL LIN, MD,    dents are working profes-  cational excellence and provides the abil-
        ate classes.              PHD, MBA, MPA, MS     sionals, the manner in  ity to attain greatness for future leaders  Cleveland Clinic Florida is pleased
          To this moment, I                             which they are respected  in the business of health and manage-  to announce that it has been desig-
        remember when I was                             by the College administra-  ment.                             nated a Statutory Teaching Hospital
        introduced to the senior leadership  tion and faculty bears great observation                                 by the Florida Agency for Health
        teams and how they graciously wel-  and is a reflection of the true dedication  For more information on Florida Atlantic  Care Administration (AHCA).
        comed me as a part of their family. The  of each student’s success. From the sever-  University’s 15-month Executive Master of  The Statutory Teaching Hospital
        journey with FAU continues today as I  al Open Houses hosted each month to    Health Administration program, visit   designation is granted to all hospitals
        am now an adjunct professor teaching  the first day of a cohort’s first class, stu- or call   with at least 100 or more full-time
        courses in the College’s Executive Master  dents are truly welcomed and individual-         (561) 297-6000.   resident physicians in seven or more
        of Health Administration (EMHA) pro-  ly provided every assistance to ensure                                  graduate medical education programs
        gram, where I am part of the second  guaranteed  advancement  in   the                                        accredited by the Accreditation
        cohort of graduate EMHA students.   Program—a testament of the commit-    Samuel Lin, MD, PhD, MBA, MPA, MS, is  Council for Graduate Medical
          Through the collective experiences I  ment to ensure the next generation of  a Retired Admiral, Assistant Surgeon  Education (ACGME) or the council
        have had thus far, I am thoroughly con-  great health administrators and business  General and Deputy Assistant Secretary in  on Postdoctoral Training of the
        vinced and moved with the integrity and  leaders.                       the U.S. Department of Health and Human  American Osteopathic Association.
        intent of the College’s leadership and  Two areas are representative of the pro-  Services. Upon retirement from the  We are proud of achieving this des-
        astute faculty. While there are many  gram’s dynamic environment: (a)        Services, he was Executive Director of  ignation which speaks to the breadth,
        other EMHA Programs across the coun-  Leadership and (b) Accountability. In  Federal Medical Affairs, for the former  depth and quality of our graduate
        try, I believe this College’s endeavor is  both these arenas, professors serve as  Upjohn Company. He has been a medical  medical education programs,” said
        unique and exemplary because of the  "models and mentors,” where they advo-  affairs consultant since 2000 and currently  Eric Weiss, M.D., Chief Academic
        honest commitment and seasoned versa-  cate a team approach to training stu-  serves as an Adjunct Professor at Florida  Officer and Board Certified Colorectal
        tility of its administrators and faculty  dents. Lessons are taught in a coopera-  Atlantic University’s College of Business.  Surgeon. “Cleveland Clinic Florida is
        who come from diverse and exceptional  tive and coordinated manner ensuring                                   at the forefront of training the next
                                                                                                                      generation of physicians and is com-
                                                                                                                      mitted to improving the quality of
                                                                                                                      healthcare for patients in South
                                                                                                                      Florida, the U.S. and worldwide.
                        FAU Online Graduate Business, Nursing                                                         has 114 residents and fellows in 11
                                                                                                                       Cleveland Clinic Florida currently
                        and Education Programs Ranked in 2018                                                         ACGME accredited programs.
                                                                                                                      ACGME programs include cardiology,
                                                                                                                      colorectal surgery, gastroenterology,
                                   ‘U.S. News & World Report’                                                         geriatrics, internal medicine, nephrol-
                                                                                                                      ogy, neurology, plastic surgery, pul-
                                                                                                                      monary disease, general surgery and
           Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing and College of Education are listed in
         the 2018 U.S. News & World Report national rankings for “Best Online Graduate Programs.”                     anesthesiology.
                                                                                                                       Statutory Teaching hospitals benefit
           FAU’s College of Business climbed from the No. 100 spot in 2017 to the No. 42 spot in 2018 for the “Best Online MBA
         Programs,” and is ranked No. 43 for the 2018 “Best Online Business Programs – Non MBA.” FAU’s College of Nursing is ranked  patients as the academic environment
         No. 39 for the “2018 Best Online Nursing Programs” and is the top ranked program within the Florida State University System.  encourages physicians to seek inno-
         FAU’s College of Education is ranked No. 83 for the 2018 “Best Online Education Programs,” a significant jump from No. 193  vative solutions to patients’ medical
         in 2017.                                                                                                     problems. Attending physicians must
                                                                                                                      stay on top of the latest medical
           “The national recognition that we have received from the 2018 U.S. News & World Report national rankings is a testament to
         our outstanding graduate online business, nursing and education programs offered at Florida Atlantic University,” said Daniel  developments in order to teach med-
         Gropper, Ph.D., dean of FAU's College of Business. “I am delighted to share this recognition with my colleagues in the College  ical students, residents, student nurs-
         of Nursing and College of Education and applaud the faculty and staff in the College of Business for developing and delivering  es and allied health professionals.
                                                                                                                      Studies show that patients treated at
         top-notch graduate online business programs.”                                                                academic medical centers have better
           The 2018 Best Online Programs methodologies are based on a number of factors, including student engagement, faculty cre-
         dentials and student services and technology. Only degree-granting programs at regionally accredited institutions that are offered  outcomes.
         predominantly online were considered.

                                               Coming next month in South Florida Hospital News
                                               and Healthcare Report...

                                               • Annual Salute to Doctors Issue:  Physician Profiles
                                               • Real Estate – Healthcare Design, Construction, Facility Planning,
                                               •Physician Group Practice Management
                                               •Hospital/Physician Relations

                                               For more information on advertising and editorial opportunities,
                                               call (561) 368-6950 today!

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