Page 5 - May 2017
P. 5

Connecting People, Resources at Heart of SFHHA’s Mission

                  BY VANESSA ORR             She learned of the SFHHA through its  Through the SFHHA,                              working opportunities,
                                             former president, Linda Quick. “I’m  Dr. Viamonte Ros has                             Dr. Viamonte Ros also
          For Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D.,     good friends with Linda; we served on  been able to work with                         appreciates the organiza-
        M.P.H., the medical director of bioethics  several charity boards together, including  other members to get                tion’s focus on legislative
        and palliative care for Baptist Health,  Camillus House, which I’ve been  the word out about                               issues and education.
        being a member of the South Florida  involved with since I was a medical stu-  issues that are impor-                      “They keep us aware of
        Hospital & Healthcare Association    dent,” Dr. Viamonte Ros explained. “She  tant to her. “Through                        every issue coming down
        (SFHHA) means having access to people  invited me to several events, and I was  Camillus  House,  I                        the pike,” she said.
        and resources that are vital to her busi-  very impressed with the coming together  became interested in the                 “The organization is
        ness.                                of all different types of stakeholders; I  subject of human traf-                     always current about
          “Some people join organizations    liked the way that it connected the dots  ficking,” she explained.                    what’s happening that
        because they want it on their curriculum  between people, resources and mis-  “As a national board                         will affect healthcare
        vitae, but this is a working organization  sions.”                        member    with   the                             providers.”
        in the sense that it helps you conduct  In her position at Baptist Health, Dr.  American Medical Wo -                        While   she  greatly
        everyday business, provides important  Viamonte Ros works with entities   men’s Association, I                             admired Linda Quick’s
        resources, and introduces you to incredi-  throughout the health care continuum,  worked with students  Dr. Ana M. Viamonte Ros  leadership of the organi-
        ble connections in community,” she   and the SFHHA has helped her to make  from the FIU School of                         zation, Dr. Viamonte Ros
        explained. “When I’m struggling with an  important connections. “I deal with the  Medicine to create a video and power  is pleased with Jaime Caldwell’s work in
        issue, it gives me the opportunity to dis-  inpatient world and the needs of patients  point to share in hospital ERs all across  the same role. “Linda was a very, very
        cuss how others dealt with similar situa-  in the outpatient world,” she explained.  the country that informs patients and  strong leader, and Jaime has proven to be
        tions. I can’t tell you the number of times  “It’s wonderful to be able to partner with  providers of signs of human trafficking  the same,” she said of the organization’s
        that I’ve called Jaime Caldwell (presi-  professionals providing home health care  and community resources to help.  new president. “He is very innovative
        dent) or Lourdes Barroso (director of  and hospice care, among others. My  Through the SFHHA, I was able to get  and extremely receptive across the board
        program development) and they’ve con-  membership in SFHHA enables me to  help displaying the information across all  about ways to conduct meetings and top-
        nected me with the help I needed—the  make connections to many different  member organizations free of charge, so  ics to be considered. You are only as good
        association is an amazing resource.”  types of professionals who can provide  that everyone could learn about the issue  as the people who support you, and both
          Dr. Viamonte Ros joined the organiza-  services that no one single entity can  and be on the same page.”    Jaime and Lourdes are consummate pro-
        tion three years ago as a board member.  provide.”                         In addition to providing great net-  fessionals.”

                       SFHHA 11th annual

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    May 2017                            5
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