Page 8 - May 2017
P. 8

Michel Credits Leadership, Staff for

                                  Continued Growth of Larkin Programs, Facilities

                                       Charter School latest addition to hospital’s holdings

            BY VANESSA ORR                                 Sciences and College of  they graduate, they will continue to work  added, noting that minorities make up 80
                                                           Health Sciences. This  together.”                          percent of this population.
          When Jack Michel, M.D.,                          past August, the hospi-  While educating medical professionals  In addition to Larkin’s educational pro-
        joined Larkin Community                            tal opened its College  is a priority, it is also important to encour-  grams, the hospital expanded its medical
        Hospital in South Miami in                         of Pharmacy, the first of  age younger students to enter the medical  facilities as well. Larkin holdings now
        1998, his first few years                          its kind in Miami, and  field. To this end, the hospital was recently  include Larkin Community Hospital, with
        were spent streamlining                            the only one offering a  approved by the Miami Dade County  campuses in South Miami and Palm
        operations to ensure quality                       three-year PharmD pro-  Public School Board for the Larkin Middle  Springs/Hialeah; the 50-bed Larkin
        of care in the 112-bed med-                        gram in Florida. It is  School for the Health Sciences, a charter  Behavioral Health Services in Hollywood;
        ical/surgical/psychiatric                          now recruiting for its  school for sixth- to eighth-graders that will  Floridian Gardens assisted living facility;
        facility. Once that was                            second class. These   prepare them for degrees in health sci-  the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood
        accomplished, the president                        schools are part of the  ences and offer mentorships in the field.  Hills; five imaging centers in Miami-Dade
        and chairman of the board                          new Larkin University,  The school, which will open this August,  County, and Larkin Home Health Services
        turned his attention toward     Dr. Jack Michel    a not-for-profit affiliate  will be tuition-free for Miami-Dade  with two locations in Miami-Dade and
        providing services that were                       recently approved by  County residents.                    Broward counties.
        missing in the market—something that  the Commission for Indepen dent      “We saw a big education deficit in terms  “When we identify a gap in care, we
        still drives him today.              Education of the Florida Department of  of reaching middle and high school stu-  make it a part of our mission,” said Dr.
          “In order to compete in this industry,  Education.                     dents in public schools who were interest-  Michel, crediting Larkin’s growth to
        you need to look for things that aren’t  “One of the reasons behind this invest-  ed in healthcare, but who didn’t have the  human resources and leadership. “If you
        provided by other hospitals, and post-  ment in education is that we believe that  means to go to private schools to get  don’t have people in key places in the C-
        graduate medical education was one of  working in silos is one of the primary  exposed to health careers and mentoring,”  suite, this type of growth won’t happen;
        those things,” he explained. “That led us  causes of hospital errors,” said Dr.  said Dr. Michel. “Statistics show that our  you need leadership that understands the
        to starting residency programs, and we’ve  Michel. “We bury a population the size of  workforce doesn’t represent the popula-  vision and executes it.
        since become the third largest statutory  Miami every year because of these errors,  tion here; Hispanics and African-  “We also have 2,000 employees, each as
        teaching hospital in Florida, ranking  which are the result of a lack of communi-  Americans are underrepresented. That  important as the other, who are all ambas-
        only behind UF Health Shands in      cation among healthcare providers.  means that we’re not doing a good job of  sadors of Larkin and continually think of
        Gainesville and Jackson Health System in  “By offering interprofessional education,  getting these students involved in health-  ways to grow and provide more services,”
        our number of residents and training  where medical residents, pharmacy stu-  care careers.                   he added. “Not all of our projects are
        programs.”                           dents and nursing students all work   “Our pharmacy students, nursing stu-  money-making, but as long as we can be
          Following that success, Larkin contin-  together to help patients, we move away  dents and medical residents are a very  fiscally responsible, we will continue to
        ued to expand, establishing the Larkin  from this silo mentality,” he continued.  diverse group, who will serve as great role  grow to meet the changing healthcare
        School of Nursing, College of Biomedical  “When students are trained that way, after  models to our charter school students,” he  needs of our community.”

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         8                         May 2017                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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