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                TENET FLORIDA PHYSICIAN SERVICES –                                     TENET FLORIDA PHYSICIAN SERVICES –

                             BROWARD COUNTY                                              SOUTH FLORIDA HEART INSTITUTE -

        Neil Galindez, MD                                                                           PALM BEACH COUNTY

          Dr. Neil Galindez is an experienced cardiothoracic                    Jonathan Kahan, MD
        surgeon with expertise in open and minimally invasive
        surgery for atrial fibrillation (AFib) and heart valve sur-               Dr. Jonathan Kahan is a Registered Physician in Vascular
        gery. In addition, Dr. Galindez specializes in videoscop-               Interpretation (RPVI), the highest standard in vascular
        ic assisted thoracic surgery, percutaneous valve surgery                ultrasound interpretation to examine blockages in arteries
        (TAVR), temporary and long-term mechanical circulato-                   and veins, identify blood clots and evaluate the body’s circu-
        ry support and surgical coronary revascularization.                     latory system. In addition, Dr. Kahan focuses on clinical
        Recently, Dr. Galindez partnered with colleague Dr.                     genetics in cardiology. His understanding of molecular
        Matthew Klein, a cardiac electrophysiologist, to per-                   genetics in cardiovascular diseases helps Dr. Kahan use
        form the first Sub-X Ablation (EP) case in the CON-                     genetic testing to understand each individual patient’s
        VERGENT clinical trial for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AFib), an international  pathogenesis and natural history to diagnose genetic disor-
        clinical trial. During the Sub-X procedure, Dr. Galindez entered the pericardium  ders. As a highly-skilled cardiologist, Dr. Kahan has the
        (fibrous sac around the heart) through a minimal incision just below the rib area to  experience to diagnose and treat heart ailments including hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
        ablate harmful heart tissue on the outside of the heart. Until this time in the trial, the  thy, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), arrhythmias, dyslipidemia as well as preventive
        pericardium was accessed by entering the abdomen first and making a small incision  cardiology. An expert in the evaluation of cardiac conditions, Dr. Kahan’s expertise
        on the diaphragm adjacent to the heart. Now the trial has allowed changes in the pro-  includes pacemaker and defibrillator evaluation, transesophageal echocardiography
        tocol to access the pericardium directly without having to go through the abdomen.  (TEE), echocardiography, cardiac CT, stress testing and nuclear cardiology. Dr.
        Once Dr. Galindez finished his procedure, Dr. Klein viewed Dr. Galindez’s ablation  Kahan’s office is located in Delray Beach at the South Florida Heart Institute. He is on-
        results on a HD monitor by recreating a 3D image of the left atrium in the electro-  staff at Delray Medical Center.
        physiology laboratory and, using an ablation catheter through the patient’s groin,
        ablated any remaining heart tissue causing rapid and irregular heartbeats inside the
        heart’s left atrium where most of the abnormal electrical activity is present. The atrial  TENET FLORIDA PHYSICIAN SERVICES –
        fibrillation was terminated and the patient did well. Dr. Galindez’s office with Tenet
        Florida Physician Services (TFPS) is located in Fort Lauderdale and he is on-staff at     MIAMI-DADE COUNTY
        Florida Medical Center, a campus of North Shore located in Fort Lauderdale, Delray
        Medical Center and Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.                   Miguel A. Diaz, MD, FACC, FSCAI

        Erik Beyer, MD                                                            Dr. Miguel A. Diaz is a clinical and interventional cardi-
                                                                                ologist who specializes in the treatment of adult cardiovas-
          Dr. Erik Beyer specializes in minimally invasive car-                 cular diseases. His areas of interest in the outpatient setting
        diothoracic surgery and minimal access surgery tech-                    include preventive and general cardiology, complex coro-
        niques to treat cardiac ailments affecting the population               nary and structural heart disease, and management of
        in communities across Broward and Palm Beach                            peripheral arterial disease. In the cath lab, he specializes in
        Counties. Dr. Beyer focuses on minimally invasive valve                 complex coronary and peripheral arterial interventions,
        surgeries including mitral and aortic heart valve repairs,              chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention
        transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), aortic                   (CTO-PCI), structural heart disease and transcatheter aor-
        root reconstruction and aortic aneurysm treatments,                     tic valve replacement (TAVR), a new treatment option for
        heart failure surgery, coronary revascularization proce-                people with aortic stenosis which could be an alternative to traditional types of open
        dures like coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and                  heart surgeries. Today, TAVR is a minimally invasive cardiac treatment where a cardi-
        thoracic surgery. For atrial fibrillation (AFib) surgery,               ology team, led by an interventional cardiologist and cardiac surgeon, repairs nar-
        Dr. Beyer’s expertise includes the Hybrid Cooperative MAZE open-heart cardiac sur-  rowed heart valves causing aortic stenosis by opting to insert a new replacement valve
        gery procedure to eliminate AFib as well as the use of the MAPS Ablation Pen to treat  inside of the existing aortic valve instead of removing the diseased valve. Due to the
        harmful cardiac tissue causing heart arrhythmias. Dr. Beyer is certified by the  minimally invasive approach, there is no need for sternotomy, or a heart and lung
        American Board of Thoracic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. He also com-  bypass machine. Dr. Diaz is board-certified in clinical, interventional and nuclear car-
        pleted two separate cardiac transplant/assist device fellowships. Dr. Beyer is trilingual  diology. Dr. Diaz’s Tenet Florida Physician Services office in located in Hialeah and he
        in English, German and Spanish. Dr. Beyer’s Tenet Florida Physician Services (TFPS)  is on staff at Palmetto General Hospital.
        office is located in Fort Lauderdale and he on-staff at Florida Medical Center, a cam-
        pus of North Shore located in Fort Lauderdale, North Shore Medical Center located  Ricardo L. Machado, MD, FACC
        in Miami and Delray Medical Center.
                                                                                  Dr. Ricardo Machado has the cardiology expertise and
                TENET FLORIDA PHYSICIAN SERVICES –                              almost 40-years of experience in the prevention, diagnosis
                                                                                and management of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Machado’s
                            PALM BEACH COUNTY                                   proficiency in cardiac testing includes stress tests and
                                                                                echocardiography helps him build a heart treatment plan
                                                                                unique to each patient. He treats cardiac diseases and con-
        Matthew Klein, MD                                                       ditions including arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, heart
                                                                                attack, hypertension, valvular disease, coronary artery dis-
          Dr. Matthew Klein is an electrician of the heart. As a car-           ease (CAD) and endocarditis. Dr. Machado is an award-win-
        diac electrophysiologist, Dr. Klein focuses in the diagnosis            ning cardiologist; during his medical career he has been awarded the American
        and treatment of heart rhythm disorders. At the forefront of            Medical Association Recognition Award, American Heart Association Distinguished
        cardiac electrophysiology, Dr. Klein is an expert in atrial fib-        Recognition Award and the Palmetto General Hospital Utilization Management
        rillation (AFib) treatment. Dr. Klein performs all types of             Award. He is a member of the Tenet Florida Heart & Vascular Network and Fellow,
        cardiac ablations such as ablation of complex arrhythmias,              American College of Cardiology. Dr. Machado is board-certified in cardiovascular dis-
        hybrid ablation for AFib and cardiac resynchronization                  eases and internal medicine, and is fellowship-trained in cardiology. His professional
        therapy. Highly-skilled in the implantation of cardiac                  experience includes as cardiologist, attending physician, private practice physician,
        devices, Dr. Klein is experienced in WATCHMAN™ left                     associate, echocardiogram laboratory, member, electrocardiogram reading panel, sen-
        atrial appendage closure permanent heart implant to reduce the risk of stroke in peo-  ior attending physician and emergency room physician. Dr. Machado’s Tenet Florida
        ple with AFib not caused by a heart valve problem or non-valvular AFib. In 2017, Dr.  Physician Services office is located in Hialeah and he is on staff at Palmetto General
        Klein and Dr. Neil Galindez, a cardiothoracic surgeon with Tenet Florida Physician  Hospital.
        Services, performed the first Sub-X Ablation Electrophysiology (EP) case in the CON-
        VERGENT international clinical trial for the treatment AFib where harmful heart tis-
        sue in the inside and outside of the heart was ablated.

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