Page 44 - May 2017
P. 44

Cover Story: Health Foundation of South Florida
             A Special Thank
                                             Ushers in a New Era in Grantmaking
                 You to the
                                             Continued from page 1                                  safe streets for all users and safe and convenient places to exercise.
                  April 2017                 good health. In particular, health professionals and health  The Foundation believes that your economic, social and physical
                                             providers need to work hard to support people from illness and  environments can have a much greater impact on your health.
           Host of the South                 treat them in a way that creates health and wellness.”   With that in mind, greater emphasis is being placed on enabling
                                               To further improve the health of residents and communities,  neighborhoods to promote health.
                                                                                                      In 2014, $7.5 million was allocated to the City of Miami
           Florida Healthcare                Health Foundation recently revised its grant application process  Gardens and the neighborhood of Little Havana as part of the
                                             to offer a more innovative community engagement format with
                                             even greater opportunities for nonprofit organizations working to  Foundation’s Live Healthy Community Partnerships initiative to
           Networking Group                  improve health. Funding opportunities are now available on an  reduce poor health outcomes by engaging community residents
                                             ongoing basis. Previously, there were two grant cycles per year in  to improve selected public health indicators.
                                             which nonprofit organizations could submit a concept paper and  “Pete and I regularly visit the mayor of the city of Miami and
                                             a preliminary proposal for a health-related project to the  elected officials of the City of Miami Gardens to report on the ini-
                                             Foundation.                                            tiative and what improvements we can make,” says Marcus.
                                               “We've changed the paradigm so at any point during the year  “We're constantly seeking feedback as to how the Foundation is
                   FLORIDA                   you can submit a concept paper,” says Peter Wood, Vice President  doing as we engage in these initiatives because we believe in a
                                             of Programs and Community Investments for the Health   very collaborative process between Health Foundation and the
                   MEDICAL                   Foundation of South Florida. In addition, Wood notes that when  organizations we work with.”
                                             applicants are developing their projects, they will now have the  If you’d like to work with Health Foundation of South Florida
                    CENTER                   guidance and support of the Foundation's program staff to discuss  and have an idea for a health-related initiative or project and want
                                             the project prior to final submission.                 to pitch a concept paper or proposal, Wood recommends to be
                                               “This new process will allow us to assign a staff person to sit  sure to convey the importance of sustainable change.
                                             down with the applicant and talk about what will be the keys to  “We encourage you to think about the long-term impact of
              For information about          success,” he explains. “In essence, it’s a collaborative effort to help  whatever changes you’re proposing,” he says. “In addition, think
                                             develop the project. The goal is to produce a product that hope-  about how we can work together as a community to ensure that
               our next meeting of           fully will be stronger and will benefit from input from this inter-  there is a long-term impact of whatever you want to initiate.”
                     SFHNG,                  active and collaborative process.”                       Marcus adds that the Foundation is not looking just to create
                                               This collaborative mindset is an aspiration Health Foundation  programs, fund them for a couple of years and then have them go
                    please email                                                                    away. “Our Board of Directors strives to embed change in what we
                                             strives to achieve, according to Marcus. “Our Foundation makes
                     charles@                collaboration a priority whether it’s with an individual or any of  do in each initiative so we can ultimately improve health in the
                                             the nonprofit provider agencies we work with,” he says.   communities we’re working with.”
                                               For example, Marcus cites Health Foundation of South Florida’s
                                             Live Healthy Community Partnerships which targets the     Funding opportunities are featured in the Grants section of Health
                                             improvement of community health policies and systems such as        Foundation of South Florida website at
                                             access to healthy foods, nutrition and physical activity in schools,

                                                                                Coming Next Month...
                                                 Healthcare Real Estate Update •Disaster Planning Guide
                                                               For advertising information, call Charles Felix at 561-368-6950

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