Page 31 - January 2021 South Florida Hospital News
P. 31


                                                         Cannabis Spotlight

         Christopher Peppe                                                        cians our goal is to keep them updated and educated on new products, new processes,
                                                                                  and new dispensary locations.
         Lead Community Outreach Specialist
         Liberty Health Sciences                                                  How can people in Florida benefit from the company you represent?
                                                                                    People in Florida can benefit greatly from Liberty Health Sciences. If you are a current
         What benefits do you see for patients                                    patient and have not visited a LHS dispensary , I would encourage you to do so! First-
         throughout Florida within this space?                                    time patients receive a phenomenal discount of $75 off their $150 purchase. We also
           I feel that the freedom of having your medical marijuana               offer over 150 different products store wide ranging from topicals, vapes, concentrates,
         card in Florida is like having the master key . Once a patient           flower, and more! Lastly , we offer all new patients the option to sit down and have a one-
         has their card, they have the freedom to tackle any aliment              on-one personalized consultation with one of our Patient Liaisons.
         they may have. With the help of our large variety of high-
         end medical cannabis products a patient can change their                 How did you get started within the cannabis industry?
         quality of life for the better. If a question ever arises while   Christopher Peppe  Two years ago, I was able to witness the benefits of medical cannabis with a friend. I
         visiting a LHS dispensary , feel free to ask one of our highly           became so interested in what this plant could do and wanted to join the industry .
         trained Patient Liaisons for assistance.                                   After college, I began looking into different dispensaries and enjoyed the Liberty
                                                                                  Health Sciences model. They always put the patient first, ensure all employees are
         What motivates you to be a part of the cannabis Industry?                trained and treat all team members with respect.
           The cannabis industry is inspiring! I love explaining to others what the industry truly
         encompasses and how we strive to help individuals achieve the best life possible. In my   Are you personally a MJ card holder?  Yes, I am.
         role as a Community Outreach Specialist, my main goal is to educate non-patients on
         the benefits of medical marijuana and how the program functions in Florida. During my   Do you see Florida moving forward with recreational
         time with LHS, there are countless success stories, patients, physicians and liaisons have   Marijuana/cannabis and how will that affect your business?
         shared with me.                                                            The cannabis industry is always changing and as a provider, we must adapt and
                                                                                  change with it. I am not sure if Florida will move forward with recreational cannabis but
         What field are you in within the cannabis space?                         regardless of the outcome, we hope to continue providing quality cannabis for our
           I am the Lead Community Outreach Specialist for Liberty Health Sciences. I work   patients and consumers.
         hand in hand with the physicians in the central Florida area and attend events to edu-
         cate others on the benefits of cannabis products offered at LHS. When visiting physi-

        Back Cover Story:  Homecoming:

        Cannabis Executive Looks Forward

        to Becoming Significant Contributor

        in Home State

         Continued from page 32
           “Green Dragon promises every patient a welcoming and non-intimidating
         cannabis experience in all of our dispensaries,” he says. “We also guarantee the best
         product selection, highest quality and most competitive prices in Florida. We
         believe cannabis is way too expensive in the Florida medical market and we can’t
         wait to be able to bring more affordable medical cannabis to our patients.”
           Levine adds that Green Dragon plans to be one of the largest cannabis companies
         in the state in the next few years, and guarantees that it will have the best prices,
         products and service.
           “I think we’re going to be able to shake things up a bit in the Florida medical mar-
         ijuana market,” he says.
           In the short term, he says their goals are to wrap up its first big harvest in January
         and to continue opening dispensaries around the state.
           “We’re in this business for the long-run, unlike many other cannabis companies,
         and we plan to be one of the biggest dispensaries in Florida,” he says.

                                            For more information, visit

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         Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                             January 2021                          31
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