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          Volume 13 • Issue 11• $5.00     May 2017

                                               Health Foundation of South Florida                            

                                              Ushers in a New Era in Grantmaking

                                               BY DANIEL CASCIATO
                                               As the largest not-for-
                                             profit grantmaking organi-
                                             zation dedicated solely to
                                             health in South Florida, the
                                             Health Foundation of South
                                             Florida has been working to
                                             make the region a healthier
                                             place for all residents within
                                             Broward, Miami-Dade and
                                             Monroe Counties. The
                                             Foundation's grantmaking                                                           Rebecca Greenfield
                                             approach facilitates and sup-
                    Paul R. DeMuro           ports efforts at the neighbor-  Peter Wood            Steven Marcus                Medical
                                             hood, county and regional
             The Need for                    levels to improve the health status of underserved individuals and families.  Marijuana in the
                                               Health Foundation of South Florida’s roots trace back to 1960 when Cedars Medical
               More Data                     Center of Miami (now University of Miami Hospital) was founded as a charitable hos-  Hospital Setting:
                                             pital. It became a grantmaking foundation in 1993, when majority interest of the hospi-
                 Analytics                   tal was sold to Columbia /HCA Corporation. More than 120 million grantmaking dol-  Are You Ready?
                                             lars since its inception, Health Foundation continues to work with strong networks of
                                             leaders who share their focus on helping people live healthier lives.
           Professionals in                    “It’s important for us to help create a culture of health that will penetrate the entire
                                             population,” says Steven Marcus, President and CEO for Health Foundation of South  BY REBECCA GREENFIELD
             South Florida                   Florida. “We all need to educate individuals in our community to take responsibility for  With the passing of Florida’s
                                             their own health so they can become literate on the subject and what contributes to
                                                                                                                      Amendment 2 (the approval of medical
                                                                                                  Continued on page 44  marijuana) by 71% of Florida voters, we
             BY PAUL R. DEMURO, PHD
                                                                                                                      can expect a substantial increase in the
                                                                                                                      number of patients certified to use med-
          Increasingly around the country and   Nursing... Nursing... Nursing... Nursing...                                                  1
        in South Florida, employers and other                                                                         ical marijuana in hospitals. As a result,
        stakeholders are looking to hire data                                                                         it is imperative that hospitals take a
        analytics professionals who can critically  Patricia Rosello: CEO with a Heart                                proactive step to develop organization-
        analyze data to help them grow and                                                                            wide written policies and procedures
        manage their businesses and to be more                                                                        regarding the use, storage, and delivery
        effective. Although there are quite a              BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                         of medical marijuana within the hospital
        number of computer science and engi-                                                                          setting. The intention of this article is
        neering programs, and even some infor-  As a nurse, Patricia Rosello possessed the skillset and               not to persuade hospital decision-mak-
        matics programs in South Florida, the  talents to not only provide excellent patient care, but to             ers to adopt any specific course of action
        skills that many employers are looking  also lead an institution as CEO. Today, Rosello serves as             or organizational policy. Rather, its goal
        for increasingly are in the areas of data  CEO for Baptist Outpatient Services, a division of Baptist         is to bring to the forefront operational
        science and data analytics.          Health South Florida, the largest not-for-profit multi-hos-              topics hospitals should consider to suc-
          When I was in Grand Rapids,        pital health care system in the region, headquartered in                 cessfully navigate Florida’s new medical
        Michigan a few months ago on the cam-  Coral Gables, Florida.                                                 marijuana frontier.
        pus of tiny Calvin College (less than  In her role, Rosello oversees 14 freestanding diagnostic                 Under Amendment 2, a Florida resi-
        4,000 students), I noted the school had                 imaging centers, 16 urgent care                       dent may be certified for the use of med-
        offerings in both areas. When I met with                  centers, one express care, an                       ical marijuana if he or she is diagnosed
        the President of Claremont McKenna                           executive health program,     Patricia Rosello   with a debilitating medical condition,
        College (CMC) in Southern California                          four sleep, two endoscopy                       receives a written certification from a
        (less than 1,400 students) a few weeks  Salute to               and four ambulatory surgery joint ventures centers. In  licensed Florida physician, and obtains
        later, I was advised that CMC was devel-                        addition, Baptist Outpatient Services has 1,061  an ID card from the Florida Department
        oping an interdisciplinary computer sci-  Nurses               employees, over 839 medical staff physicians and more  of Health. A debilitating medical condi-
        ence program, focusing on data analyt-                         than 5,692 referring physicians.               tion is defined as “cancer, epilepsy, glau-
        ics. CMC is seeking to equip students in  See pages 16-41        Rosello joined Baptist Health South Florida in 1997  coma, positive status for human immun-
        the liberal arts with the ability to critical-                  as the Vice President for Ambulatory Services with  odeficiency virus (HIV), acquired
        ly analyze data in their chosen fields.                        responsibilities over the diagnostic imaging and urgent  immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS),
          In the last year and a half, I conducted                   care centers.  Prior to that she worked at Pan American  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
                                                                                                                      amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),
                         Continued on page 13                                                     Continued on page 40                 Continued on page 15

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