Page 43 - May 2017
P. 43

Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades

         Florida                                                                  Coral Gables Hospital

         Medical                                                                  Honors DAISY Award
         Center                                                                   Winner Norma

         Names New                                                                Salomon, RN
         Winner of                                                                  As a nurse at Coral Gables Hospital, Norma

         Daisy Award                                                              Salomon has some of the most important traits a
                                                                                  nurse should have. She shows compassion,
         for                                                                      patience and excellent communication skills.
                                   Tri Nguyen, DCQI; Pedro Ramos, DBD; Mary Grimes,  Norma is being recognized for being a team play-  Jonathan Fraginals, Director of
         Extraordinary             Director of Neurology Services; Esther Morris, CHRO;  er and collaborating with her fellow nurses with  Telemetry and Norma Salomon
                                                                                  the goal of delivering the best possible patient
         Nurses                    Norviene Stewart, nominator; Trey Abshier, CEO; Pat  outcomes. The patients frequently compliment the excellent care that she gives. She
                                  Rosenberg, CNO; Sharon Balasco, Daisy Award Honoree;
                                                                                  loves what she does and is truly making an impact on people’s lives.
                                  Mathew Garner, COO; Michelle Henry, NICU RN; Frank
           Sharon   Balasco,  a
         nurse at Florida Medical              Vittimberga, MD, CMO
         Center, is being recog-                                                  North Shore Medical
         nized with the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses for being a team player and col-
         laborating with fellow nurses to deliver the best care for her patients. Sharon was  Center Recognized
         nominated by a family member of a patient that recently passed away. She was select-
         ed for going above and beyond the call of duty and the family member that nominated  For Outstanding
         her even came back to the hospital for the award ceremony.
                                                                                  Improvement in

         Delray Medical                                                           Patient Satisfaction
         Center Inducts
                                                                                    North Shore Medical Center was
         Pharmacy Buyer                                                           honored with the “Outstanding      (l-r) Trevor Fetter, Chief Executive Officer of
                                                                                  Improvement in Patient Satisfaction”  Tenet Healthcare; Lourdes Black, Pharmacy
         Into the Tenet                                                           award during Tenet’s Hospital      Buyer Delray Medical Center; Mark Bryan,
                                                                                  Strategy Conference Awards Dinner.
         Heroes Hall of                                                           This award recognizes hospitals that  Chief Executive Officer St. Mary’s Medical
                                                                                  achieved the greatest percentage    Center; Eric Evans, President of Hospital
         Fame                                                                     improvement in their total Patient       Operations Tenet Healthcare.
                                                                                  Satisfaction Score, which represents a weighting of inpatient, outpatient and ED
           Delray Medical Center honored   (l-r) Trevor Fetter, Chief Executive Officer of  patient satisfaction. “Part of our ability to improve the patient experience at North
         Lourdes Black, pharmacy buyer, by  Tenet Healthcare; Lourdes Black, Pharmacy  Shore is a committed teamwork approach and that all of our employees are fully
         inducting her into the Tenet Heroes  Buyer Delray Medical Center; Mark Bryan,  engaged in providing service excellence to our patients,” said Manny Linares, chief
         Hall of Fame, Tenet Healthcare     Chief Executive Officer St. Mary’s Medical  executive officer. First and foremost, he is known as a CEO who is hands on and
         Corporation’s highest honor for     Center; Eric Evans, President of Hospital  “owns” the patient experience which transcends to all employees within the organi-
         employees. Black led the develop-       Operations Tenet Healthcare.     zation. North Shore has a Service Excellence Department that oversees the entire
         ment of a supply chain strategy that                                     patient experience for every patient on a daily basis. This team works to achieve the
         saved Tenet’s Miami Dade market $4 million in 2016. The project helped streamline  goal of 100% satisfaction during every patient’s hospital stay.
         the pharmacy supply chain, control costs and lessen the impact of drug shortages on
         patient care. Her process is scheduled for companywide rollout soon.
           She also organizes departmental food and clothing drives to help less fortunate col-
         leagues and community members. In addition, Black assisted a colleague by organiz-
         ing, decorating and paying for her wedding. The wedding would not have been finan-
         cially or physically possible without Black’s support.

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